Poll: Something from nothing or something eternal

  • Thread starter Royce
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In summary, the conversation discusses the two possible alternatives for the beginning of the universe: either something came from nothing or something is eternal. The concept of "nothing" is defined as absolute nothingness, not even a quantum vacuum or singularity. The concept of "eternal" is described as having no beginning or end, and could refer to the universe itself or some other eternal entity. The participants also express their beliefs and opinions on the topic, with some leaning towards the idea of something being eternal and others questioning the concept of nothingness. The discussion also touches on the topic of time and how it relates to the eternal, with some believing that time is a property of the physical universe while others argue that it exists in the spiritual realm as

Did something come from nothing or is something eternal

  • Something came from nothing.

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Something is eternal.

    Votes: 38 58.5%
  • Something else, another alternative.

    Votes: 23 35.4%

  • Total voters
  • #36
I have just noticed something about the survey on this thread: There are only two voting options, (1) and (2,3), and (2,3) is running at 100% of the survey?


If Something CANNOT come from Nothing, then it must always come from Something else. This is equivalent to otption (3) in the survey "Something from Alternatives". If something always changes from one thing to another, rather than from nothing to something and vice versa, then something is eternal. It is immaterial whether something never stops changing. It seems therefore as if voting options (2) and (3) are part of the same question, and since no one has yet voted for option (1), the voting option (2,3) being just one voting option is running at 100% of the whole survey.

Or do you guys see this differently? Could it be proved otherwise?
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  • #37
Philocrat,, I don't see option 2 and 3 as equivalent. I really don't see #3 as an option at all; but, I put it into give others and out who couldn't accept 1 or 2 and in hopes that someone had and alternative idea. Logically and physically I think something is eternal (2) is the only viable choice. Where this could lead us is antibody's guess, but I do think that the universe was created by and eternal spirit God is just as logical and possible and the universe itself being eternal as incomprehensible as either idea is.
No, this does not prove anything but it does surprise me that the physicalist hear didn't come up with more creative alternatives.
  • #38
I'm in the camp of something from nothing, and that something is nothing. Things amount to the geometric embodiment of nothing. They are not physical entities, but conceptual ones, and act in accordance with conceptual laws. Hence reality comes in forms of nothing. The color yellow comes in a form just as much as the car you drive, and their relationships serve to form other concepts (A yellow car for instance). The key to understanding this is to come to grips with the illusion that you are a physical entity interacting on a physical level.

From this - We can grasp that the only difference between something and nothing is geometric form verses no geometric form at all, and we can safely say that we are the realty of Non-Existence.

In our universe there are only ones, one at a time, where time is the nothing ones are composed of.
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  • #39
Something is nothing?

Pi_314B said:
I'm in the camp of something from nothing, and that something is nothing. Things amount to the geometric embodiment of nothing. They are not physical entities, but conceptual ones, and act in accordance with conceptual laws. Hence reality comes in forms of nothing. The color yellow comes in a form just as much as the car you drive, and their relationships serve to form other concepts (A yellow car for instance). The key to understanding this is to come to grips with the illusion that you are a physical entity interacting on a physical level.

From this - We can grasp that the only difference between something and nothing is geometric form verses no geometric form at all, and we can safely say that we are the realty of Non-Existence.

In our universe there are only ones, one at a time, where time is the nothing ones are composed of.

Hello Pi 314B: An interesting arrangement of words. If you could produce any rational or empirical evidence to support these assertions, I would appreciate seeing them. Otherwise, it appears that your illusion parameters are too nebulous for interactive scrutiny.
  • #40
Pi_314B said:
I'm in the camp of something from nothing, and that something is nothing. Things amount to the geometric embodiment of nothing. They are not physical entities, but conceptual ones, and act in accordance with conceptual laws. Hence reality comes in forms of nothing. The color yellow comes in a form just as much as the car you drive, and their relationships serve to form other concepts (A yellow car for instance). The key to understanding this is to come to grips with the illusion that you are a physical entity interacting on a physical level.

From this - We can grasp that the only difference between something and nothing is geometric form verses no geometric form at all, and we can safely say that we are the realty of Non-Existence.

In our universe there are only ones, one at a time, where time is the nothing ones are composed of.

