Plunging into water feet first, as streamlined as you can be

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of forces and potential survival when plunging into water. It is mentioned that a man should streamline his body when entering the water and that there are previous threads on this topic. While an exact calculation is difficult, one can estimate the forces by considering the displacement of water. The use of dV/dt is also mentioned as a possible indicator of force.
  • #1
There is a thread on plunging into water but it doesn't specify how you land. Consider that a man plunges into the water vertically with his toes pointing downwards, streamlining his body to the maximum possible extent. How can you calculate if the person falling will die or not? Rather how can you calculate the force he will be subjected to when he hits the water?
Physics news on
  • #2
There are a few old threads on that question. An exact calculation of the forces over time is very difficult, but you can get a pretty decent estimate just by considering that in the time between first touching the water and being completely submerged, a volume of water equal to the volume of the body must be displaced.
  • #3
Right. Got that part. But will dV/dt give an idea of the force?

FAQ: Plunging into water feet first, as streamlined as you can be

1. What is the best way to enter water feet first?

The best way to enter water feet first is to make sure your body is as streamlined as possible. This means keeping your legs and arms close to your body, your head in a neutral position, and your body straight.

2. Why is it important to enter water feet first?

Entering water feet first is important because it helps to reduce the impact on your body. When you enter the water head first, there is a higher risk of injury to your head, neck, and spine.

3. How does entering water feet first affect your speed?

Entering water feet first can increase your speed because it allows you to maintain a more streamlined position. This reduces drag and allows you to move through the water more efficiently.

4. What are some common mistakes people make when entering water feet first?

Some common mistakes people make when entering water feet first include not keeping their legs and arms close to their body, not keeping their head in a neutral position, and not maintaining a straight body position. These mistakes can increase the risk of injury and decrease speed.

5. Are there any safety precautions to take when plunging into water feet first?

Yes, it is important to always check the water depth before entering feet first. If the water is too shallow, it can cause injury. It is also important to make sure the water is clear of any obstacles, such as rocks or debris, before entering.
