Multiplication of Path Classes and the Fundamental Group

In summary, Chapter 7 of John M. Lee's book discusses composable paths and the multiplication of path classes. The reason for defining the fundamental group in terms of equivalence classes of paths is because the multiplication of paths is not associative, inverses do not exist, and an identity does not exist unless homotopy classes are considered. Additionally, the concept of paths being completely rigid does not align with the idea of studying properties of topological spaces that are invariant under bending or stretching. Therefore, homotopy classes of paths are the appropriate way to capture the idea of a path up to bending or stretching.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
In Chapter 7 of John M. Lee's book on topological manifolds, we find the following text on composable paths and the multiplication of path classes, [itex] [f] [/itex] ... ...

Lee, writes the following:
In the above text, Lee defines composable paths and then defines path multiplication of path classes (not paths themselves) ...

Why does develop the theory of the fundamental group in terms of equivalence classes of paths (loops) ... why not just define a group in terms of composable paths ...?

Hope someone can clarify this matter ...



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  • #2
The technical reason is simply that you don't get a group (or groupoid if you want to define it on all composable paths not just the paths with some fixed beginning=end point) because this multiplication is not associative, inverses don't exists and an identity does not exist unless you take homotopy classes. As a simple example, The path [itex] I(s)=p_0 [/itex] is not the identity since for any loop [itex] \gamma [/itex] at [itex] p_0 [/itex], the path
[tex]( \gamma \cdot I)(s) =\begin{cases} \gamma\left(\frac{s}{2}\right) & 0\leq s\leq \frac{1}{2} \\ I(2s-1)=p_0 & \frac{1}{2}<s\leq 1 \end{cases} [/tex]
is not the same as the path [itex] \gamma(s) [/itex]. The image of these two paths over the whole domain is the same subset of [itex] X [/itex], but a path is by definition a function and these are different functions. They are homotopic though so on equivalence classes this is an identity. Similar problems also come up for the other group properties.

If you want a more conceptual reason for considering homotopy classes, one of the main ideas in algebraic topology is to consider properties of topological spaces that are invariant under bending/stretching etc. But a path, being a function from one set to another, is completely rigid and even moving just one point the slightest bit yields a different path. Since we are trying to study only those properties which are invariant under bending/stretching etc., this means paths really aren't the appropriate thing to be concerned with and the right way to capture the idea of a path but only up to bending or stretching it is via homotopy classes of paths.
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  • #3
Terandol said:
The technical reason is simply that you don't get a group (or groupoid if you want to define it on all composable paths not just the paths with some fixed beginning=end point) because this multiplication is not associative, inverses don't exists and an identity does not exist unless you take homotopy classes. As a simple example, The path [itex] I(s)=p_0 [/itex] is not the identity since for any loop [itex] \gamma [/itex] at [itex] p_0 [/itex], the path
[tex]( \gamma \cdot I)(s) =\begin{cases} \gamma\left(\frac{s}{2}\right) & 0\leq s\leq \frac{1}{2} \\ I(2s-1)=p_0 & \frac{1}{2}<s\leq 1 \end{cases} [/tex]
is not the same as the path [itex] \gamma(s) [/itex]. The image of these two paths over the whole domain is the same subset of [itex] X [/itex], but a path is by definition a function and these are different functions. They are homotopic though so on equivalence classes this is an identity. Similar problems also come up for the other group properties.

If you want a more conceptual reason for considering homotopy classes, one of the main ideas in algebraic topology is to consider properties of topological spaces that are invariant under bending/stretching etc. But a path, being a function from one set to another, is completely rigid and even moving just one point the slightest bit yields a different path. Since we are trying to study only those properties which are invariant under bending/stretching etc., this means paths really aren't the appropriate thing to be concerned with and the right way to capture the idea of a path but only up to bending or stretching it is via homotopy classes of paths.
Thanks for the help Terandol ...

Reflecting on what you have said,

Thanks again,


Related to Multiplication of Path Classes and the Fundamental Group

1. What is the significance of multiplication of path classes in topology?

The multiplication of path classes is an operation that combines two path classes into a new path class. In topology, it is used to define the fundamental group, which is a fundamental tool for understanding the topological properties of a space. Multiplication of path classes allows us to explore the connectivity and structure of a space through its fundamental group.

2. How is multiplication of path classes related to the fundamental group?

Multiplication of path classes is used to define the fundamental group of a topological space. The fundamental group is a group of symmetries of a space, and the multiplication of path classes is the operation that defines the group's composition law. This means that the fundamental group is a set of path classes under the operation of multiplication.

3. Can you give an example of multiplication of path classes in action?

Imagine two paths in a topological space, one starting at point A and ending at point B, and the other starting at point B and ending at point C. Multiplying these two paths would result in a new path from A to C, which is the combined effect of the two original paths. This new path is a multiplication of the two original path classes and belongs to the fundamental group of the space.

4. How does multiplication of path classes help us understand the topology of a space?

Multiplication of path classes gives us a way to study the connectivity and structure of a space through its fundamental group. By looking at the different path classes and their products, we can determine the number of holes or handles in a space, its orientation, and other topological properties. This allows us to classify and distinguish between different topological spaces.

5. Are there any limitations to using multiplication of path classes in topology?

While multiplication of path classes is a powerful tool in topology, it does have its limitations. It can only be applied to path-connected spaces, and the resulting fundamental group is only a topological invariant for homotopy equivalent spaces. This means that while multiplication of path classes can help us understand the topology of a space, it cannot distinguish between spaces that are homotopy equivalent.

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