My black hole white whole dark matter/energy reversed time theory.

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of black holes and the known composition of the universe, which includes dark energy and dark matter. The individual then presents their own theory that proposes that what goes into a black hole comes out as dark energy and matter from a white hole in another dimension. The theory also suggests that time may be reversed in this other dimension. The individual acknowledges that their theory may not align with current physics and asks for feedback. The forum rules are also mentioned, which state that discussion of new or non-mainstream theories must be based on published peer-reviewed research.
  • #1
Hello Forum!

I am new to this, and I would like to share my own theory of the description in the title.

Today we have almost come to the conclusion that black holes do exist, and that we also know that the universe is filled up by approx 73% dark energy and 23% dark material, that we don't know the origin of, we only know it has gravitational forces that interact with our own universe, that is expanding, faster and faster.

We also "know" that no matter that goes IN to a black hole ever goes out, all we see is the radiation trails from it, the actual large scale masses, just disappears, or stays there, indefinitely.


My theory is that what goes into a black hole, goes out from a white hole and becomes dark energy/matter. The dark energy on the white hole side of the equation is what we see as the dark energy gravity force.

On a quark-level all that goes into a black hole gets ripped apart down the building blocks quarks, and goes out of the white and is reassembled in a NATURAL way on that side of the black whole which is a white hole, which means the gravity force that is applied to the building block of the quarks being reassembled is anti-gravitational forces so the natural way for them to be reassembled is into anti-quarks.

Which then makes them increase the anti-gravitational force I label on the dark-energy.

What makes all of this seemingly possible is for our universe to be infinite, and made up of 2 or more universes in 2 or more dimensions. Our "white universe" in one dimension, and the "black universe" with white holes in another, where, to make this possible, TIME goes backwards. So from our point of view, our universe is expanding and sucked into black holes. But from the "black universe" point of view OUR universe is the "black universe" that has white holes.

This is my theory of how it COULD be, and I am no physics student so I have no Idea about how many laws of thermodynamics I might have violated, but I would be grateful for any thoughts into the possibility of my theory.

A SciFi Physics Amature :P
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  • #2
Forum Rules...

PF Admin said:
Overly Speculative Posts:
One of the main goals of PF is to help students learn the current status of physics as practiced by the scientific community; accordingly, strives to maintain high standards of academic integrity. There are many open questions in physics, and we welcome discussion on those subjects provided the discussion remains intellectually sound. It is against our Posting Guidelines to discuss, in most of the PF forums or in blogs, new or non-mainstream theories or ideas that have not been published in professional peer-reviewed journals or are not part of current professional mainstream scientific discussion. Personal theories/Independent Research may be submitted to our Independent Research Forum, provided they meet our Independent Research Guidelines; Personal theories posted elsewhere will be deleted. Poorly formulated personal theories, unfounded challenges of mainstream science, and overt crackpottery will not be tolerated anywhere on the site. Linking to obviously "crank" or "crackpot" sites is prohibited.

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FAQ: My black hole white whole dark matter/energy reversed time theory.

1. What is the concept behind your black hole white whole dark matter/energy reversed time theory?

My theory proposes that the universe is cyclical and that black holes are actually portals to a parallel universe where time runs in reverse. This parallel universe is filled with white holes, which are the opposite of black holes and emit matter and energy instead of absorbing them. Dark matter and dark energy play a crucial role in this cyclical process, as they are responsible for the creation and destruction of these parallel universes.

2. How does your theory explain the existence of black holes?

In my theory, black holes are not just massive objects with strong gravitational pull, but they are also gateways to a parallel universe. As matter and energy are pulled into the black hole, they are transported to the parallel universe where time runs in reverse. This explains why black holes seem to be "absorbing" matter and energy, as they are actually sending it to the parallel universe.

3. Can you provide evidence for your theory?

There is currently no direct evidence for my theory, as it is still a hypothesis. However, some observations in astrophysics, such as the behavior of black holes and the distribution of dark matter, can be explained by this theory. More research and data are needed to fully support this concept.

4. How does your theory fit in with current understanding of the universe?

My theory is a new and alternative perspective on the universe, and it does not contradict any current understanding. In fact, it offers an explanation for some phenomena that are still not fully understood, such as the behavior of black holes and the nature of dark matter and dark energy. It also suggests the possibility of multiple universes, which is a concept that is being explored in modern physics.

5. Has your theory been tested or peer-reviewed?

As a scientist, I believe in the importance of rigorous testing and peer-reviewing of theories. Currently, my theory is still in its early stages and has not been formally tested or peer-reviewed. However, I am continually conducting research and gathering evidence to support my hypothesis. I welcome feedback and criticism from other scientists in the field, as it can help refine and strengthen my theory.

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