Oscilating Universe WITH Perpetual Expansion

In summary, a thought recently occurred to me that suggests that in a continually expanding universe, the Big Bang may not be necessitated by the oscillating universe model. Instead, collision between two membranes or a near collision could be the cause.
  • #1
Science Advisor
A thought recently occurred to me regarding cosmological models. Frequently, the Oscillating Universe and one with perpetual expansion are presented as opposing views. This is usually based on the presupposition that an oscillating universe requires a Big Crunch. But in many models of a multibrane cosmos, the Big Bang is thought to have been caused by collision between two membranes, or a near collision in which close proximity triggers a response (through some mechanism I do not understand).

Is it not probable that this is exactly what would happen in a continually expanding universe? To illustrate, I will use BEC's as a model (this is what sparked the idea in the first-place). A BEC can be formed by pushing certain particles to a very low energy state. At very low temperatures, the ability to distinguish between these individual particles will vanish and in many ways, they behave as a single particle. If two parallel universes, or two branes of a single multiverse continually expand, their temperatures will continually decrease approaching, but never quite reaching, absolute zero. It may be possible that when the two are at very low energy states, they may attempt to combine into a sort of "cosmological condensate" and that this attempted unification may set up the conditions of close proximity in which the big bang is generated.

Are there any current cosmological models matching this description?
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
What is simpler to create the structure of the universe from what seem to be elementary particles or to create these particles from the unfolding of larger structures that interact and create the
structures we see.
  • #3
An intersting question. I would say that any oscilating cosmological model would answer, "both". The universe crates the particles, which create space, which creates a new universe, etc.

But my real question is about the expansion of space causing (or enabling) different branes to approach each other in ever-closer proximaty. This could probably be best modeled by viewing the energy state of each brane as a wave signature. The more energy per volume, the greater the amplitude of the wave. As the universe expands, energy per volume decreases, and the universe gets "smoother". When two parrelel branes become smooth enough, the difference between their two states becomes indistinguishable, even on quantum levels, and so they become a single entity. This could be seen as a sort of "collision" of the two branes, which might set off the next Big Bang without any Big Crunch having taken place.

But I assume I cannot be the first person to think this (unless it contains some glaring flaw that would make it "unthinkable" to a more trained mind), so I wonder if such a model already exists or has existed. If so, what is/was it called, so I can Google it?

FAQ: Oscilating Universe WITH Perpetual Expansion

1. What is an oscillating universe with perpetual expansion?

An oscillating universe with perpetual expansion is a cosmological model that suggests the universe goes through cycles of expansion and contraction, where each cycle is followed by another expansion. This concept is based on the idea that the universe is constantly expanding, but at a decreasing rate, and will eventually reach a point where it starts to contract.

2. What evidence supports the idea of an oscillating universe with perpetual expansion?

One of the main pieces of evidence for this concept comes from the observation that the universe's expansion rate is not constant, but rather is accelerating. This suggests that the universe has gone through multiple cycles of expansion and contraction. Other evidence includes the distribution of matter and energy in the universe, as well as the cosmic microwave background radiation.

3. How does an oscillating universe with perpetual expansion differ from the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began with a massive explosion and has been expanding ever since. However, the oscillating universe with perpetual expansion model proposes that the universe has no definite beginning or end, but rather goes through cycles of expansion and contraction. It also suggests that the universe has always existed in some form and will continue to do so indefinitely.

4. What are some potential implications of the oscillating universe with perpetual expansion model?

If this model is correct, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its fate. It could mean that the universe will never experience a "big crunch" and will continue to expand forever. It could also have implications for the concept of time and the idea of a beginning and end to the universe. Additionally, it could have implications for the search for extraterrestrial life and the potential for other universes.

5. What are some challenges to the idea of an oscillating universe with perpetual expansion?

There are still many unknowns and challenges when it comes to this concept. One major challenge is the lack of evidence for previous cycles of expansion and contraction. Additionally, the idea of an infinitely expanding and contracting universe goes against the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed. There is also the question of what could cause the universe to start contracting after each cycle of expansion. More research and evidence are needed to fully support this model.
