My Surprising Super Geek Score: Reflections on the Geek Stereotype

  • Thread starter recon
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In summary: I collect slide rules, but I have a few calculators too. I have an HP15C (circa 1984, hand made in the USA), HP32SII (the best RPN scientific calculator ever made), and HP48GX (the most powerful calculator ever made).In summary, the conversation revolves around the participants discussing their geekiness and how they scored on a geek test. They also talk about the difference between a geek and a nerd and share their collections of slide rules and calculators. Some participants express disappointment with their scores while others embrace their geekiness.
  • #36
Entropy said:
Damn I'm one of the higher ones! 42%!

Oh my gosh, I had a 43+%
Physics news on
  • #37
22.68245% - Geek

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #38
Gee, I would have thought that a person who goes around calling himself "The Bob" would have scored higher on the quiz...

FYI, reserves the copyright to anything you post here...

- Warren
  • #39
38.65878% - Major Geek

Its odd that some sections I left almost blank and other sections I almost completely checked all the boxes (especially in the "I Like To" and "I Want To (2)") sections. Probably also a sign of geekyness considering that in the last sentence I closed all brackets and quotations.
  • #40
Not quite. :biggrin:
  • #41
chroot said:
Gee, I would have thought that a person who goes around calling himself "The Bob" would have scored higher on the quiz...

FYI, reserves the copyright to anything you post here...

- Warren

Me too. :smile: :biggrin: What does FYI stand for?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #42
for your information
  • #43
Gokul43201 said:
for your information

Ok, Cheers.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #44
hmm 4.33925% - Poser ...

Oh well. I should have got an extra 10 for doing the test lol. That was ages long.
  • #45

well, that's because I don't watch star trek (or comics) and neither play with my computer?
  • #46
32%--what was all that about star trek and comic books? -_-
  • #47
What is the meaning of GEEK? Does it mean Freak ?
  • #48
Saint said:
What is the meaning of GEEK? Does it mean Freak ?

Hard to explain. It is sort of a freak in the way that they are a genius because they work hard unnecessarily. They normally stay at home and do nothing but computers and maths. I know that is very stereotypical but it is the best way I can describe it in writing.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #49
32.5 % total geek. highish... but I'm not really a geek, i just try to be. but i guess trying to be a geek is almost as geeky as being one!
  • #50
10.45365% - I have geekish tendency. Bow before me, nerds!
  • #51

I perfer Nerd
  • #52
Oh by the way

recon said:
I've always thought of geeks as low-IQ stereotypes. Imagine my disappointment when I scored at the Super Geek Level on this test . :frown:

You are on A Forum--- Physics forums posting about a Geek test you took. By now I didn't even have to see the results. What about being a geek surprised you.. Look at us
  • #53
Tom McCurdy said:
You are on A Forum--- Physics forums posting about a Geek test you took. By now I didn't even have to see the results. What about being a geek surprised you.. Look at us

*Coughcough* Look at YOU guys. I have geekish tendencies, but so does everyone. Apart from the real geeks. That fact that I post on PF is no relation to this :rolleyes:
  • #54
Wow, I thought that I was going to score really high, but I only got regular Geek.
  • #55
Dissident Dan said:
Wow, I thought that I was going to score really high, but I only got regular Geek.

I think you care too much about making the world a better place to score much higher :wink:

fisipavia said:

well, that's because I don't watch star trek (or comics) and neither play with my computer?

Civilian2 said:
hmm 4.33925% - Poser ...

Oh well. I should have got an extra 10 for doing the test lol. That was ages long.

You both get an extra 10 points for complaining about not scoring higher. Clearly you must be geeks if you're worried about a low score on that quiz! :biggrin:
  • #56
Tom McCurdy said:
You are on A Forum--- Physics forums posting about a Geek test you took. By now I didn't even have to see the results. What about being a geek surprised you.. Look at us

I attribute my high geek score to having an interest in both movies and science.

I have more than 100 DVDs in my DVD collection. I thought that having an interest in movies would "balance" out my other geekish interests. By the way, I've watched around half of all Friends Episodes. That should make me a NON-GEEK!

I'm so bored at school that I don't do my homework and frequently skip school to stay at home and watch TV. I've not turned in a single mathematics homework in 2 years.

I think I should have been labelled a cool-geek by the test! :approve:
  • #57
is a person who likes pornography a porn-geek?
  • #58
Saint said:
is a person who likes pornography a porn-geek?

Eh? Please do not digress from the topic of this thread.
  • #59
Determine Your Geek Decade

There's another geek test someone recommended me to take. JOIN THE GEEK REVOLUTION! Determine your geek decade at

I'm a 1970s geek.
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  • #60
I was initially declared a 1950's geek. If I change one answer from a rational answer to an experiential one, then I'm a 1960's geek, go figure... :smile:

Strange considering I wasn't alive in the 50's and don't remember the 60's (no, not for that reason). :-p
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  • #61
I'm A 1970s Geek

Though, I had trouble with that one question that said "being geeky is all about..." There was no all of the above choice!
  • #62
4.14201 % - Poser

man that test was so long...!
  • #63
I'm A 1970s Geek - heck, I was born near the end of that decade. :rolleyes:

Yeah, the "being geeky" question ...
  • #64
Moonbear said:
I'm A 1970s Geek

Though, I had trouble with that one question that said "being geeky is all about..." There was no all of the above choice!

MoonGeek, ... who was who said, "Once you have reach Geek Status, it is only then you have obtained being comfortable who you are?"

I also am a 1970s Geek - loved every single minute of it. ~Love Werdas'
  • #65
I'm also a 1970's geek.
  • #66
what is geek?
  • #67
Etymology of a Geek

Etymology: probably from English dialect geek, geck fool, from Low German geck, from Middle Low German
Date: 1914
1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
2 : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of
- geeky /'gE-kE/ adjective


  • Pic of Geeks.jpg
    Pic of Geeks.jpg
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  • #68
No, i think the definition of 'geek' more close to what the quiz mean is:
- "A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept."

Got a Total Geek ( 25.64103% ) ... I'm surprised! I thought I'm the king of all geeks.
  • #69
1970's geeks? Dang, in 1970 I was -17 years old. I'm 17 years old now, so that's double my lifetime ago...

I don't mean to call anyone old. :redface:

According to that test, I'm a 23% Geek. Which means I'm a geek, but not much of one. But I ticked lots of boxes!

But some questions were pretty dumb. Look: "I have wished for a lightsaber". WHO HASN'T?!? :confused:

And even more proof that they're silly: "I like to browse the dictionary to learn new words." I mean COME ON! Everybody does that! Right? *Not so sure anymore* :eek:

I'm not a geek :cry: I WANT TO BE ONE!

Sorry for the outburst. Thankyou for your patience. :blushing:
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  • #70
Geek! I didn't even think I'd make the grade.

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