Optimizing Prime Pair Combinations for Project Euler Problem 60

In summary: I find the answer at by setting prime limit 10.000 . Yey for that it took 41 min. I ll try to I guess it mostly does it on the G2 level and then decreases cause the options are decreasing but G2 level is the starting point. I also think that its probably due to the fact that the list is not sorted.In summary, the code takes too long to solve the problem.
  • #36
Vanadium 50 said:
No, it doesn't. If it did, it would give 1228 primes.
How so ?
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes, but it's not testing to see if the pairs actually are prime or not. So it's not doing either what you say it is doing or what the question asks. Yes, it gives the correct answer, but so does print("26033"). Do you consider that a solution?
Yes I do.
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  • #37
Well, if you consider print(26033) a solution, you're not going to find anything faster.
  • #38
Then I am the one who solved the problem fastest, that's great!
  • #39
Arman, you should write your code to solve both parts at once, so that you run it and it proves the result as well. Only then can you say you have solved it.
  • #40
Even that doesn't do it. It shows that he's found a solution with all the primes less than 8389. He then needs to test all the way up to 26000 to verify that there are no solutions with a smaller sum which have four small numbers and one big one.
  • #41
Vanadium 50 said:
Even that doesn't do it. It shows that he's found a solution with all the primes less than 8389. He then needs to test all the way up to 26000 to verify that there are no solutions with a smaller sum which have four small numbers and one big one.
Yes you are right. But I didnt get and answer about why my prime function is wrong ? Also can you solve and prove it under 1 min ? I am really curious about it Since all of you think " I didnt solve the problem under 1 min"
  • #42
I solved the problem. If my last code is wrong my previous one can solve it in 8.5 min . For proving part I think it will take more time or maybe I could have done smthing else. I solved the problem in any case just not in 1 min or in 2 min but maybe in an hour or in 30 min.

As I said if you say I didnt solve it cause it says under min 1. Then I am expecting you guys to solve (and prove) it under 1 min without using graph theory (which we know its the main solution) otherwise no one have right to say I didnt solve it.

I see many people on the PE forum that shares solution which took more then 1 min or they are saying " my code without prove " . I am not the only one
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  • #43
Another thing is If you guys wanted to help you could have just copied my code and show where I am doing wrong or how can I improve it but no. I only see how did I do wrong without particulary showing where did I do wrong. Which it wasnt helpful at all. You told me I did a wrong on prime function and I asked " how so" but all I got was " you didnt prove it you are doing wrong ". If that's helping, you are doing great job.
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  • #44
Arman777 said:
I solved the problem. ... As I said if you say I didnt solve it cause it says under min 1. Then I am expecting you guys to solve (and prove) it under 1 min without using graph theory (which we know its the main solution) otherwise no one have right to say I didnt solve it.

Why do you say graph theory is the main solution? I wrote some pseudo-code a few days ago to solve this, it runs in O(n^2). I think that'd be quite hard to beat. So I wouldn't say that's the main solution. The way I wrote it, I consider it to be quite a mainstream solution. Anyway, your code should show that no other combination exists, is what I meant.
  • #45
verty said:
? I wrote some pseudo-code a few days ago to solve this, it runs in O(n^2).

Is it truly O(n^2) or is there a dominant O(n^2) piece but the code is formally O(n^5)? That describes my code, which takes 1 or 2 seconds to run, the vast majority of time spent ensuring there is not a better solution. I used STL's unordered_map for the O(n^2) piece. Also, unlike Arman777's non-solution, this uses a primality tester that actually works.

verty said:
Anyway, your code should show that no other combination exists, is what I meant.

Actually, other combinations do exist. 7, 1237, 2341, 12409 and 18433 is one, although it sums to 34427. My original code finds it before the true solution, 13, 5197, 5701, 6733 and 8389. (My modified code only checks pairs that are less than 26033). The reason Arman777 doesn't find it is he stops checking at 9000. That does not guarantee he's got the right solution. To my mind, a valid solution a) needs to find 26033, b) would find any smaller solution if it exists, and c) not find it by accident - i.e. use a fast-but-wrong primality tester that happens to give the right answer in this particular case.
  • #46
Vanadium 50 said:
Is it truly O(n^2) or is there a dominant O(n^2) piece but the code is formally O(n^5)?

