Parametric equations for geodesics

In summary, the conversation discusses finding parametric equations for geodesic lines on a surface, specifically using the metric ds^2 = dq^2 + (sinh(q)*dp)^2. The standard method of obtaining the geodesic equations is to use the dynamic Lagrangian method and solve the Euler-Lagrange equations. This results in a set of equations that give the geodesics as arc length parameterized curves. The discussion also mentions the use of the Einbein method and provides references for further reading.
  • #1
What are you trying to do when you find parametric equations for a geodesic lines on a surface?

Take the metric ds^2 = dq^2 + (sinh(q)*dp)^2

Are you simply trying to get q as a function of s? and p as a function of s?

If so, why?

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  • #2
Clarifying meaning of geodesic equations

In the line element for the hyperbolic plane (this trig chart covers all but one point) which you wrote down,
ds^2 = dr^2 + \sinh(r)^2 \, d\phi^2, \;
0 < r < \infty, \; -\pi < \phi < \pi
(I changed to a more suggestive notation), s is playing the role of arc length. The standard method of obtaining the geodesic equations is to read off what MTW call the "dynamical Lagrangian"
[tex] L = \dot{r}^2 + \sinh(r)^2 \, \dot{\phi}^2 [/tex]
Then apply the Euler-Lagrange equations:
[tex] 0 = \frac{\partial L}{\partial r} - \frac{d}{d s} \; \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{r}}, \; \;
0 = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \phi} - \frac{d}{d s} \; \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\phi}} [/tex]
Simplify the result so that [itex]\ddot{r},\ddot{\phi}[/itex] are monic and collect terms in the first order derivatives. The result is the geodesic equations in their standard form and the coefficients are the Christoffel coefficients:
\ddot{r} + \sinh(r) \, \cosh(r) \, \dot{\phi}^2 = 0, \;
\ddot{\phi} + 2 \, \coth(r) \, \dot{r} \, \dot{\phi} = 0
where "dot" means differentiation wrt the parameter s. Here, s is playing the role of an arc length parameter, so the solutions of these equations give the geodesics as arc length parameterized curves. The second equation has a first integral
[tex] \dot{\phi} = \frac{L}{\sinh(r)^2} [/tex]
which is obviously similar to the analogous first integral for a radial chart for the Euclidean plane (substitute [itex]\sinh(r) \mapsto r[/itex] and consider what happens for small r).

Exercise: consider a simple semi-Riemannian analogue:
ds^2 = -dt^2 + \cosh(t)^2 \, d\phi^2, \;
0 < t < \infty, \; -\pi < \phi < \pi
(This is the upper half of [itex]H^{1,1}[/itex], the hyperboloid of one sheet in [itex]E^{1,2}[/itex], the signature 1,1 manifold of constant curvature, aka "two-dimensional tachyonic momentum space".) Why do the resulting equations give all geodesics, including null geodesics, as affine-parameterized curves? (This point recently confused someone in another thread.)
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  • #3
Thankyou for your reply.

Why do the resulting equations give all geodesics, including null geodesics, as affine-parameterized curves?
because we are optimising s hence finding the shortest path through space-time?

I have an example question (and the corresponding solution) for the metric I gave

ds^2 = dq^2 + (sinh(q)*dp)^2

that was used on a past exam paper.
I understand everything except the question asks 'find parametric equations for geodesic lines on this surface' and the solution produces

cosh(q) = cosh(q0)*cosh(s)

from the first integrals. SImilarly, it also gives

dp = (sinh(q0)*ds)/(cosh^2(q0)*cosh^2(s)-1) [I apologise, I don't know how to add tex code]

I understand the maths involved in getting these results, however, in order for me to be able to obtain similar expressions for different problems in the exam I need to understand what the question is asking when it says 'find parametric equations for geodesic lines on this surface'

Are you simply trying to get q as a function of s? and p as a function of s?

If so, why?
  • #4
The dynamic Lagrangian method automatically gives the geodesics in affine parameterization. It is the assumption that one has used an affine parameterization that allows the simple method of the dynamic Lagrangian to work.

Note that L is a quardratic form Q in the dynamic Lagrangian method

If you wish to find the geodesics in arbitrary coordinates directly, you must solve the Euler-Lagrange equations with L = sqrt(Q), rather than the Lagrangian given in the previous post by Chris Hillman which is specific to the dynamic Lagrangian method.

It is the simplification involved in getting rid of the square root (which is quite significant, if you actually go through the work of solving it) that makes the dynamic Lagrangian method attractive.

A very similar method is the Einbein method, which is usually used in other contexts than geodesics but also serves the function of getting rid of the square root in a Lagrangian.
See for instance:

For a textbook discussion, if you happen to have MTW "Gravitation", pg 315-324 discuss both the direct method and the dynamic Lagrangian method.
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  • #5
Ah I see, the two equations provide the parametric representation of a typical geodesic.

Thankyou both for all your help!

FAQ: Parametric equations for geodesics

1. What are parametric equations for geodesics?

Parametric equations for geodesics are mathematical equations that describe the path of a geodesic, which is the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface. These equations use parameters such as time or distance to determine the position of the geodesic at any given point.

2. Why are parametric equations used for geodesics?

Parametric equations are used for geodesics because they allow for a precise and efficient way to describe the path of a geodesic on a curved surface. By using parameters, these equations can account for the changing curvature of the surface and accurately represent the geodesic's path.

3. How do you derive parametric equations for geodesics?

Parametric equations for geodesics are derived using the principle of least action, which states that a geodesic will follow the path of least resistance on a curved surface. This involves setting up a functional integral and solving for the geodesic equation using the Euler-Lagrange equation.

4. What are some real-life applications of parametric equations for geodesics?

Parametric equations for geodesics have many practical applications, such as in GPS navigation, robotics, and computer graphics. They are also used in physics and engineering to study the behavior of particles and objects on curved surfaces, such as planets and satellites.

5. Are there any limitations to using parametric equations for geodesics?

While parametric equations are a powerful tool for describing geodesics, they do have some limitations. These equations assume a continuous and smooth surface, which may not always be the case in real-world situations. Additionally, they may not accurately represent geodesics in extreme or highly curved surfaces.

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