More democratic process in awarding of medals

  • Thread starter Gza
  • Start date
In summary, the members of the forum have decided that humanino and marlon should receive medals for their outstanding contributions.
  • #1
I think the medal system is a great way to honor those who take time out of their busy days to help students learn more effectively, or post creative ideas that even experts can learn from. I think that instead of mentors being the only ones able to decide who gets the recognition, we (all the members of the forum) should have a way to nominate certain people we see who stand out, but still don't get noticed. Also, as was mentioned in the "medals" post, I think a greater variety of medals should be created (medals for Math, Chem, Biology, and Philosophy all come to mind).
Physics news on
  • #2
If you think there is someone deserving, post it here, the nomination will be discussed by the Mentors. I believe that awarding the medals is an ongoing process, we did a very quick selection in the first round picking the easy and obvious. I am sure that there are others who deserve a medal that were missed in that first round. I am also sure, due to the changing nature of the forum, and human nature, that there will always be someone who should have one that does not. I would request that if you feel you deserve a medal, please be patient, continue posting physically (or scientifically) sound information, while we sort out the ones that have been missed.

BTW: I have posted this without consulting Greg or Chroot, If they disagree with this post, I am sure they will let us know. :)
  • #3
Right on Integral,

I too have have been posting on a regular basis from the moment I signed on to this forum, yet not received a medal.

I think that the people who already have a medal should decide whether a potential candidated should be rewarded or not. In the mean time, anyone who wants a medal can do only one thing : post marvellous answers to ,eeuuhh "intelligent" questions

  • #4
I didn't mean to come off as being disappointed at not receiving a medal (i'd actually be pretty surprised if I did receive one, since I'm just a lowly undergrad, and nowhere near being a science expert :blushing: ) I've just noticed a few people on the homework help sections who take up a lot of slack in answering tons of questions with excellent advice. I'll be sure to mention them here (everyone else should do the same.)
  • #5
I think we shouldn't lose sight of the bigger picture, by getting upset because you didn't get a medal. Nobody on the street will congratulate you because you have a medal on a forum.

Continue helping people, make informative, funny, interesting or insightful replies. And gradually people will notice if you're making a contribution. If you're an old, humorless nag then people will notice it too.
  • #6
If you're an old, humorless nag then people will notice it too.

Hey! Let's not get personal!
  • #7
Integral said:
Hey! Let's not get personal!

That wasn't intended for you nor to the 99 percent of mentors /members.
  • #8
The_Professional said:
That wasn't intended for you nor to the 99 percent of mentors /members.
No problem :smile:

Likewise my first post was not pointed at anyone in particular but to all in general.
  • #9
Simple Answer:
If you don't have a medal yet and want one continue to help people with correct answers in specific areas of study
  • #10
As was mentioned, feel free to nominate members.

Also, we periodically hold a "members award" thingy where everyone gets to vote on things like "physics expert", "most helpful", "whitest teeth" (kidding), etc. It's been a while since our last one. Perhaps we'll do another soon.
  • #11
There are a few other people who I think probably desvre medals, but the one that mainly springs to mind is humanino.
  • #12
Can i have a medal? :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #13
musky_ox said:
Can i have a medal? :smile: :smile: :smile:

Hmmm, i don't think it is going to work like that. :rolleyes:

Can't blame a guy for trying though, :cool:

  • #14
I think Marlon deserves a medal for the clarity and depth of his answers to many very difficult topics on these forums - particularly as regards qft and qm and nuclei and particles.
  • #15
I nominate marlon...: ) esp. for his help in quantum and nuclei and particles boards. Besides marlon, humanino...
  • #16
Thanks Rothiemurchus and misogynisticfeminist for the support. Glad to hear my answers are "somehow" usefull. :biggrin:

marlon :cool:
  • #17
Heyyy Humanino,

When are we going to get our medal ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I know you want one tooo... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :devil:

marlon :smile:
  • #18
I too, would like to add that marlon and humanino have been very helpful with physics questions. :smile:
  • #19
Congratulations to our newest medal recipients:


You all have been deserving medals for a while now -- thanks for your patience, and thanks so much for being a huge part of what makes PF special!