I think I understand the gist. Here is a question that would determine where I am right or wrong: If I told you that "Nothing excists until I measure it (see, smell, taste), at which time it comes into being.", would you believe me?

If so, the problem that I immediatly see is: we are constantly guided and controlled by the outside world. Plus, how would all humans be able to relate when the outside world is soo subjective to each person? Personally I believe that that notion is an illusion.
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  • #41
In the field of the vastly unknowable, there are all kinds of possibilities.

1] No Creator, no first cause, Universe always was.

2] No Creator, some kind of anti-nihilistic quantum first cause equivalent to -U + U = 0 so nothing happened in the EBSOT (Even Bigger Scheme Of Things) and two Universes were created for the price of none. Universe(s) wasn't always but is/are now.

3] No Universe; just a Creator who always was; got bored, and imagined a Universe. Got stuck for a minute on the bit about 'How do I create surprise in this Universe and enjoy this imaginary sandbox if I already know every damned thing about it?', then said, "Simple! I just schizoid myself into separate conciousness that doesn't know I know, and let the games begin!" Never had to solve the problem of how the material Universe came about, because it never did; it is all imagined. Would one damned atom shake any differently in this imagined universe? Nope. For those stuck in an imagined box, the box is as real as real can be in this universe. There would be no signicant, detectable, or even actual difference between this imagined universe and what we in the box refer to as the real Universe.

4] Creator who created a material Universe. But, why go to all the bother? If He could imagine, design, and build it, He could just as well, and a lot easier, just imagine and design it. What is harder to accomplish? Being a schizoid, or building something from nothing? Why break a sweat? Why show off like that? Towards what end? Who knows.

"Logically" these can't all be correct; but logically, it might seem at first that at least one of them is correct. We actually have at least 5 cases which only seem to cover all the bases, but then, only with our temporal bias intact:


seems at first to be logically impossible, but to absolutely say that, I would need to enforce my own Rule for God. Because, I'd need to take my own bias about time into the analysis, and for all I know about time, a Creator might have created in two directions, as part of his own special little -U + U = 0 two for none accounting gimmick.

As a devout secular non-aligned agnostic theist, the best I can come up with in regards to the unknowable is a meek "I don't know." I'd have to leave it to the true religious fanatics to logically claim they did.
  • #42
sd01g said:
Hello Pi 314B: An interesting arrangement of words. If you could produce any rational or empirical evidence to support these assertions, I would appreciate seeing them. Otherwise, it appears that your illusion parameters are too nebulous for interactive scrutiny.
The overall evidence used would be the evidence used to describe what we term physical interaction. It's just a matter exchanging the word physical with conceptual. If we derive a universe from nothing - We must accept physical reality as being impossible. To make a physical universe from nothing is tantamount to pulling a rabbit out of a hat. The idea here is to work with what you've got (nothing). You don't change nothing ... you simply give it form. If forms of nothing follow what we term physical laws (conceptual laws from my perspective) how would the universe be any different than the one we percieve?. The answer would be that there would be no difference.

What I am simply saying is that the act of walking up a flight of stairs is not a physical event, but a conceptual one. Use the same equations that are accepted now, with the caveat that it should not be misunderstood under physical terms.
  • #43
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
I think I understand the gist. Here is a question that would determine where I am right or wrong: If I told you that "Nothing excists until I measure it (see, smell, taste), at which time it comes into being.", would you believe me?
I am not saying that nothing exist. I am saying that the form of nothing does, and it is composed of nothing. As an example: Registering a photon with your eyes. We don't read the nothing it is composed of, but the form of it's composition. Red and yellow are the same breed of animal, as in they would both be forms of nothing. The difference comes in the overall shape of the form. They both give different geometric readings, and once again they are conceptual in nature.
  • #44
Zlex said:

Yeah, that's about the way I see it in my rational analytical mind, though I've never even thought of the fifth alternative. I wouldn't but it in quite those words, but it works form.

Until recently I thought #3 was the way it is, Now I'm more of a #4 man.

What about an ETERNAL CREATOR, ETERNAL UNIVERSE. Does this make the truth table complete now?
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  • #45
By the Law of the Excluded Middle, the is no third option.
  • #46
Picklehead said:
By the Law of the Excluded Middle, the is no third option.

