My First Days of College: Confronting Extreme Partying

  • Thread starter Entropy
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In summary, the person is unhappy with their dorm situation and has issues with the people there. They are looking for a more peaceful place to study.
  • #1
Well, what can I say? My dorm is crazy! My first night at college, BAM! Football fanatics, bad music, beer bongs, cigerettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pot, perverts, and sluts. And that's just in my room. I'm pretty passive and tolerent but this is ridiculous. EVERYONE, smokes and drinks, and most people smoke pot. I'm stuck and can't change dorms. Most of the people are fairly friendly and stuff, but this is just way to extreme for me. I've dealt with drugs and stuff before but this is different because you can't help but associate with it, seeing how you're no more than 10ft from the action at all times.

I tried to be open-minded and understanding but most of the people simply don't have any respect for themselves or others. The first night, my room mate banged some random ugly chick, at 3am, in our room while I was trying to sleep. He says she is ugly as hell but she was the only chick he could find that night, and he says he will take any women he can get his hands on, just because he 'has' to have it. The next day my room mate and some of his friends (two of them), who are crashing in our 10x10 room for the next week, and I had just woken up after 2 hours of sleep. That same chick was back and my room mate keep pulling her skirt down and of coarse she had no underwear on. So as I was trying to hold in my throw-up from her fat ass my room mate friends just kicked back and enjoyed the show. Of coarse the next night he had a different chick, but the next morning a different girl was in bed with him.

I don't hate these people. I'm just way too different. I'll enjoy knocking back a few brews and socializing, but I also like to have lots of quiet time so I can read and study. They almost NEVER sleep. They drink from 11am toBut, reading quantum physics while guys play Madden NFL, listen to rap, and chugging beers just doesn't seem right. Right now the libraries are closed, but I was able to get into a bookstore. I ended up sitting in there and reading "Road to Reality" for 5 hours.

God help me! Hopefully I'll meet some people I can relate to once school starts. But according to gossip, parting doesn't stop once school starts around here.
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  • #2
Thats the problem with roommates. Hit and miss. Mostly miss.

Just ask them to tone it down during certain hours. Say that you don't mind if he parties during a certain time period, but you DEMAND that a certain block of time has absolute peace and quiet.

Most people (even stoners) are reasonable. Give it a shot.

If all else fails, complain to the housing department. You shouldn't have to put up with that when you pay money to stay in res.
  • #3
I'm sorry you half to put up with that. Things might calm down a little, if not, you'll need to find a quite place to study. Be glad your not drawn into it, so many are. Get a good set of ear plugs until you can find a nitch to be comfortable in.
  • #4
welcome to college?
  • #5
If you want we'll all come and kick there a$$.
  • #6
Most people (even stoners) are reasonable. Give it a shot.

Most are pretty reasonable. But not as much after 10 beers.

Be glad your not drawn into it, so many are.

Well, they did con me into doing a beer bong (two cans worth). Not as bad as you would think. But still can't believe I did it. I still don't drink half as much as they do. Most I've done is three in one hour, and 8 in one day.

I absolutely won't smoke ANYTHING and don't believe in sex before marriage.
  • #7
Entropy said:
I absolutely won't smoke ANYTHING and don't believe in sex before marriage.

From what I have seen college is all about sex for most of the freshmen... :smile:
  • #8
Yeah, I was mistaken for thinking people go to college to learn and better themselves. :rolleyes:
  • #9
Entropy said:
Yeah, I was mistaken for thinking people go to college to learn and better themselves. :rolleyes:

Oh you naive little man. You'll soon learn that universities don't have living areas, they just many many many mini-bars and sex shacks :-p
  • #10
Entropy said:
Yeah, I was mistaken for thinking people go to college to learn and better themselves. :rolleyes:
That is true for only nerds that hang out at a place called physicsforums :smile:
  • #11
Kick them all out of your room! Tell your roommate if he wants to stay up all night with the women he meets, to go to their place, and next time he comes back with someone, get up, turn on the lights, pick up their clothes and throw them out in the hallway and tell them to go to a motel; that should get the message across loud and clear.

Don't you have non-smoking dorms? Where do you go to college? Good lord, if I had to put up with stuff like that when I was in college, I'd have had to kick butts (and I don't mean the cigarettes either). They're probably all in your room because everyone else's roommates already kicked them out and you're the only one not saying anything. That's just beyond unacceptable. And if they're coming in with pot and drugs and you don't want anything to do with it, call the campus police. They'll learn really quickly to take their crap someplace else.
  • #12
wait no screw it. Get an apartment! Get some like-minded non-STD factories and go in on an apartment. This probably won't work right now but maybe next semester or next year :)
  • #13
School hasn't even started yet, so who cares right now.

