My Surprising Super Geek Score: Reflections on the Geek Stereotype

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In summary: I collect slide rules, but I have a few calculators too. I have an HP15C (circa 1984, hand made in the USA), HP32SII (the best RPN scientific calculator ever made), and HP48GX (the most powerful calculator ever made).In summary, the conversation revolves around the participants discussing their geekiness and how they scored on a geek test. They also talk about the difference between a geek and a nerd and share their collections of slide rules and calculators. Some participants express disappointment with their scores while others embrace their geekiness.
  • #1
I've always thought of geeks as low-IQ stereotypes. Imagine my disappointment when I scored at the Super Geek Level on this test . :frown:
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm a major geek.
  • #3
What is the primary difference between a Geek and a Nerd, which one would be more likely to have a slide rule in pocket, and do either of these constitute a squirrel ?
  • #5
I'm a total geek. Nothing to cry about.

- Warren
  • #6

Paden Roder
  • #7
I'm just a geek. But I already knew I was one of those (I laughed that I got extra points at the end for being a female geek). Hate to break it to ya, but anyone on these boards has to be at least somewhat geeky or they wouldn't think this was a fun place to hang out :biggrin:
  • #8
Major. Extra points for my calculator collection, I suppose. Geez! Like there's anything weird about that!
  • #9
Geek : 20%
  • #10

Extra points for privileges at an academic library while not a student.

(But... how do people live without access to academic libraries? :biggrin:)
  • #11
good god that's a lot of questions...

based on the first 2 sections I am a geek
  • #12
Super Geek!
  • #13
geek 20%

Only interested in Computer stuff :-D
  • #14
Strange.. I only had Geekish tendencies (12%)
  • #15
Major Geek reporting for duty. :smile:
  • #16
Just a geek for me.

BoulderHead asked:
What is the primary difference between a Geek and a Nerd, which one would be more likely to have a slide rule in pocket, and do either of these constitute a squirrel ?

Strange they didn't have one question about strange eating habits. Technically, a geek is a carnival performer who bites the heads off of live chickens or snakes to entertain the crowd.

Math Is Hard:
Major. Extra points for my calculator collection, I suppose. Geez! Like there's anything weird about that!

Digital or analog? I collect the analog calculators (and I do have a pocket-size one that I sometimes carry). I only have about a dozen, but just about all of them are the really good ones. A couple of Post Versalogs (including my Dad's slide rule that I learned on after he got his first digital calculator), a Post 1491 (a chemical slide rule which is extremely interesting and almost more effective than a digital calculator for Chemistry classes - especially if the book is written by Chang, whom I suspect may be a collector himself, judging by how all the problems seem to be optimized for slide rule solutions), a Hemmi 255 Electrician's slide rule, a Hemmi 259 (the sister slide rule of the Post Versalog), an Albert Nestler 23R (the favorite of Werner VonBraun and Albert Einstein), a couple of Soviet Gosts (the equivalent of the AN 23R), and the big dog of slide rules: the Faber Castell 2/83N Novo-Duplex rule (size does matter).

:rolleyes: Uh, maybe I better go back and add a couple of extra points.
  • #17
BobG said:
Just a geek for me.

BoulderHead asked:

Strange they didn't have one question about strange eating habits. Technically, a geek is a carnival performer who bites the heads off of live chickens or snakes to entertain the crowd.

Math Is Hard:

Digital or analog? I collect the analog calculators (and I do have a pocket-size one that I sometimes carry). I only have about a dozen, but just about all of them are the really good ones. A couple of Post Versalogs (including my Dad's slide rule that I learned on after he got his first digital calculator), a Post 1491 (a chemical slide rule which is extremely interesting and almost more effective than a digital calculator for Chemistry classes - especially if the book is written by Chang, whom I suspect may be a collector himself, judging by how all the problems seem to be optimized for slide rule solutions), a Hemmi 255 Electrician's slide rule, a Hemmi 259 (the sister slide rule of the Post Versalog), an Albert Nestler 23R (the favorite of Werner VonBraun and Albert Einstein), a couple of Soviet Gosts (the equivalent of the AN 23R), and the big dog of slide rules: the Faber Castell 2/83N Novo-Duplex rule (size does matter).

:rolleyes: Uh, maybe I better go back and add a couple of extra points.

How in th world did you not get at least Major Geek!
:smile: :confused:
  • #18
31 % - Total geek.

I was rather disappointed. I was shooting for a bit of a higher score. I think what hurt me was unchecking, "I think this quiz is cool."
  • #19
Super Geek. Worst part is...I've taken this test before. Its good to be a geek :biggrin:
  • #20
I think the reason why I didn't score enough here is that I threw away my Vesuvan Doppelgangers years ago, along with the Mahamoti Djinns and the rest of that stupid card game..
  • #21
Just a geek (24+%) on the cusp. Plusses, my career in programming, my math background, and my interest in self educcation. Minuses, no games at all, except Trivial Pursuit, at which I am properly geeky. Also little or no TV.
  • #22
Artman said:
How in th world did you not get at least Major Geek!
:smile: :confused:

I think you have to be a multi-dimensional geek to score well on this test. It covers several different categories: math geeks, computer geeks, gamers, trekkies, etc. If you rated by category, I'd rate pretty high on the math category, maybe at least make it on the scale in the computer category, and score around zero for most of the other categories (except maybe history or useless trivia).

Besides, collecting slide rules is a little like collecting art, except more functional.
  • #23
I think anyone who completes that test is a geek :eek: too long!
  • #24
I achieved a 19% and am only a regular Geek.
  • #25
19.9211%, Geek
  • #26
I can't believe that there are not higher levels of geekdom among our members.

I think some people are in denial of their true geekiness. :wink:
  • #27
I think BobG has the right view:
There's only mono-geeks around here.
  • #28
11,24% Geekish tendencies.
  • #29
BobG said:
Digital or analog? I collect the analog calculators (and I do have a pocket-size one that I sometimes carry).

Mine are all digital but I am looking for an abacus for my collection. I might build one if I can't find one I like.
Hey, Bob - maybe you should create a coffee table book about slide rules. What a great gift for the engineer who has everything! :biggrin:
I would totally buy a copy for my Dad.
  • #30
They didn't ask, "Do you time how long it takes to mentally calculate logarithms to 4 digit accuracy, in order to determine your blood alcohol level ?" Damn them !
  • #31
Damn I'm one of the higher ones! 42%!
  • #32
25% - Total Geek :biggrin:
  • #33
Evo said:
I can't believe that there are not higher levels of geekdom among our members.

I think some people are in denial of their true geekiness. :wink:

I was surprised by this too. I've always accepted myself as a geek, so was shocked that I didn't score very high on that quiz. However, I think that quiz is confusing geek with nerd. All those questions about gaming seem like more nerdy activities than geeky things to me. I don't know if others have this distinction in their mind, but I tend to think of geeks as people who have a lot of technological/scientific interests, the ones who like to learn and share what they've learned just because. I think of nerds as those who completely lack social skills, who live in their own world, possibly virtual, who take things like gaming as too much of their reality. Basically, I guess my distinction is that nerds are maladjusted and geeks are just intellectuals. Most of the folks around here seem fairly well balanced as people, and it seems the test doesn't know how to account for us.
  • #34
Bravo ! My exact sentiments.
  • #35
Ditto. I'm no computer/game person. I'm into math and physics. I don't even know how to play anything but solitare.

I am composed of 20% Geek.

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