Organized Religion: Is It Brainwashing?

  • Thread starter Hat_Man
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of organized religion being a form of brainwashing. The definition of brainwashing is provided and it is argued that organized religion fits this definition due to the repeated suggestion of fixed beliefs and the difficulty in avoiding it in certain social settings. However, others argue that organized religion only becomes brainwashing in cult-like situations and that individuals have the freedom to choose their beliefs and interpretations. It is concluded that while organized religion may fit the technical definition of brainwashing, it is not necessarily a negative thing and can be seen as a way for individuals to find fulfillment in their beliefs.
  • #1
I recently saw the results of the pole, Do you consider organized religon to be a type of Brainwashing? and I was simply astounded by the amount of people who thought it was. I would like someone, just one person to explain to me how organized religion is brainwashing. To me I cannot even think of any good reason to think so, so I would like it if anyone could explain this to me.
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  • #2
Please note the definition of brainwashing as quoted from a dictionary:

" 1. Intensive indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.
2. The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation."

Organized religion involves the repeated suggestion of a fixed series of beliefs aimed at displacing any prior beliefs a person may hold (eg evangelism). This fits the above definition of brainwashing. This can often be quite forceful and difficult to avoid when a person finds themselves in a family or social setting surrounded by highly religious people.
  • #3
Hat_Man said:
I recently saw the results of the pole, Do you consider organized religon to be a type of Brainwashing? and I was simply astounded by the amount of people who thought it was. I would like someone, just one person to explain to me how organized religion is brainwashing. To me I cannot even think of any good reason to think so, so I would like it if anyone could explain this to me.

I'd say that the only time organized "religion" would be brainwashing is in a cult-like situation, where the leader of the cult forces (indoctrinates, if you will) his/her members into following him/her and the rules of the cult.

In terms of religion, we have the freedom to choose whether or not we want to follow the beliefs of said religion. If we do not like the system of beliefs, we can a) drop religion altogether; or b) convert to another, more preferable system of beliefs.

People "brainwashed" by religion are called extremists, or fanatics, and do extreme things with regard to their beliefs. However, back to the freedom comment, they have the freedom to take their religion to the absurd extreme, or to follow and interpret their system of beliefs to live a good and happy life.

So, this means that while cult members could be brainwashed into following their leader, members of religions are free to interpret their system of beliefs to lead a fulfilled life. The members of the cult absolutely do have the freedom to choose whether or not this cult is suitable for them, but once they are part of it, there is often no turning back.
  • #4
Thanks guys, I think I was taking 'brainwashing' to a slightly extreme degree. Taking it by its techinical defination then yes, it would be brainwashing. This would also say that any kind of teaching would be brainwashing, even that of mathematics. Also the poll was organized religions and this defination would take ANY religion, organized or not.

FAQ: Organized Religion: Is It Brainwashing?

1. What is brainwashing in the context of organized religion?

Brainwashing, also known as thought reform or coercive persuasion, refers to a process in which individuals are manipulated and their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are controlled by a group or organization. In the context of organized religion, it typically involves the use of persuasive techniques to influence individuals to adopt and adhere to specific religious beliefs and practices.

2. Is organized religion intentionally brainwashing its followers?

There is no clear answer to this question as it can vary depending on the specific practices and beliefs of a particular organized religion. Some individuals may argue that organized religion uses brainwashing techniques to control its followers, while others may argue that the practices and beliefs of organized religion are simply part of the natural process of religious socialization.

3. How does organized religion use brainwashing techniques?

Organized religion may use various techniques to influence and control its followers, including repetition, manipulation of emotions, social pressure, and isolation from outside influences. These techniques can be used to reinforce specific beliefs and behaviors and discourage questioning or critical thinking.

4. Can individuals be deprogrammed from organized religion?

Some individuals may argue that deprogramming, or the process of undoing the effects of brainwashing, is possible for individuals who have been heavily influenced by organized religion. However, others may argue that religious beliefs and practices are deeply ingrained and may not be easily undone.

5. What are the potential effects of brainwashing in organized religion?

The potential effects of brainwashing in organized religion can vary and may depend on the individual and their specific experiences. In some cases, it may lead to blind adherence to certain beliefs and practices, while in others it may lead to feelings of guilt, fear, or anxiety. It could also potentially lead to a loss of individual identity and critical thinking skills.

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