I'm not a partyer myself, but if I had no financial worries and no school, I'd be drinking most of my time away too. It's fun.

Of course, I do it to a certain extent, so I can actually read a book the next day.

Note: Getting high is better than getting drunk, so why not try it. I was all in the never-smoke-pot thing, but once I hit college I didn't bother anymore. I smoked up maybe 6 times, and the last time was 2-3 years ago. I didn't go overboard, which you can obviously tell by the numbers. I may do it again, but I certainly don't fear it. It really is fun. Unfortunately, I wouldn't do it with your roommates because they seem like the type of people that would get you doing it everyday.

If you really hate this, change rooms or say something to someone.
  • #14
Wasn't there some sort of prefrosh weekend where you could check out what things would possibly be like beforehand?
  • #15
mattmns said:
That is true for only nerds that hang out at a place called physicsforums :smile:
oh, I fell nerdy now
  • #16
Perhaps talk to your RA. From the sounds of it he allows this stuff. If not, he could help you out. The year is going to be long and hellish if you do not put your foot down. You think it's bad now? Imagine a year of it. And the longer you allow it to happen, the harder it will be to address. Like others have suggested, talk to your roomate and try to come to a set of rules that you will follow. Otherwise throw them out of your room like said before. It's your room!
  • #17
Perhaps talk to your RA.

HA! the RAs go out drinking with them.

Don't you have non-smoking dorms?

You can only smoke outside, near the pool. But people smoke pot inside for obvious reasons, but they blow it out the window so the smell won't last.

Where do you go to college?

FSU. I stay at an appartment off-campus but it is right next to the university so you can walk there in like 5 minutes. Techniquely it's an appartment, but it's made to be like a dorm. You aren't suppost to drink beer inside your room but people do it anyways and the RAs don't care. And they let you drink outside by the pool, but only if it's in a plastic cup (don't know why).

Getting high is better than getting drunk, so why not try it.

Because smoking weed can get you arrested and thrown out of school, that's why. I don't know how they handle weed up in Canada, but in the US they go crazy over it.

I'd be drinking most of my time away too. It's fun.

Of coarse it's fun. You think people like me don't do these things because we don't think we'd enjoy them?

Going around screwing all the women you meet and doing crack and other drugs. It's fun at the moment. The point is that it is bad for your health in the long run. It's called responsiblity. It's the difference between adults and children. Drinking and smoking doesn't show maturity or prove that you're a man, if anything it makes you less of one.

Don't you see? That time you spend drinking is wasted. Why not invest that time doing something productive? That's the one of the major reasons excessive drinking and drugs are bad is because they make you content with being bored. There isn't anything wrong with knocking back a few cold ones while you grill with family and friends. But drinking 15 beers in your dorm because you don't have anything better to do is.

If you really hate this, change rooms or say something to someone.

Can't change rooms now. My parents aren't going to waste $6,000 for housing me for a week and then spend anoth six grand on another appartment. It isn't like you can just refund the money. If changing my mind and [could] get my money back I'd have cost them the profit of one room, because by now, no one else is looking for places to stay seeing that school starts tommarrow.
  • #18
First days of college? :rolleyes: How boring! :zzz:
  • #19
Entropy said:
FSU. I stay at an appartment off-campus but it is right next to the university so you can walk there in like 5 minutes. Techniquely it's an appartment, but it's made to be like a dorm. You aren't suppost to drink beer inside your room but people do it anyways and the RAs don't care. And they let you drink outside by the pool, but only if it's in a plastic cup (don't know why).

Eek. Isn't FSU the second-largest party school? Not exactly the most promising statistic for someone who wants to excel academically at a university.

Entropy said:
Going around screwing all the women you meet and doing crack and other drugs. It's fun at the moment. The point is that it is bad for your health in the long run. It's called responsiblity. It's the difference between adults and children. Drinking and smoking doesn't show maturity or prove that you're a man, if anything it makes you less of one.

Unfortunately the high school immaturity extends to college as well... one would think that some people would grow out of it but apparently they don't. I prefer to stay level-headed at all times, so I don't drink. Not to mention that it is quite illegal for someone my age to be drinking as well, but it does happen (my best friend is complaining of a similar situation of sorts that is happening where he is at).
  • #20
Eek. Isn't FSU the second-largest party school? Not exactly the most promising statistic for someone who wants to excel academically at a university.

