Ping Pong ball through a bowling ball

In summary, the speed necessary to go through a bowling ball would depend on the information about its density and the amount of force applied. There is a possibility that the front of the ping pong ball would be damaged, as demonstrated by the example of a karate expert punching through bricks. However, there may be a certain speed at which the ping pong ball could penetrate through the bowling ball without being damaged, but this would require further analysis of the internal forces and deformation involved. Additionally, the principles of Physics still apply in situations such as karate, where there is a combination of strength and psychology involved.
  • #1
What information would I need in order to calculate the speed necessary to go through a bowling ball, and how would I calculate it. Also, is there a speed that is fast enough that that ping pong ball doesn't get demolished? (such as the front of the ball having enough energy in itself to go through the bowling ball such that the back of the ball doesn't expend any energy going through it because there is already a hole in it?)

This isn't a homework question, it's just something I'm wondering about soft body physics.
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  • #2
But the front of the pingpong ball will be slowed up a bit on impact because of Momentum conservation, however fast it's going. That will involve an internal force within the ball, which will cause deformation, surely. If it damages the bowling ball, then how could you suggest that the pingpong ball could ever be unscathed? What if the bowling ball were fired at the pingpong ball? In the observational frame of the centre of mass of the two together, it would be the same situation.
There would, of course, be a speed at which the pingpong ball would 'penetrate' through the bowling ball - but it would come out of the other side in a sorry state.
  • #3
Well I'm thinking of when a karate expert punches through a bunch of bricks, and doesn't hurt his hand, but if he goes two slow, he can break his hand because he hasn't punched through the bricks and all of that energy is immediately put back into his hand instead of over the course of time of the breaking.
  • #4
There must be a lot more to the Karate situation. I think my simple argument shows what happens in the ping pong ball situation.
In Karate there is a lot of strength and psychology involved but there are clear limits to what can actually be achieved. You still need to apply the Physics rigorously to the situation.
  • #5

To calculate the speed necessary for a ping pong ball to go through a bowling ball, you would need to know the mass and density of both balls, as well as the force applied to the ping pong ball. This can be calculated using the equation F=ma (force = mass x acceleration). The acceleration, in this case, would be the velocity of the ping pong ball as it approaches the bowling ball.

As for whether there is a speed fast enough for the ping pong ball to go through the bowling ball without being demolished, it is possible if the force applied is enough to create a hole in the bowling ball without causing it to shatter. This would depend on the material and strength of the bowling ball. However, it is important to note that even if the front of the ball has enough energy to create a hole, the back of the ball would still experience some force as it passes through the hole and may still be damaged.

Additionally, the angle at which the ping pong ball approaches the bowling ball would also play a role in determining the necessary speed and potential damage to both balls. A more direct and perpendicular approach would require less force and may result in less damage compared to a more angled approach.

Overall, the calculation of the necessary speed and potential damage would require detailed information and experimentation with different variables to accurately determine. Soft body physics is a complex field, and there are many factors at play in a scenario like this.

FAQ: Ping Pong ball through a bowling ball

1. How can a ping pong ball go through a bowling ball?

The ping pong ball can go through a bowling ball due to the principle of conservation of energy. When the ping pong ball is thrown at the bowling ball with enough force, it transfers its kinetic energy to the bowling ball and creates a dent. The dent then acts as a funnel, allowing the ping pong ball to pass through.

2. What is the reason behind the ping pong ball going through the bowling ball?

The reason behind the ping pong ball going through the bowling ball is due to the difference in their densities. The ping pong ball is less dense than the bowling ball, so it is able to pass through the dent created by the transfer of energy.

3. Can any other object pass through a bowling ball in the same way?

Yes, any object with a lower density than the bowling ball can potentially pass through it. However, the size and shape of the object also play a role in whether it can successfully pass through.

4. Is this phenomenon only possible with a ping pong ball and a bowling ball?

No, this phenomenon can occur with any combination of objects with different densities. For example, a golf ball through a tennis ball or a marble through a basketball. As long as there is a difference in density and enough force is applied, the object can pass through.

5. Are there any real-world applications for this phenomenon?

While this may seem like a fun science experiment, there are actually real-world applications for this phenomenon. For example, in the field of medicine, doctors can use this concept to remove blood clots or tumors from the body without invasive surgery. They can inject a small object, such as a microbead, into the clot or tumor and use ultrasound technology to create a dent and allow the object to pass through, breaking up the clot or tumor in the process.