I don't know the formalities that well to be honest. It's certainly dominated by an O(n^2) piece.
  • #48
verty said:
I don't know the formalities that well to be honest. It's certainly dominated by an O(n^2) piece.

If your code is like mine, it has a O(n^2) piece followed by five nested loops, so is formally O(n^5), If n is large enough, eventually that part dominates.

sysprog said:
The problem of determining whether a given number is prime was proven to be in P (not NP-hard or NP-complete) in 2002.

That would be helpful in this case if the numbers were very very large, but as you can see, we're talking 4 or 5 digits. Plenty of algorithms exist that are plenty fast. The key to take away from the profile is not that the code spends 82% of its time checking primes, but that it does it 3,886,258 times.
  • #49
No, okay it's a little bit different. It runs until it has proven the result and has one hook for a check procedure. I didn't actually write the check procedure, I call it constant but it does a varying amount of work. I think I see now where O(n^5) comes from. But the check procedure wouldn't be slow at all. Anyhow, with modern computers it isn't such a concern because they have tons of memory and are super fast as well. The old mentality of saving a few cycles here and there is not so important anymore.
  • #50
I made a mistake in my pseudo-code. The way I wrote it, the check procedure would be duplicating work. It was thematic but it was wasteful. It wasn't the solution I was hoping for.
  • #51
As pointed out, the thing that takes the longest is the prime checking. My algorithm would do about 310,000 checks where Arman777's did 3.9M. So that alone would save 75% of the time.and bring it to under a minute. However, to verify that there's not a second solution requires about 900,000. Two steps forward, one step back.
  • #52
Vanadium 50 said:
which takes 1 or 2 seconds to run

Let me be clear - it's 1 or 2 seconds to find the solution, and a few minutes to verify that it is indeed the smallest.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <forward_list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

/* This is all taken from Rosetta Code's deterministic Miller-Rabin test */

// calcul a^n%mod
unsigned long long power(unsigned long a, unsigned long n, unsigned long mod)
    unsigned long long power = a;
    unsigned long long result = 1;
    while (n)
        if (n & 1)
            result = (result * power) % mod;
        power = (power * power) % mod;
        n >>= 1;
    return result;
// n−1 = 2^s * d with d odd by factoring powers of 2 from n−1
bool witness(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long s, unsigned long long d, unsigned long long a)
    unsigned long long x = power(a, d, n);
    unsigned long long y;
    while (s) {
        y = (x * x) % n;
        if (y == 1 && x != 1 && x != n-1)
            return false;
        x = y;
    if (y != 1)
        return false;
    return true;
 * if n < 1,373,653, it is enough to test a = 2 and 3;
 * if n < 9,080,191, it is enough to test a = 31 and 73;
 * if n < 4,759,123,141, it is enough to test a = 2, 7, and 61;
 * if n < 1,122,004,669,633, it is enough to test a = 2, 13, 23, and 1662803;
 * if n < 2,152,302,898,747, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11;
 * if n < 3,474,749,660,383, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13;
 * if n < 341,550,071,728,321, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.
bool is_prime_mr(unsigned int n)
    if (((!(n & 1)) && n != 2 ) || (n < 2) || (n % 3 == 0 && n != 3))
        return false;
    if (n <= 3)
        return true;
    unsigned long d = n / 2;
    unsigned long s = 1;
    while (!(d & 1)) {
        d /= 2;
    if (n < 1373653)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3);
    if (n < 9080191)
        return witness(n, s, d, 31) && witness(n, s, d, 73);
    if (n < 4759123141)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 61);
    if (n < 1122004669633)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 13) && witness(n, s, d, 23) && witness(n, s, d, 1662803);
    if (n < 2152302898747)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11);
    if (n < 3474749660383)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11) && witness(n, s, d, 13);
    return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11) && witness(n, s, d, 13) && witness(n, s, d, 17);
}/* This was all taken from Rosetta Code's deterministic Miller-Rabin test */