Quantum logic does not have the excluded middle.
  • #47
Pi_314B said:
I am not saying that nothing exist. I am saying that the form of nothing does, and it is composed of nothing. As an example: Registering a photon with your eyes. We don't read the nothing it is composed of, but the form of it's composition. Red and yellow are the same breed of animal, as in they would both be forms of nothing. The difference comes in the overall shape of the form. They both give different geometric readings, and once again they are conceptual in nature.

Can you explain why you believe that?
  • #48
I see some here have touched on it but to me the first two options assume the absoluteness of time. If there was a time when time didn't exist (lol) then it is meaningless to talk about eternity. This is why I choose the third option.
  • #49
What is evidence?

Pi_314B said:
The overall evidence used would be the evidence used to describe what we term physical interaction. It's just a matter exchanging the word physical with conceptual. If we derive a universe from nothing - We must accept physical reality as being impossible. To make a physical universe from nothing is tantamount to pulling a rabbit out of a hat. The idea here is to work with what you've got (nothing). You don't change nothing ... you simply give it form. If forms of nothing follow what we term physical laws (conceptual laws from my perspective) how would the universe be any different than the one we percieve?. The answer would be that there would be no difference.

What I am simply saying is that the act of walking up a flight of stairs is not a physical event, but a conceptual one. Use the same equations that are accepted now, with the caveat that it should not be misunderstood under physical terms.

Great evidence. Just exchange the word physical with the word conceptual. Call physical events conceptual events and the evidence is there. I will leave you in your conceptual world and return to my physical word. Best of luck.
  • #50
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
Can you explain why you believe that?
This thread gives you three choices, but there really is only two in an inquiry such as this... A beginning to something, or eternally something. One might also say that both choices are true, however this possibility would likely be nothing more than fudging ( The result of a lack of understanding). We can understand the difficulty in dealing with absolutes, such as - nothing, infinity, eternity, it's hard to pin the tail on the donkey, and we most certainly try. As evidence of our lack of understanding, this tread and many more like it show that few come to a complete agreement. I can say without reservation that I don't have a complete understanding, only that my tail has been pinned somewhere on the donkey, and I feel good about it's placement.

As to your question - Can you be more specific? :-)
  • #51
sd01g said:
Great evidence. Just exchange the word physical with the word conceptual. Call physical events conceptual events and the evidence is there. I will leave you in your conceptual world and return to my physical word. Best of luck.
Just make sure you don't leave my world when you are in the process of bench pressing 300 pounds, or you could be in for a world of hurt.
  • #52
Pi-314B said:
As to your question - Can you be more specific? :-)

Well, you must have compiled some info in your head to come up with that conclusion. I believe you do think logically so I would like to know how you put together information in order to find the "spot on the donkey" :-).
  • #53
I think we're caught up here on somantics. Nothingness is nothingness, or non existence.

For myself, I can't accept that the universe came from nothingess. As someone stated elsewhere:

"to accept that something came from nothingness is to accept the possibility of the existence of god"

Absolute nothingness in it's conceptualization by it's own nature prevents the creation of something. In order to change from a state of nothing over into something would require interaction with something, which defies it's own nature and render the concept invalid. If something interacts with nothing, then it becomes something. It's a paradox.

Human beings have a "theory" that the universe evolved from nothing. We don't know, and we can't say. Measurement of any sort involves a frame of reference. Time is a human creation, however in our estimation of how time operates, in order for an event to happen that creates the big bang, requires the existence of time. To claim that the universe just "came into existence" without an events to set it in motion would involve divinity, which I can't accept. Therefore I can only conclude that there must have been something before the big bang, because the very nature of absolute nothingness is contrary to existence. I can accept some other form of existence, that we haven't conceptualized yet, but I cannot accept spontaneous existence without causality.

To me, that's like saying " the world must be flat because I look through my telescope and the world just drops off- sure I haven't thought of sailing over there to find out, but I'll just assume it's flat instead of saying I'm not sure because I haven't checked it out yet"

Or am I missing something?
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  • #54
How can there be a third option besides either there being a 'creation event', what ever actually did the creating be it god or big bang, or random quantum events; or 'no creation event'? An infinite sea of bubble universes? That falls under 'no creation event', even though each specific universe (cosmos) has its own 'creation event'. Either there is an ultimate beginning, or there is no ultimate beginning. Can there be an ultimate half-beginning/half-eternal event without it being subsumed into just a single event in an eternal spacetime?

