Need help with rotational problems/angular speed

In summary, the wheel turns through 4 revolutions at 20rpm/s. To find the final angular speed, you need to find the time it takes to turn 4 revolutions.
  • #1
HI, i have three problems that i have tried but failed here they are

Homework Statement

SOLVED 1.) A wheel turns through 4 revolutions while being accelerated from rest at 20rpm/s.
a)find the final angular speed b) find the time it takes to turn 4 revolutions

2.) A potter's wheel is a stone disk 85 cm in diameter with a mass of 120 kg. If the potter's foot pushes at the outer edge of the initially stationary wheel with a 80 N force for one-eighth of a revolution, what will be the final speed? Use the work-energy theorem.

3.)A 320 kg motorcycle includes two wheels, each of which is 52 cm in diameter and has rotational inertia 2.1 kg·m2. The cycle and its 74 kg rider are coasting at 87 km/h on a flat road when they encounter a hill. If the cycle rolls up the hill with no applied power and no significant internal friction, what vertical height will it reach?

Homework Equations

1.) omega final^2= omega initial squared +2a(angular position)/ omega final=omega initial +at
2.) I used W=1/2I wf^2 -1/2I wi^2
3.) tried using the v center of mass= sqrt of (2mgh)/(M+I/(R^2))

The Attempt at a Solution

for the first one i plugged in everything but i get the wrong answer i think its because of the revolutions, but i changed that to rad and the 20rpm/s i left it since the answer has to be in rpm
2.) SInce it told me to use the work energy theorem i tried pluggin in the 1/2mr^2 for I sicne its a disk and 80N for W as well as the 120kg for mass but... i keep getting the wrong answer... did i use the wrong equation or?
3.) for number I am not sure if the equation is the correct one.. i tried plugging in the numbers but then for mass i plugged in 320+74 too have the combined mass of 394 and changed the 87 km/h to 24.2 m/s but the answer was wrong so that didnt work I am stumped...

thank you in advance
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi silentsaber! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have an omega: ω and an alpha: α and a theta: θ and try the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
silentsaber said:
1.) A wheel turns through 4 revolutions while being accelerated from rest at 20rpm/s.
a)find the final angular speed b) find the time it takes to turn 4 revolutions

1.) omega final^2= omega initial squared +2a(angular position)/ omega final=omega initial +at

for the first one i plugged in everything but i get the wrong answer i think its because of the revolutions, but i changed that to rad and the 20rpm/s i left it since the answer has to be in rpm

ωf2 = ωf2 + 2αθ is the right equation …

and all the given units are in revolutions, so that's ok, no need to change to radians …

perhaps you didn't convert α from rpm/s into rps/s ? :wink:
  • #3
would teh accleration then be 2.094rps? not sure what to do about the bottom second because i tried inputting that and got it wrong as well =/
  • #4
silentsaber said:
would teh accleration then be 2.094rps? not sure what to do about the bottom second because i tried inputting that and got it wrong as well =/

(you mean 2.094rps2)

nooo … you've included a 2π … you don't need to :smile:
  • #5
omg THANX!

Related to Need help with rotational problems/angular speed

1. What is rotational motion and how is it different from linear motion?

Rotational motion is the movement of an object around an axis or point. It involves circular motion and can be seen in objects like wheels or planets. It is different from linear motion, which involves movement in a straight line, because rotational motion follows a circular path.

2. How is angular speed different from linear speed?

Angular speed is the measure of how quickly an object in rotational motion is turning, while linear speed is the measure of how quickly an object is moving in a straight line. Angular speed is measured in radians per second, while linear speed is measured in meters per second.

3. What is the relationship between angular speed and linear speed?

The relationship between angular speed and linear speed is that they are directly proportional. This means that as the angular speed increases, the linear speed also increases. The conversion between the two can be calculated using the formula v = rω, where v is linear speed, r is the radius of the circular path, and ω is angular speed.

4. How do you calculate angular speed?

Angular speed can be calculated by dividing the angle through which an object has rotated by the time it took to rotate through that angle. This can be written as ω = Δθ/Δt, where ω is angular speed, Δθ is the change in angle, and Δt is the change in time.

5. What are some common examples of rotational motion in everyday life?

Some common examples of rotational motion in everyday life include the rotation of a bicycle wheel, the spinning of a top, the orbit of planets around the sun, and the movement of a ceiling fan. Other examples include the rotation of tires on a car, the spinning of a record player, and the rotation of a wind turbine.