bool is_prime(unsigned int n)
   if((n >  2) && !(n %  2)) return false;
   if((n >  3) && !(n %  3)) return false;
   if((n >  5) && !(n %  5)) return false;
   if((n >  7) && !(n %  7)) return false;
   if((n > 11) && !(n % 11)) return false;
   if((n > 13) && !(n % 13)) return false;
   if((n > 17) && !(n % 17)) return false;
   if((n > 19) && !(n % 19)) return false;
   if((n > 23) && !(n % 23)) return false;
   if((n > 29) && !(n % 29)) return false;
   if((n > 31) && !(n % 31)) return false;
   if((n > 37) && !(n % 37)) return false;
   if((n > 41) && !(n % 41)) return false;
   if((n > 43) && !(n % 43)) return false;
   if((n > 47) && !(n % 47)) return false;
   if((n > 53) && !(n % 53)) return false;
   if((n > 59) && !(n % 59)) return false;
   if((n > 61) && !(n % 61)) return false;
   if((n > 67) && !(n % 67)) return false;
   if((n > 71) && !(n % 71)) return false;
   if((n > 73) && !(n % 73)) return false;
   if((n > 79) && !(n % 79)) return false;
   return is_prime_mr(n);

bool is_valid_pair(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
  if(a >= b) return false;
  if(a+b > 26021) return false;

  // Only prime numbers should be past this point, so no need to test a and b for primality
  if((a+b)%3 == 0) return false;
  if (is_prime(stol(to_string(a)+to_string(b)))==false) return false;
  if (is_prime(stol(to_string(b)+to_string(a)))==false) return false;
  return true;

main() {

double duration;
int nprimes;
forward_list<unsigned int> Primes;
unordered_map<unsigned int,bool> Pairs;

// Find the primes

for(unsigned int i=2;i<26000;i++) if(is_prime(i)) Primes.push_front(i);
Primes.reverse();// Find the prime pairs

for ( auto it = Primes.begin(); it != Primes.end(); ++it ) {
   for ( auto jt = next(it,1); jt != Primes.end(); ++jt ) {
      if(is_valid_pair(*it, *jt)) Pairs.emplace (stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt)),true);
      else Pairs.emplace (stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt)),false);
}// Now build the tuples

unsigned int smallest = 26034;
for ( auto it = Primes.begin(); it != Primes.end(); ++it ) {
   for ( auto jt = next(it,1); jt != Primes.end(); ++jt ) {
      if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt))]) {
         for ( auto kt = next(jt,1); kt != Primes.end(); ++kt ) {
             if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*kt))] &&
                Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*kt))]) {
                  for(auto lt = next(kt,1); lt != Primes.end(); ++lt ) {
                    if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*lt))] &&
                       Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*lt))] &&
                       Pairs[stol(to_string(*kt)+to_string(*lt))]) {
                         for(auto mt = next(lt,1); mt != Primes.end() && *it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt < smallest; ++mt ) {
                           if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*kt)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*lt)+to_string(*mt))]) {
                                if(*it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt < smallest) {
                                   smallest = *it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt;
                                   cout << *it << " " << *jt << " " << *kt <<" " << *lt << "  " << *mt << " = ";
                                   cout << smallest << endl;
                                 } // smallest thus far
                            } // 5-plet
                         } // m-loop
                    } // 4-plet
                  } // l-loop
                } // 3-plet
          } // k-loop
      } // 2-plet
   } // j-loop
} //i-loop

return 0;


What's good? The fact that not only is the primality test accurate, it's faster.
What's bad? Keying the unordered_map on the concatenation of the two numbers. It would have been wiser to have used the product. It's also not clear to me that I wouldn't do as well or better using an array and my own hash function.

Oh, and I abandoned the hypothesis that numbers in multiple tuples are sparse. They aren't.
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Likes Arman777
  • #53
How's this for an interesting approach? This is not how I was doing it but it is an interesting idea. I sieve out the primes that concatenate with at least 4 other primes. So for example, I sieve primes to 30000, then check how many each prime concatenates with. This is O(n^2). I take only those primes that have 4 or more partners. Of those primes, I find the smallest mutually concatenating set (quick), then I see if I sieved enough numbers to be sure a smaller sum is not possible. For example, if I sieved to sum - (3+7+11+13), I sieved enough numbers.
  • #54
verty said:
I find the smallest mutually concatenating set (quick)

It sounds interesting, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?
  • #55
Its good code. What did you use in algorithm ? Like Its faster due to the prime number checking ? And you said you are not checking 3.9 million primes but 310k how did you do that ?