Quantum logically, I can understand (no I cant, but anyways . . . ) that while 6x4=24, 4x6 might not, ie. there are . . . um . . . symmetries that are not conserved . . . ? . . . oh wait, it doesn't follow regular logics 'if-then' structure . . . ok, but still, how does that apply to the law of the excluded middle in relation to there being a 'creation event', or 'no creation event'?
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  • #55
so you're saying that time isn't constant?
that there is no rule for how fast particles can move in space?
if this was the case, why do all humans age in the same amount of humanly measured time?
why does summer come 5 months after winter?

it seems to me, time can go faster and slower.
if time was only causal events, aka moving particles, with no time dimension to control them, wouldn't that mean that if we had a device to speed up particles in say, a box, we could make time go faster?

let's say we put a cat in a box, and inside this box, we could make the causal events go much faster. the cat would then age 10 years in a matter of seconds.
even this little experiment tells me that time is not just the movement of particles in space, but also an inherent dimension that controls the speed of the particles.

Billy T said:
I again agree with bola, but much more below about time below.

Many, myself included, tend to think of time as if it were flowing from the past into the future and in some mysterious way changing things as it passes, but I think this is demonstrable wrong. Really we never observe time. "Time" need not, and probably does not, exist and this can be demonstrated with mathematical rigor. Now for that demonstration:
What we actually observe is something changing, not time. I'll take a changing observable related to time, the continuously moving hands of a clock, but any changing observable would do. (The mathematical formulation I give is general.) These hands advance in relation to some other change, specifically in the case of a grandfather clock, they correlate with the swings of the pendulum.
Let me now state it more generally: Event "A" is an observable changing function of time, "t" or A(t) = a(t) where the functional form of a(t) could be 15sin(7t) if the observable event A were the oscillatory positions of a pendulum, swinging with amplitude 15 in some system of units. (I use this example, despite its having repetive occurances of "A" because the inverse function has a well know name and that helps in my specific illustration/example.) Likewise some other changing observable event, say B(t), which if you still need specifics you could consider to be the position of Mars in its journey around the sun, but let's be general.
We have two equations:
A(t)=a(t) and B(t)= b(t). Inverting (Solving each separately for "t") we get: t=a'(A) and t=b'(B). As I fear some are already confused, i.e. not with me any longer, I will briefly return to the specific example: This inversion of the equations with the prior specific example: A(t) = 15 sin(7t) leads to 7t = arcsin(A/15) or t= {arcsin(A/15)}/7 which for convenience and generality, I have called a'(A). (The function form of a' ,which was an "arcsin" in this specific example, is only expressible in the general case symbolically and I have chosen a'(A) to represent it.)
Becomeing more general still by considering some othe observable, C, I get:
t = c'(C) etc. for every observable in the universe. Now eliminating time from all equations of the universe (and this is the proof that it is not needed to describe all observables in the universe) we have:
a'(A) = b'(B) = c'(C) = ...
That is every observable in the universe can in principle be related directly to any other observable without any reference to time.

Elimainating time from all physics would be an extremely useless thing to do. It is much easier to describe all event as if they were function of this wonderful, but unobservable construct of man, we call time. But the "passing of time" is not the cause of anything. (Events cause events.) Time is a very convenient invention of man, a parameter in our equations, as I have just demonstrated with mathematical rigor. Becoming specific again to make sure all can follow:

I am not growing older because of the passing of time. I am growing older because of causal events in my body. For example, in my joints small crystals are forming, when my cells divide, their telomares are growing shorter, etc. "Time passing" has nothing to do with my aging. Time causes nothing. Man invented time, but not by any conscious process. It is just the way we tend to think, like we once did that the world was the center of the universe, sun going arround, etc. ("natural assumptions", formed prior to knowledge) Without education, science and math we would still have more of these naturally assumed truths and hold them strongly. Slowly, one by one, man is gaining a more correct view.
Unfortunately, few yet realize (and few will even accept despite the aforegoing mathematical proof) that time is one of these "natural assumptions" of man and not any real thing that flows from the past to the future, making changes as it passes.