Last year they were the third largest. But this year they didn't even make the list, for some reason. But their physics department is one of the best in the country. I can't wait to visit the Dirac Library. It opens tommarrow.
  • #21
Entropy said:
Last year they were the third largest. But this year they didn't even make the list, for some reason. But their physics department is one of the best in the country. I can't wait to visit the Dirac Library. It opens tommarrow.
Yeah, and I bet your roommates are pissed, and they are going to help FSU make the top of the list this year. Woooo! YEAH! :smile:
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  • #22
Entropy said:
HA! the RAs go out drinking with them.
Then go over the heads of the RAs. There should be an actual staff member who oversees the RAs (maybe one per building or one for a group of buildings who has real authority, not just the pseudo-authority of an RA), or just call your dean of students and complain that the RA isn't doing his job. The RA should be more responsible, and you'll never survive your first year if your RA doesn't do anything about the chaos around you. Maybe you can find some other resident who is more similar to you and whose roommate is more similar to your roommate and get permission to switch rooms/roommates. But that still won't solve the problem of a building that's too noisy for you to sleep/study in.
  • #23
motai - I thought you were going to FSU this year. Maybe you should get an apartment with Entropy. Sounds like you'd be good fits for each other, roommate-wise.
  • #24
I'd say it is definitely time to lay down the law. If you are intimidating to him, threaten to beat his ass; most potheads are pushovers anyways. If your RA doesn't care, your RD will, they are there for a career and usually are mid 20s or older. The University is on your side, so get them into it if need be. I spent a year in the dorms with some of the same problems and I'd say the worst thing you could do is to be suttle about your problems. A year is a long time and you will grow to hate every one of them if you don't draw the line soon. The library is a great place to study and is open late. I don't think dorm rooms are good places to study in the first place.

You thought college was about learning?, oh boy, you have a lot to learn... :smile:
  • #25
Entropy said:
They drink from 11am toBut, reading quantum physics while guys play Madden NFL, listen to rap, and chugging beers just doesn't seem right.

Why, have you even considered doing al that stuff yourself, while studying quantum physics?

Anyway, you might take confort in the fact that after the first year all the major bozo's will be weeded out. I respect people who can party all year and still pull through (seems rather pretentious because I seem to fit in this category, but hey), but idiot who are only in college to party and don't go nowhere deserve a good kicking and can't be gotten rid of soon enough (Hint : entrance exams...)

Besides, all good and well if you chose to party, that's no reason to bug people who just want to study in their homes.

That's one problem with the high drinking age in the US. At least here, people get insanely drunk in bars, and don't have to bother people in dorms.
  • #26
Dimitri Terryn said:
That's one problem with the high drinking age in the US. At least here, people get insanely drunk in bars, and don't have to bother people in dorms.
I don't really think it's the drinking age. I never had to put up with such insanity in college, and the drinking age was the same then. The people who wanted to party went to the frat houses or off-campus apartments. And yes, those who went completely wild with partying their first semester also ended up on academic probation at the end of that semester, and many were kicked out by the end of their first year. However, we also didn't have all-Freshman dorms, and I think that really makes a difference (the college switched to having all-Freshman dorms while I was in grad school, and there was a dramatic change in student attitude and noise levels in that year, which was really a headache for the residence life staff).
  • #27
juvenal said:
motai - I thought you were going to FSU this year. Maybe you should get an apartment with Entropy. Sounds like you'd be good fits for each other, roommate-wise.

Actually I'm attending UF right now, the educational quality is practically the same and it is a little closer to home than Tallahassee. Nevertheless, both are huge campuses, and it's hard trying to filter oneself through the crowd :shy:.

Some of my friends from high school are attending FSU right now though, and the competitive rivalry between UF and FSU hasn't really caught on for me since I'm not a football fan, I'm mainly in it for the physics program :biggrin:.

Of course, I still have to be accepted by the College, then the department, and then the nifty courses, but all in due time.
  • #28
I'm not quite clear about the US sequence of education. People on this forum seem to use 'college' and 'university' both at the same time. So before i can reply to entropy's OP. I ask: What's the difference between college and university in the US?
  • #29
Bladibla said:
I'm not quite clear about the US sequence of education. People on this forum seem to use 'college' and 'university' both at the same time. So before i can reply to entropy's OP. I ask: What's the difference between college and university in the US?

They are the same. From what I understand what you call college we call high school. College in the United States is post secondary education and is the same as what you would call University. When we say university we are usually talking about a particular college that is called a university in its name, like Florida State University. That is the name of that college.