In the PE forum I saw 5 line python code (using graph theory) and solved the problem in seconds but I am not sure it proves it or not. If it also proves that's amazing.
  • #56
Arman777 said:
And you said you are not checking 3.9 million primes but 310k how did you do that ?

I check all the potential pairs for primality first. Then if I need to know if a number is prime, I simply look it up. Your code checks the same number on average 12-1/2 times. If 11 was prime a second ago, it's probably still prime. :wink:

There are two ways to speed up code. You can do the same work faster, or you can do less work. Most people focus on the former, but big gains usually come from the latter.
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Likes Arman777
  • #57
Vanadium 50 said:
It sounds interesting, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?

I was thinking that one could reduce the number of primes to be tested by sieving the primes that had at least 4 partners. So they would be primes that were very popular, let's say, with regard to the concatenation. But it turns out all primes are popular. So that won't work.

Anyway, I've written up some PHP code and it runs in about 1 minute but it is buggy, it has some spurious behaviour. But the way I wrote it is sound. I didn't look at your code but I see you did something similar but not quite the same. I could give a rundown but I don't know if I should because it kind of defeats the object for anyone trying to solve this. They have one approach explained above but they should follow their own approach, whatever that is.
  • #58
Vanadium 50 said:
I check all the potential pairs for primality first. Then if I need to know if a number is prime, I simply look it up. Your code checks the same number on average 12-1/2 times. If 11 was prime a second ago, it's probably still prime. :wink:

There are two ways to speed up code. You can do the same work faster, or you can do less work. Most people focus on the former, but big gains usually come from the latter.
Thanks for the explanation. I understand it now.
  • #59
I tried to find another approach so I looked the concatenate rule for numbers. And I find this in Wolfram

import math
a = 12
b = 136
y= a*(10**(int(math.log10(b))+1))+b

We know that y must be prime and also a and b. I thought maybe we can find a mathematical trick or fast way to separate primes to find 5 set numbers, but I couldn't find something useful.
  • #60
verty said:
I was thinking that one could reduce the number of primes to be tested by sieving the primes that had at least 4 partners. So they would be primes that were very popular, let's say, with regard to the concatenation. But it turns out all primes are popular. So that won't work.

I was thinking the same thing. I think out of the whole set four primes are unpopular.

One thing I was pondering was the reverse. I already have found valid pairs. If there were a fast way to select the disjoint set of pairs, I could quickly make quadruplets.

Arman777 said:
I tried to find another approach so I looked the concatenate rule for numbers. And I find this in Wolfram

That's going to be very slow, since you are doing a logarithm and an exponentiation. But more importantly, it shows you have missed the entire point of profiling your code. If you are spending less than 6 seconds concatenating numbers, what's the maximum gain you can have by speeding up that piece. For instance...

Vanadium 50 said:
What's bad? Keying the unordered_map on the concatenation of the two numbers. It would have been wiser to have used the product.

Switching from the concatenation to the product is an order of magnitude improvement. The code provably finds the correct solution in 11 seconds.
  • #61
Vanadium 50 said:
I was thinking the same thing. I think out of the whole set four primes are unpopular.

One thing I was pondering was the reverse. I already have found valid pairs. If there were a fast way to select the disjoint set of pairs, I could quickly make quadruplets.
That's going to be very slow, since you are doing a logarithm and an exponentiation. But more importantly, it shows you have missed the entire point of profiling your code. If you are spending less than 6 seconds concatenating numbers, what's the maximum gain you can have by speeding up that piece. For instance...
Switching from the concatenation to the product is an order of magnitude improvement. The code provably finds the correct solution in 11 seconds.
Hmm you are right.
  • #62
Can 11 seconds be improved upon? It's pretty good for what is essentially brute force.

75% of the time is spent in unordered_map. Of that, 2/3 (i.e. 50% overall) is spent in Hash.
10% of the time is spent in power.
Most of the remaining time is spent in various aspects of iterators.