Because of this view, which most will find very strange, I can not vote on questions about the nature of something that does not exist or cause anything, anymore than I could vote on a question about the color of elephant eggs (red or blue -you try to vote on their color and you will at least understand why I can not vote on the question of this thread.)
  • #56
Option 3 is the same as saying something came from nothing. If 'something' is not eternal, 'nothing' must have popped in from time to time. As long as I am complaining, the definitions of 'nothing' thus offered are nothing more than circular logic.
  • #57
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
Well, you must have compiled some info in your head to come up with that conclusion. I believe you do think logically so I would like to know how you put together information in order to find the "spot on the donkey" :-).

That would be a tough nut to crack ... so I would prefer not to bust a nut. call me lazy.
  • #58
original by ROYCE:
"From what or where then did the singularity originate? As a singularity has no (0) dimensions and infinite mass/energy density it is something, isn't it."
I don't think it is any difficulty to answer;
...from a consciouseness of some sort and without that consciouseness there could be nothing, upon establishing that I realize that I am, I cannot escape the conclusion that there always was, and could never could have there been "nothing". Zero is an imaginary number. An arbitrary starting point
to begin counting from. Without it there could be no number line such as 1,2,3,4,5,...ad.infinitum. There could only be the "infinite one". So it is my beleife that we live in a "virtual reality".
  • #59
Chronos said:
Option 3 is the same as saying something came from nothing. If 'something' is not eternal, 'nothing' must have popped in from time to time. As long as I am complaining, the definitions of 'nothing' thus offered are nothing more than circular logic.
I'd like to corner some people by getting specific. It would seem most consider something eternal as the only choice. What is something? Something as opposed to what? Is the universe infinitely compose of somethings? Does nothing play a role in an eternal universe?
  • #60
Pi_314B said:
I'd like to corner some people by getting specific. It would seem most consider something eternal as the only choice. What is something? Something as opposed to what? Is the universe infinitely compose of somethings? Does nothing play a role in an eternal universe?

I would have to say "something"in that contxt would have to point to the fact of existence,which is readily proven by the fact that some or something could ask such a question. Logic this then, that "something" that "exists" regardless of whether or not it is a singularity with "no thing(s)" that could refference to there being space/time and more than "one" component of "being", that "something" could not be in our question if it did not"exist",
unless you want to argue that we can use imaginary objects as subjects in questions,which I would have to say that we can indeed, as theoreticals of the imagination of the theorists, which establishes the fact of "existance" of both real and imaginary objects in the mind of the questioners,imaginers,and theorists. If you were to experience your imagination strongly enough,say to the point of it seeming real to you, until that experience changes, who could tell you while you are in the experience that it is not real. "Your experiencing" was real, and if it had not changed,you would never say that it was not real, Your "knowing" establishes "existance". Can you prove that I am not just a figment of your imagination, or that you are not just a figment of my imagination,or are we both just something that "exists" in a "dream" of some other conscious(or maybe unconscious?) "be-ing"?
  • #61
In the non-dual view (Taoism etc) the universe originates with 'something' that cannot be said to exist or not-exist. This sounds ridiculous to some I'm sure, but note that at least it solves the problem. The trick to understanding this view lies in analysing exactly what we mean by 'exist'.

Similarly, in this view, the universe is neither caused or uncaused but is said to arise from a 'causeless cause'. Again, this sounds ridiculous, but again, the trick is to analyse exactly what we mean by 'cause'. At least it is no more ridiculous than saying that the universe was caused or was not caused.

Whether or not one agrees with this view it at least resolves the problem of all those metaphysical questions which cannot be answered. They cannot be answered because both answers to them make no sense, as many people here have pointed out and as all philosophers have concluded. One solution would be a divine miracle, but this solution also contradicts reason when it comes down to it. So this other view,in which both answers to such metaphysical questions are bound to make no sense because both of them are wrong, has quite a lot going for it.

