Nontrivial Normal Subgroup in Finite Groups with Index Constraints?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, a normal subgroup is a subgroup of a group that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the group. A nontrivial normal subgroup is a proper subgroup that is also invariant under conjugation. A finite group is a group with a finite number of elements. The index of a subgroup is the number of cosets of the subgroup in the group. If the index is divisible by the group's order, it means that the number of cosets is a multiple of the number of elements in the group. If a finite group has a nontrivial normal subgroup and its index is not divisible by the group's order, it means that the group has a nontrivial proper subgroup that is not a normal subgroup. This has important
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POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:

Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$ of index $n$. Prove that if the order of $G$ does not divide $n!$, then $H$ contains a nontrivial normal subgroup of $G$.


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No one answered this week's problem. You can read my solution below.

Let $G$ act on the set of left cosets of $H$ by left multiplication, and let $K$ be the kernel of the induced permutation representation. Then $K$ is the intersection of all conjugates of $H$, so $K$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ contained in $H$. Since $H$ has index $n$, $K$ has index dividing $n!$. Using the fact that $n!$ is not divisible by $|G|$, $K$ must be nontrivial.

FAQ: Nontrivial Normal Subgroup in Finite Groups with Index Constraints?

What is a normal subgroup?

A normal subgroup is a subgroup of a group that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the larger group. In other words, if a subgroup H is normal in a group G, then for any element g in G and any element h in H, the element ghg^-1 is also in H.

What does "nontrivial" mean in the context of a normal subgroup?

In this context, "nontrivial" means that the subgroup is not just the identity element or the entire group itself. It is a proper subgroup that is not the trivial subgroup.

How can we determine if a finite group has a nontrivial normal subgroup?

One way to determine this is by using the index of the subgroup. If the index is not divisible by the group's order, then there must be at least one nontrivial normal subgroup. Another way is by looking at the group's structure and identifying any invariant subgroups.

Are there any special cases where a finite group will not have a nontrivial normal subgroup?

Yes, there are a few special cases. For example, if the group is cyclic or abelian, then all subgroups are normal and there will not be a nontrivial normal subgroup. Additionally, if the group is simple (meaning it has no nontrivial normal subgroups), then there will not be a nontrivial normal subgroup.

How does the concept of a nontrivial normal subgroup relate to the structure of a finite group?

The existence of a nontrivial normal subgroup can give us information about the structure of a finite group. For example, if a group has a nontrivial normal subgroup, it cannot be simple. Additionally, the quotient group formed by dividing the original group by the normal subgroup can tell us more about the structure of the original group.