Arman777, based on this, do you think this approach could eventually reach one second? One tenth of a second? What is the limit? And what would need to be done to reach this limit?
  • #63
Vanadium 50 said:
Let me be clear - it's 1 or 2 seconds to find the solution, and a few minutes to verify that it is indeed the smallest.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <forward_list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

/* This is all taken from Rosetta Code's deterministic Miller-Rabin test */

// calcul a^n%mod
unsigned long long power(unsigned long a, unsigned long n, unsigned long mod)
    unsigned long long power = a;
    unsigned long long result = 1;
    while (n)
        if (n & 1)
            result = (result * power) % mod;
        power = (power * power) % mod;
        n >>= 1;
    return result;
// n−1 = 2^s * d with d odd by factoring powers of 2 from n−1
bool witness(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long s, unsigned long long d, unsigned long long a)
    unsigned long long x = power(a, d, n);
    unsigned long long y;
    while (s) {
        y = (x * x) % n;
        if (y == 1 && x != 1 && x != n-1)
            return false;
        x = y;
    if (y != 1)
        return false;
    return true;
 * if n < 1,373,653, it is enough to test a = 2 and 3;
 * if n < 9,080,191, it is enough to test a = 31 and 73;
 * if n < 4,759,123,141, it is enough to test a = 2, 7, and 61;
 * if n < 1,122,004,669,633, it is enough to test a = 2, 13, 23, and 1662803;
 * if n < 2,152,302,898,747, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11;
 * if n < 3,474,749,660,383, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13;
 * if n < 341,550,071,728,321, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.
bool is_prime_mr(unsigned int n)
    if (((!(n & 1)) && n != 2 ) || (n < 2) || (n % 3 == 0 && n != 3))
        return false;
    if (n <= 3)
        return true;
    unsigned long d = n / 2;
    unsigned long s = 1;
    while (!(d & 1)) {
        d /= 2;
    if (n < 1373653)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3);
    if (n < 9080191)
        return witness(n, s, d, 31) && witness(n, s, d, 73);
    if (n < 4759123141)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 61);
    if (n < 1122004669633)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 13) && witness(n, s, d, 23) && witness(n, s, d, 1662803);
    if (n < 2152302898747)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11);
    if (n < 3474749660383)
        return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11) && witness(n, s, d, 13);
    return witness(n, s, d, 2) && witness(n, s, d, 3) && witness(n, s, d, 5) && witness(n, s, d, 7) && witness(n, s, d, 11) && witness(n, s, d, 13) && witness(n, s, d, 17);
}/* This was all taken from Rosetta Code's deterministic Miller-Rabin test */

bool is_prime(unsigned int n)
   if((n >  2) && !(n %  2)) return false;
   if((n >  3) && !(n %  3)) return false;
   if((n >  5) && !(n %  5)) return false;
   if((n >  7) && !(n %  7)) return false;
   if((n > 11) && !(n % 11)) return false;
   if((n > 13) && !(n % 13)) return false;
   if((n > 17) && !(n % 17)) return false;
   if((n > 19) && !(n % 19)) return false;
   if((n > 23) && !(n % 23)) return false;
   if((n > 29) && !(n % 29)) return false;
   if((n > 31) && !(n % 31)) return false;
   if((n > 37) && !(n % 37)) return false;
   if((n > 41) && !(n % 41)) return false;
   if((n > 43) && !(n % 43)) return false;
   if((n > 47) && !(n % 47)) return false;
   if((n > 53) && !(n % 53)) return false;
   if((n > 59) && !(n % 59)) return false;
   if((n > 61) && !(n % 61)) return false;
   if((n > 67) && !(n % 67)) return false;
   if((n > 71) && !(n % 71)) return false;
   if((n > 73) && !(n % 73)) return false;
   if((n > 79) && !(n % 79)) return false;
   return is_prime_mr(n);

bool is_valid_pair(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
  if(a >= b) return false;
  if(a+b > 26021) return false;

  // Only prime numbers should be past this point, so no need to test a and b for primality
  if((a+b)%3 == 0) return false;
  if (is_prime(stol(to_string(a)+to_string(b)))==false) return false;
  if (is_prime(stol(to_string(b)+to_string(a)))==false) return false;
  return true;

main() {

double duration;
int nprimes;
forward_list<unsigned int> Primes;
unordered_map<unsigned int,bool> Pairs;

