Ohm's Law: Coaxial Cylinder Resistance & Density

In summary, the problem involves two coaxial conducting cylinders with different conductivities in different regions. The inner cylinder is held at a potential V0 and the outer cylinder at V=0, resulting in a radial current I. The resistance can be determined by adding up the resistances of thin cylindrical shells, which can be calculated using the resistivity and surface area. The surface charge density on the boundary at r=2a can also be calculated using the given parameters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider two coaxial conducting cylinders with radii a and 3a and length L. The region a<r<2a is filled with a material of conductivity σ1, and the region 2a<r<3a has conductivity σ2. (Assume ε12o.) The inner cylinder is held at potential V0 and the outer cylinder at V=0, so there is a radial current I.
(a) Determine the resistance.
(b) Determine the surface charge density on the boundary at r=2a.

Homework Equations

V=IR, R=pL/A, R=V/I=L/σA

The Attempt at a Solution

How do I do this? This probably is a simple problem, but I am having a hard time visualizing the path to the answer. Please help. :-)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

If you're given the conductivity of a material then you also have the resistivity. Imagine adding thin cylindrical shells one at a time and adding up the total resistance (i.e. there's an integration involved).

What's the resistance of a thin shell? You can calculate the surface area, you have its thickness (dr -- I did say thin!). Add 'em up!

FAQ: Ohm's Law: Coaxial Cylinder Resistance & Density

What is Ohm's Law?

Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. It states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it, and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor.

How does Ohm's Law apply to coaxial cylinder resistance?

In the context of coaxial cylinders, Ohm's Law can be used to calculate the resistance of the inner and outer cylinders, as well as the resulting total resistance of the circuit. It can also be used to determine the voltage drop across each cylinder, given the current and resistance values.

What is the significance of density in Ohm's Law for coaxial cylinders?

The density of the material used for the cylinders can affect the resistance and conductivity of the circuit. Higher density materials tend to have lower resistance, allowing for more efficient flow of current through the circuit. This is important in applications where minimizing energy loss is crucial.

Can Ohm's Law be applied to non-ideal coaxial cylinder systems?

While Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle, it may not always accurately describe the behavior of non-ideal systems. Factors such as temperature, material properties, and circuit design can affect the accuracy of Ohm's Law in these cases.

What are some real-world applications of Ohm's Law for coaxial cylinders?

Ohm's Law is commonly used in the design and analysis of coaxial cables, which are used for transmitting signals over long distances. It is also used in medical imaging and industrial applications that involve the use of coaxial cylinders, such as electron microscopes and particle accelerators.
