Order of 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p

In summary, we are trying to count the number of 2x2 matrices with entries being integers mod p that have a nonzero determinant mod p. For prime number p, we have broken down the problem into three cases: matrices with no zeroes, matrices with 1 zero, and matrices with 2 zeroes. For the last case, there are 2 ways the zeroes can be arranged and 2(p-1)^2 possible matrices. For matrices with 1 zero, there are 4 different places the zero can occur and 4(p-1)^3 possible matrices. For matrices with no zeroes, there are (p-1)^4 possible matrices, but some of these will have zero determinant. To calculate the number of these
  • #1
This is the last problem on herstein's 2.3 problem set.

So we want to count how many 2x2 matrices with entries being integers mod p have nonzero determinant mod p. p is prime.

for p=3 there are 48 such matrices. I've broken the general case into three possibilities: matrices with no zeroes (the hardest to deal with), matrices with 1 zero and matrices with 2 zeros.

For the last case there are two ways the pair of zeroes can be arranged, in either of the diagonals. And the remaning two elements can be ANY pair of nonzero integers mod p so that there are 2(p-1)^2 such matrices.

For the matrices with one zero, the zero can occur in four different places and the remaining entries can be ANY nonzero integers mod p, so there are 4(p-1)^3 such matrices.

For matrices with no zeroes there are (p-1)^4 possible matrices, but some of these will have zero determinant. This occurs if all entries are the same, and there are p-1 such matrices. It also occurs if the all entries in each row (or column) are the same. To calculate the number of these type of matrices is not so straightforward: first we know that a matrix with 2 pairs of the same entries (ie a and a and b and b) can be arranged in 6 ways for each pair a and b. But two of these are similar on the diagonals only and therefore don't necessarily have zero determinant. So we subtract another 4(p-1 choose 2) (this stands for binomial/combination notation) from (p-1)^4. The rest of the matrices that have zero determinant are as such because ad-bc may not be zero but is congruent to zero mod p. I.e is divisible by p. But this means ad is congruent to bc mod p.

This last bit is confusing me because i think it overlaps with other possible ways to get zero determinant that I have already considered. I'll come back and add more after I think about it some more, for now though could someone give me feedback for what is already done.

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  • #2
You're overcomplicating things. Think linear independence of rows/columns.
  • #3
really? lol, i thought i was simplifying things. I AM thinking of linear independence of columns/rows, but I can't count all combinations of linearly independent columns/rows in a straightforward fashion.
  • #4
You have two columns. If the matrix is going to be invertible, how many choices are possible for the first one? For each such column, how many choices can we have for the second column?

FAQ: Order of 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p

1. What is a 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p?

A 2x2 matrix group under multiplication modulo p is a mathematical structure that consists of 2x2 matrices with entries in the set of integers modulo p, where p is a prime number. The group operation is matrix multiplication, and the identity element is the identity matrix.

2. How do you find the order of a 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p?

The order of a group is the number of elements in the group. In the case of a 2x2 matrix group under multiplication modulo p, the order can be found by taking the modulus of p-1. This is because the group is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of integers modulo p-1.

3. What is the significance of the order of a 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p?

The order of a group is significant because it tells us the number of distinct elements in the group and also helps in determining the properties of the group. In particular, the order of a 2x2 matrix group under multiplication modulo p can determine its subgroups and whether the group is abelian or not.

4. Can the order of a 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p be any number?

No, the order of a 2x2 matrix group under multiplication modulo p can only be a number that is a factor of p-1. This is because the group is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of integers modulo p-1, which has a specific number of elements.

5. How is the order of a 2x2 matrix group under mult. mod p related to Fermat's Little Theorem?

Fermat's Little Theorem states that for any integer a and a prime number p, a^p is congruent to a modulo p. This can be extended to matrix groups under multiplication modulo p, where the order of the group is a factor of p-1. In other words, if p is a prime number, then the order of a 2x2 matrix group under multiplication modulo p must be a power of p.

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