I hope that helps..
  • #30
If nothing else works, you might consider transfering, entropy. I have never even heard of anything remotely approaching your situation at my school. There are definitely huge differences between schools. I think I've only seen alchohol maybe three times in my two years here, and I also lived in all freshman dorms. One time some people next door pretended to have alchohol as a joke on the RA and he flipped out. Maybe my school is too far at the opposite extreme, but I'm sure you could find a school right for you.
  • #31
Good news, it started to calm a little down once classes started. This is the first time I've seen my room mate sober and he seems pretty different. Amazing how much one can change when they drink. And it looks as if some of the people are settling down.

Also went to my first classes. Freshman English and General Physics. Of course physics will be fun, but I was actually most suprised with english. I think I might actually have fun writing. I know I don't believe it either!

Then I have Ancient Mythology tonight. I'm eager to see how that will be.

One more thing. My physics book apparently costs $500! I have no idea why, but I don't think anyone will be buying one. Our teacher isn't making it mandator this year for obvious reasons.
  • #32
Entropy said:
One more thing. My physics book apparently costs $500! I have no idea why, but I don't think anyone will be buying one. Our teacher isn't making it mandator this year for obvious reasons.


What is the text is that? I just bought my University Physics 11th ed for 133.70 and I was, what the crap

What is worse is my linear algebra book is tiny compared to that physics book but it cost me 118.85...

In fact the cheapest book I had to buy cost me 60 some dollars... :mad:
  • #33
Bladibla said:
I'm not quite clear about the US sequence of education. People on this forum seem to use 'college' and 'university' both at the same time. So before i can reply to entropy's OP. I ask: What's the difference between college and university in the US?

A university is a collection of colleges. Common examples are College of Arts and Science, College of Medicine, College of Engineering, etc. All under the same University and usually sharing the same campus. So when you graduate you get a degree from your college under the University.

It's the same in the UK, Oxford University e.g. is divided up into a rather large number of colleges.

Where are you from and how does it work there?
  • #34
I know what people mean when they use university and college interchangeably but I am international also and the way that I know it is that a university is comprised of one or more colleges, and a college is comprised of schools or departments.

Entropy if that is what you are going through I have two things to say:
1. you are no better off than living on the street
2. i should be happy for my setting because everything is nice and quite here at FIT.

I was supposed to be living in a shared room but I didn't want to deal with those roomate issues so as soon as my housing coordinator told me that a single room was available in a four bedroom suite i took it. Luckily all the other suitemates were academically inclined.
  • #35
Entropy said:
Because smoking weed can get you arrested and thrown out of school, that's why. I don't know how they handle weed up in Canada, but in the US they go crazy over it.

They don't really mind in Canada. They are actually opening the very first Pot Bar in Hamilton.

You can go on and diss Canada all you want, but let's not make this some stupid war. I back up Canadians and Americans, so I'll have a hard time choosing sides even though I am Canadian.

Besides, I never bought it. I just smoked it. Like I said, 6 times in my life. That makes me very immature. :rolleyes:

Entropy said:
Of coarse it's fun. You think people like me don't do these things because we don't think we'd enjoy them?

Going around screwing all the women you meet and doing crack and other drugs. It's fun at the moment. The point is that it is bad for your health in the long run. It's called responsiblity. It's the difference between adults and children. Drinking and smoking doesn't show maturity or prove that you're a man, if anything it makes you less of one.

Don't you see? That time you spend drinking is wasted. Why not invest that time doing something productive? That's the one of the major reasons excessive drinking and drugs are bad is because they make you content with being bored. There isn't anything wrong with knocking back a few cold ones while you grill with family and friends. But drinking 15 beers in your dorm because you don't have anything better to do is.

I never said go around and screw women. I treat women with better respect than that, which is sad because most of them don't really demand respect.

Bad for my health? You don't sound like a healthy person to me because you didn't even mention going to the gym as one your activites. Seems to me that you sit around all day reading books. That must be GGGREEEAAATTT!

I go to the gym 2 times a week right now, but it will be 3-4 times soon because I don't work 60 hours a week anymore. I explained this in another thread. I eat relatively healthy too, but I just came out of a slump because it wasn't easy eating after breaking up with my gf. My main concern was just eating at the time.

Who said drinking and smoking is irresponsible? Did I not mention I would just drink to a certain extent because I would like to read a book the next day?

If you're trying to come out as a responsible mature freshmen, well you're doing a bad job.

Just because you don't smoke or drink, it does not make you responsible or mature. I personally wouldn't let anyone smoke in my room, apparently you would, and that my friend is irresponsible.

You should have looked into it first, which would have been the RESPONSIBLE THING TO DO! Now, you just screwed yourself.
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