Paradox within relativity of simultaneity

In summary, the conversation is about a person who believes they have discovered a paradox within the relativity of simultaneity and wants to publish it without losing credit. They ask for advice on how to publish it for free and if it is safe to post it on the forum. The response is that the theory is not self-contradictory and it is recommended to submit it to a conference or journal for review. The person is also directed to existing threads on the topic for further guidance. However, it is also emphasized that the paper may be rejected due to a mistake and not because of any conspiracy.
  • #1
Recently i found a problem with relativity of simultaneity, its a paradox within relativity of simultaneity. It is probably unexplainable and i would like to publish it without losing my credit. Can anybody tell me any way to publish it?
I'm not rich to spend money, but is there any simple way to achieve this?
Plus i don't have any mathematical equations show the paradox but surely it can be traced on spacetime diagram
Physics news on
  • #2
There is no such thing. Whatever you think you have found, it is a confusion on your part, not a self contradiction in the theory.
  • #3
But i would like to know is there any way i can get attention of physicists?
will it be safe if i post it here?
  • #4
Sure, simply write it up and submit it to a conference as an abstract or to a journal as a paper. There are many threads on this question in the academic guidance sub-form.

You cannot post it here. This site is for education on existing science, not publication of new science. However, you could ask here what it is that you are missing.
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  • #5
Here are some threads to look at:

But I want to emphasize again, you are kidding yourself. Your paper will be rejected, not because they want to steal it, nor because they are members of some conspiracy, but simply because you have made some obvious mistake.

FAQ: Paradox within relativity of simultaneity

1. What is the paradox within relativity of simultaneity?

The paradox within relativity of simultaneity refers to the contradiction between the concept of simultaneity in classical physics and in Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity. In classical physics, two events happening at the same time for one observer will also be considered simultaneous for all other observers. However, in special relativity, simultaneity is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference.

2. How does the concept of simultaneity differ in classical physics and special relativity?

In classical physics, simultaneity is an absolute concept and is the same for all observers. In special relativity, simultaneity is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference. This means that two events that appear simultaneous to one observer may not appear simultaneous to another observer in a different frame of reference.

3. What is the thought experiment used to illustrate the paradox within relativity of simultaneity?

The thought experiment involves two lightning strikes happening at the same time on opposite ends of a train. According to classical physics, all observers on the train and on the ground will see the two strikes as simultaneous. However, in special relativity, an observer on the train moving at a high speed will see the strikes as happening at different times from an observer on the ground.

4. How does the paradox within relativity of simultaneity impact our understanding of time?

The paradox within relativity of simultaneity challenges the idea of time as an absolute and universal concept. It shows that time is relative and can be experienced differently by observers in different frames of reference. This concept has significant implications in fields such as physics, astronomy, and philosophy.

5. Is there a resolution to the paradox within relativity of simultaneity?

There is no definitive resolution to the paradox within relativity of simultaneity. However, the theory of special relativity provides a mathematical framework to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects moving at high speeds. This theory has been extensively tested and has been shown to accurately explain many phenomena. While the concept of simultaneity remains relative, the theory of special relativity has been widely accepted in the scientific community.

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