Keep those nominations coming!

- Warren
  • #20
In addiiton, I have changed the language from "Science Expert" to "Science Advisor" to make sure no one feels burdened by being labelled an "expert." The meaning of the medal has not changed.

- Warren
  • #21
"advisor" is much better choice than "expert" :smile:
  • #22
thanks for the honor

Thank you so much. This is a great honor for me. :blushing: I will now have to be very careful, for the sake of PF's reputation. :shy: I first came here, because I wanted to test myself in the answers I proposed. Apparently, I did not commit to many mistakes. :smile: I could never have deserved the "expert", but I love the new "advisor". We are only discussing, the least i can say is no authority from my part.

I would also like to say that PF is now a cherished place in my heart, for several reasons. Communicating science is very important and very difficult, and PF is very efficient to do that. Especially thanks to all the true expert who give of there precious time. I already learned a lot here, and hope that will continue.

I will also have to improve my english.
  • #23
humanino said:
I will also have to improve my english.
Or maybe we should all work on improving our French. Oui? :wink:

Thanks again for your contributions! And of course, feedback like yours let's us know we're on the right track. :smile:

- Warren
  • #24
Also from my part,

a lot of gratitude for this beautiful recognition. It is indeed an extra motivation to keep on posting marvellous answers :-p

Humanino, n'ayez pas peur !, ton anglais est vraiment parfait... :smile:

marlon :cool:
  • #25
Congratulations to all of the new award winners!
  • #26
Evo said:
Congratulations to all of the new award winners!

Grazie, bella bellissima Evo

marlon :cool:
  • #27
arildno said:
"advisor" is much better choice than "expert" :smile:

I heartily second that. There are folks here that truly deserve the title of 'Expert', but advisor is apt and has a nice ring to it too.
  • #28
marlon said:
Grazie, bella bellissima Evo

marlon :cool:
How many languages do you speak Marlon?
  • #30
Evo said:
How many languages do you speak Marlon?

Dutch (verstaat ge ??), English, French, Italian (learned this in evening classes and i have a lot of italian friends at college, besides i love opera : nessun dorma nessun dorma, tu pure o principessa nella tua fredda stanza (G. Puccini , La Boheme)) and a little bit German (aber nicht sehr gut) :-p

  • #31
I just want to chime in as well that I like the change to advisor rather than expert. It's a little less intimidating :wink:
  • #32
marlon said:
Dutch (verstaat ge ??), English, French, Italian (learned this in evening classes and i have a lot of italian friends at college, besides i love opera : nessun dorma nessun dorma, tu pure o principessa nella tua fredda stanza (G. Puccini , La Boheme)) and a little bit German (aber nicht sehr gut) :-p

Its pretty clear that Europe has way to many languages in way to small an area. When are you guys going drop all of those archaic variations of Latin and adopt a modern Language...English of course.

BTW I speak all languages except Greek.

They are all Greek to me!

Now I will hide in the corner waiting for a hail of rotten tomatoes with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek!
  • #33
Integral said:
Its pretty clear that Europe has way to many languages in way to small an area. When are you guys going drop all of those archaic variations of Latin and adopt a modern Language...English of course.

BTW I speak all languages except Greek.

They are all Greek to me!

Now I will hide in the corner waiting for a hail of rotten tomatoes with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek!

I believe that Alaska has (or had) a much higher number of languages than Europe. Something like 500 inuit languages.
  • #34
NateTG said:
I believe that Alaska has (or had) a much higher number of languages than Europe. Something like 500 inuit languages.
India (>600 still going strong today), Australia (>1,000, though many now extinct), but New Guinea takes the gold medal (>3,000?)
  • #35
Integral, what a stupid remark my dear friend

Not all these languages come from Latin, man, you are way off here.
Besides this is a consequence of history and there is nothing to do about that.
We don't want to speak English, we want to speak our own language in our own country...

marlon, who speaks English when talking to a native English-speaker... I ain't got no problem with that...please do accept other cultures...LOL

and i agree with Nereid and Nate

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