Piece-wise continuous functions on the close interval

In summary, the conversation is discussing how to show that the set D[a,b] of piecewise continuous functions on the closed interval [a,b] is a subspace of the vector space P[a,b] of all functions defined on the interval [a,b]. The participants suggest checking that D[a,b] is closed under addition and subtraction, that the zero function is piecewise continuous, and that the sum of any two piecewise continuous functions is also piecewise continuous. They also mention the importance of understanding the definition of piecewise continuous and the need to subdivide intervals.
  • #1
Let D[a,b] be the set of piece-wise continuous functions on the close interval [a,b]. Show that D[a,b] is a subspace of the vector space P[a,b] of all functions defined on the interval [a,b].

Can someone get me started? Do I just need to show that they are closed under addition and subtraction? If so, how do I show that? Thanks.
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  • #2
Don't forget to show that the zero function is piecewise continuous. Just go over the definitions of a vector space and piecewise continuous function.
  • #3
How do I make up and write out two piecewise functions and do operations on them?
  • #4
Let f and g be piecewise and continuous (write out the definition, soemthing like, for f there is a partition of [a,b] into finitely many subintervals of nonero length such that f is continuous on each, same for g) then check that f+g sastisfies this definition (which may requiire you to think for a second to porduce the subintervals). i assume you're happy that the sum of continuous functions is continuous.
  • #5
learn the definition of piecewise continuous carefully as it is subtle. (are the smaller intervals open or closed or either?) then subdivide.

FAQ: Piece-wise continuous functions on the close interval

1. What does it mean for a function to be piece-wise continuous on the closed interval?

A function is considered piece-wise continuous on a closed interval if it is continuous on each sub-interval within the larger interval. This means that the function has no abrupt changes or jumps in its value and can be graphed as a continuous line.

2. How can you determine if a function is piece-wise continuous on a closed interval?

To determine if a function is piece-wise continuous on a closed interval, you can check if the function is continuous on each sub-interval within the larger interval. This can be done by checking if the function is defined and has a limit at each point within the sub-interval.

3. What is the importance of piece-wise continuity in mathematics and science?

Piece-wise continuity is important in mathematics and science because many real-world phenomena can be modeled and analyzed using functions that are piece-wise continuous. It allows for a more accurate representation of these phenomena and allows for the use of mathematical tools and techniques to analyze them.

4. Can a function be both piece-wise continuous and discontinuous on a closed interval?

No, a function cannot be both piece-wise continuous and discontinuous on a closed interval. If a function is piece-wise continuous, it means that it is continuous on each sub-interval within the larger interval, which would not be possible if it were also discontinuous. However, a function can be piece-wise continuous and have a finite number of discontinuities on the closed interval.

5. How is piece-wise continuity different from uniform continuity?

Piece-wise continuity refers to a function that is continuous on each sub-interval within a larger interval, while uniform continuity refers to a function that is continuous on the entire interval. In other words, piece-wise continuity allows for discontinuities at certain points within the interval, while uniform continuity requires the function to be continuous at every point within the interval.