// Find the primes

for(unsigned int i=2;i<26000;i++) if(is_prime(i)) Primes.push_front(i);
Primes.reverse();// Find the prime pairs

for ( auto it = Primes.begin(); it != Primes.end(); ++it ) {
   for ( auto jt = next(it,1); jt != Primes.end(); ++jt ) {
      if(is_valid_pair(*it, *jt)) Pairs.emplace (stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt)),true);
      else Pairs.emplace (stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt)),false);
}// Now build the tuples

unsigned int smallest = 26034;
for ( auto it = Primes.begin(); it != Primes.end(); ++it ) {
   for ( auto jt = next(it,1); jt != Primes.end(); ++jt ) {
      if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*jt))]) {
         for ( auto kt = next(jt,1); kt != Primes.end(); ++kt ) {
             if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*kt))] &&
                Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*kt))]) {
                  for(auto lt = next(kt,1); lt != Primes.end(); ++lt ) {
                    if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*lt))] &&
                       Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*lt))] &&
                       Pairs[stol(to_string(*kt)+to_string(*lt))]) {
                         for(auto mt = next(lt,1); mt != Primes.end() && *it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt < smallest; ++mt ) {
                           if(Pairs[stol(to_string(*it)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*jt)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*kt)+to_string(*mt))] &&
                              Pairs[stol(to_string(*lt)+to_string(*mt))]) {
                                if(*it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt < smallest) {
                                   smallest = *it+*jt+*kt+*lt+*mt;
                                   cout << *it << " " << *jt << " " << *kt <<" " << *lt << "  " << *mt << " = ";
                                   cout << smallest << endl;
                                 } // smallest thus far
                            } // 5-plet
                         } // m-loop
                    } // 4-plet
                  } // l-loop
                } // 3-plet
          } // k-loop
      } // 2-plet
   } // j-loop
} //i-loop

return 0;


What's good? The fact that not only is the primality test accurate, it's faster.
What's bad? Keying the unordered_map on the concatenation of the two numbers. It would have been wiser to have used the product. It's also not clear to me that I wouldn't do as well or better using an array and my own hash function.

Oh, and I abandoned the hypothesis that numbers in multiple tuples are sparse. They aren't.

I would argue that for a solution to count, it should be the case that you know it will find the solution if it exists without knowing in advance what the solution might be. With this solution, you still have to assume that none of the primes are greater than 2600. Then again, I guess to make no assumptions you also would need to use big numbers.

if((n >  2) && !(n %  2)) return false;
   if((n >  3) && !(n %  3)) return false;
   if((n >  5) && !(n %  5)) return false;
   if((n >  7) && !(n %  7)) return false;
   if((n > 11) && !(n % 11)) return false;
   if((n > 13) && !(n % 13)) return false;
   if((n > 17) && !(n % 17)) return false;
   if((n > 19) && !(n % 19)) return false;
   if((n > 23) && !(n % 23)) return false;
   if((n > 29) && !(n % 29)) return false;
   if((n > 31) && !(n % 31)) return false;
   if((n > 37) && !(n % 37)) return false;
   if((n > 41) && !(n % 41)) return false;
   if((n > 43) && !(n % 43)) return false;
   if((n > 47) && !(n % 47)) return false;
   if((n > 53) && !(n % 53)) return false;
   if((n > 59) && !(n % 59)) return false;
   if((n > 61) && !(n % 61)) return false;
   if((n > 67) && !(n % 67)) return false;
   if((n > 71) && !(n % 71)) return false;
   if((n > 73) && !(n % 73)) return false;
   if((n > 79) && !(n % 79)) return false;

is equivalent to this right (for n > 0 )?

if(!(n %  2)) return false;
if(!(n %  3)) return false;
if(!(n %  5)) return false;
if(!(n %  7)) return false;
if(!(n % 11)) return false;
if(!(n % 13)) return false;
if(!(n % 17)) return false;
if(!(n % 19)) return false;
if(!(n % 23)) return false;
if(!(n % 29)) return false;
if(!(n % 31)) return false;
if(!(n % 37)) return false;
if(!(n % 41)) return false;
if(!(n % 43)) return false;
if(!(n % 47)) return false;
if(!(n % 53)) return false;
if(!(n % 59)) return false;
if(!(n % 61)) return false;
if(!(n % 67)) return false;
if(!(n % 71)) return false;
if(!(n % 73)) return false;
if(!(n % 79)) return false;

