Pairwise velocity dispersion in Cosmological simulations

In summary, the conversation discusses the computation of pairwise velocity dispersion (PVD) from cosmological simulations. The method involves computing the individual components of σ(r)_{12} and then placing the galaxies into bins based on their radial distance. However, the question arises about how to compute σ_{12}(r_p), in terms of the perpendicular distance. There is a suggestion to place the observer at the center of the data set and to find the relation between r and r_p. The importance of verifying assumptions in using statistics to explore the universe is also mentioned.
  • #1
There are numerous publications about pairwise velocity dispersion ( PVD ) of galaxies in real redshift surveys. It is customary to use an exponential form for the distribution of pairwise velocities and then model the redshift space distortions in the 2PCF to retrieve the PVD.

Now if i have a cosmological simulation i know exactly the position and the velocity of every particle (x,y,z) (u_x,u_y,u_z). I want to compute the PVD from cosmological simulations.

If i take u_{12}(r)=u_1(x)-u_2(x+r) and then σ_{12}=<u_{12}^2-<u_{12}>^2> i can have the σ_{12}(r).

My question is how can i retrieve σ_{12}(r_p), (i.e. in terms of the perpendicular distance)?
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  • #2
There are probably libraries you could use to help, but if you just want a general algorithm, you could try this:

1. First, compute each individual component of [itex]\sigma(r)_{12}[/itex]. You'd get one term for each selection of two galaxies in the sample. Each of these samples will have an associated distance, the distance between the two galaxies.
2. Select a method to place the galaxies into bins. One simple method would be to use bins in radial distance. For each bin in radial distance, average the velocity dispersion components that fall within it. This is similar to constructing a histogram (though the way samples are combined is different).
  • #3
Thank you for your reply , but this was my first thought too. But by doing so, you end up computing the σ12(r) associated with the galaxy pair distance r. I need to compute it in terms of the perpendicular distance r_p ( as it's usually done in real redshift surveys).

Is there any difference at all??
  • #4
Ahh, I see what you mean. I don't think it'd be very different. It's just that your selection of bins is defined by [itex]r_p[/itex] instead. You do have to select an origin, however.

Are you also going to be using a definition of velocity that is based on observations? Velocity dispersion is usually inferred from redshift, for example...
  • #5
I remember not so many years ago what it was announced a preferred 'tilt' in galaxies across the local universe had been discovered. Not long before that, it was announced that redshift was 'quantized'. A little creative binning can yield 'incredible' conclusions. While statistics is a marvelous and powerful tool to explore the universe, assumptions must always be viewed with extreme suspicion. Patterns in noisy data are all too often little more than dragons in the clouds.
  • #6
i have a mock catalogue so i think the way the data are constructed it assumes that there is an observer. So i have data points which correspond to (xi,yi,zi) and (uxi,uyi,uzi).

so i guess i need to find how r is related to rp.
  • #7
sketos said:
i have a mock catalogue so i think the way the data are constructed it assumes that there is an observer. So i have data points which correspond to (xi,yi,zi) and (uxi,uyi,uzi).

so i guess i need to find how r is related to rp.
I'm not completely certain, but if the name is any indication, it's the component of [itex]r[/itex] which is perpendicular to the line-of-sight direction. Said another way, it's the [itex]r[/itex] inferred from the angular separation of the galaxies as viewed by a particular observer. It's probably best to place the observer in the center of the data set.

You should verify, of course, because as I said, I'm not certain.

FAQ: Pairwise velocity dispersion in Cosmological simulations

1. What is pairwise velocity dispersion in cosmological simulations?

Pairwise velocity dispersion is a measure of the average velocity difference between two particles in a cosmological simulation. It is an important quantity for understanding the dynamics of large-scale structures in the universe.

2. Why is pairwise velocity dispersion important in cosmological simulations?

Pairwise velocity dispersion provides crucial information about the clustering of matter in the universe. It can help us understand the formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and other large-scale structures. It is also a key input for testing theories of gravity and dark matter.

3. How is pairwise velocity dispersion calculated in cosmological simulations?

In cosmological simulations, pairwise velocity dispersion is calculated by measuring the velocity difference between pairs of particles and taking the average over all pairs. This is typically done by using specialized software and algorithms that can handle the large amounts of data involved.

4. Is pairwise velocity dispersion affected by the size of the cosmological simulation?

Yes, the size of the simulation can affect the measured value of pairwise velocity dispersion. Larger simulations can capture a wider range of scales and provide a more accurate picture of the velocity dispersion on large scales. However, smaller simulations can still yield useful information about local structures and dynamics.

5. How can pairwise velocity dispersion be used to test cosmological models?

Pairwise velocity dispersion can be compared to predictions from cosmological models to test their accuracy. For example, it can be used to test the effects of different types of dark matter or to place constraints on the expansion rate of the universe. It can also be compared to observations from galaxy surveys to validate the simulations and improve our understanding of the universe.

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