Or this?

if( ( (n %  2) |
   (  n %  3) |
   (  n %  5) |
   (  n %  7) |
   (  n % 11) |
   (  n % 13) |
   (  n % 17) |
   (  n % 19) |
   (  n % 23) |
   (  n % 29) |
   (  n % 31) |
   (  n % 37) |
   (  n % 41) |
   (  n % 43) |
   (  n % 47) |
   (  n % 53) |
   (  n % 59) |
   (  n % 61) |
   (  n % 67) |
   (  n % 71) |
   (  n % 73) |
   (  n % 79) ) ) return false;
Last edited:
  • #64
Vanadium 50 said:
Can 11 seconds be improved upon? It's pretty good for what is essentially brute force.

75% of the time is spent in unordered_map. Of that, 2/3 (i.e. 50% overall) is spent in Hash.
10% of the time is spent in power.
Most of the remaining time is spent in various aspects of iterators.

Arman777, based on this, do you think this approach could eventually reach one second? One tenth of a second? What is the limit? And what would need to be done to reach this limit?
I don't know actually.
  • #65
Arman777 said:
I don't know actually.
You might be able to use tables instead of hash maps. I'm guessing that would improve the performance quite a bit.
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Likes Arman777
  • #66
My PHP code is optimized and debugged. It finds the solution in 11 seconds and proves to it to be the solution in 3 minutes. I thought it took about 1 minute but it wasn't searching correctly. It is different because I generate a list of primes and then use that as a primality test for higher numbers. The numbers used need primes up to about 70000. I'll show the prime test function:

function is_prime($n)
   global $theprimes;

   $limit = sqrt($n);
   foreach ($theprimes as $p) {
       if ($p > $limit) return true;
       if ($n % $t == 0) return false;
   return true;

This was quite enjoyable to do but I think I am out of ideas how to speed it up.

PS. Bah, it's not quite right because I changed it to a foreach from a for loop, so it can run out of primes now rather than error. But, I'll leave it.
  • #67
Jarvis323 said:
I would argue that for a solution to count, it should be the case that you know it will find the solution if it exists without knowing in advance what the solution might be.

I only use the answer to set the size of loops. In principle, I could make this a parameter and stick it in a loop, "Find all solutions with a maximum prime of 100, 1000..." or if I were very dastardly, 260, 26000, 2,600,000... I don't think this makes a difference.

Jarvis323 said:
is equivalent to this right (for n > 0 )?

It's not. Your code would claim 13 is not prime because it's divisible by 13.
  • #68
You may need to build your own computer using pci-e add on memory cards. A guy I was doing work for needed 2 either 64gb or 128gb cards to speed up his nuclear program speed...maybe all you need is a lot of RAM and a i7 processor or 2.
  • #69
we still couldn't solve under a minute. Which we know that's possible. I saw couple people that proves it under a min.
  • #70
Jarvis323 said:
You might be able to use tables instead of hash maps. I'm guessing that would improve the performance quite a bit.

It probably would, but this is a case of "speed up the work" as opposed to "do less work". The problem says that 3, 7, 109 and 673 form a 4-plet. 673 is the 122nd prime, so you might expect 1 in 30 or so numbers participates in a 4-plet. That suggests the strategy of brute-force to find the 4-plets, which should take 10's of milliseconds, and then test for 5-plets based only on numbers in the 4-plets.

This is a variation on what I proposed in #27 and what verty calls "popular" numbers. I check for popularity not at the beginning, where every number is popular, but at the end. Another way to look at this is while asking for numbers that participate in at least five 2-plets doesn't remove many, asking for them to participate in at least five 4-plets probably is a substantial reduction. A good guess might be a factor of 30.

Suppose this is a factor of around 10. That would get you down to 2 seconds, half doing primaility testing. If it's instead 100, you get to 1 second, dominated by primality testing.

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