Just to make it seem even more counterintuitive the 'something' from which, in this view, the universe arises, is the only 'thing' that is real and all the rest is epiphenomenal. Once again that may seem ridiculous. Yet so far, despite the extreme age of this view, this claim remains not only consistent with the scientific evidence but is becoming increasingly close to the scientific view as that view evolves.
  • #62
I wonder if there is another clue in that we can use the word 'experience' in reference
to subjective happenings as well as to events in space/time which we can also call objects. Even if we were to know the answer to the question of existence it would not be of much relavence to very many of us unless that understanding leads to our having
more controll/power over the physical world that we are so bound to and/or gaining a broader, more meaningful range of experience. There are and have been ways of acheiving both. It is a blessing that those doors are not easily opened. Due to some peoples psychological nature, Earth could become a nightmare.
  • #63
Ok this something exist but

what decided that it will be in the quantity that it is ? ( If the universe is finite. )
  • #64
Is something a physical entity? If so ... What contitutes physical? Break it down so as to create no confusion. Get specific.
  • #65
I have tried to make it as clear and concise as I can within my limitations of language and the limitations of the language itself.

I am writing in absolute terms.

Something can be a god/creator, another universe, this universe, a singularity, branes, energy, thought, consciousness and/or anything, anything that you may want to consider.

Nothing or NO-THING is just that absolutely nothing.

Nowhere is time considered or referred to, nor does the word eternal as I am using it contain or imply the concept of time as we usually think of it. It simply means without beginning and without end, nothing more nothing less.
  • #66
Chronos said:
Option 3 is the same as saying something came from nothing. If 'something' is not eternal, 'nothing' must have popped in from time to time. As long as I am complaining, the definitions of 'nothing' thus offered are nothing more than circular logic.

I disagree. The problem that many seem to be having is that we are so accustomed to living in "time" that we cannot imagine existence without it. Just because something is not eternal doesn't mean that something came from nothing. Theoretically, something could exist without time. In this case it doesn't make sense to talk about this thing being eternal.

If you insist that something could not exists without time then you are essentially saying something came from nothing because it is commonly theorized that time was created in the big bang. And since nothing can exists without time, then obviously there was nothing before the big bang.

Forget all this. Imagine existence without spacetime and rid yourself of these questions. They are only paradoxical because you're inside the box trying to understand the machine that makes boxes.
  • #67
Royce said:
Nowhere is time considered or referred to, nor does the word eternal as I am using it contain or imply the concept of time as we usually think of it. It simply means without beginning and without end, nothing more nothing less.

I understand what you're saying. I have been using the term eternity to be a concept of time and therefore have argued that nothing is eternal since time has not always been. But this does not mean that something did not exists prior to time being created. "Something" created time imo. Because of my use of the word eternity, I just can't label such a thing as eternal.

But if I see the intent of your use of the word "eternity" then yes this thing would be eternal. I caution against using that word though because people inevitably link it to time and then start coming up with all sorts of paradoxical questions about something existing in time forever. Some even start arguing that a creator can't possibly be realistic because think of how bored he would be! Obviously this is "inside the box" thinking and you have to choose your words very carefully to deal with it. I'm not advocating a creator by any means. I just think we have very little to say about the nature of anything that exists without time. It's like trying to imagine what it's like inside a black hole.
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  • #68
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
Well, you must have compiled some info in your head to come up with that conclusion. I believe you do think logically so I would like to know how you put together information in order to find the "spot on the donkey" :-).
I would be remiss if I didn't at least take a stab at this.

From a something from nothing perspective.
Imagine all of Existence being removed. What is left which cannot be removed?


Therefor nothing is eternal and we can expect something from nothing for lack of any other choice. After all ... We are here.
  • #69
Fliption et al, I'm sure that you have a good idea of what I'm saying. I'm not sure that something being eternal is the same as eternity. Eternity to me means time without beginning or end while something being eternal means, as I am using the word as being without beginning and without end.

Beginning and end contain and imply sequential time and cause preceding effect.

Eternal meaning without beginning and without end contains and implys without time.

Yes this takes abstract thinking and its hard to get our minds to wrap itself around this concept even if we can never completely understand it.
  • #70
Royce said:
Philocrat,, I don't see option 2 and 3 as equivalent. I really don't see #3 as an option at all; but, I put it into give others and out who couldn't accept 1 or 2 and in hopes that someone had and alternative idea. Logically and physically I think something is eternal (2) is the only viable choice. Where this could lead us is antibody's guess, but I do think that the universe was created by and eternal spirit God is just as logical and possible and the universe itself being eternal as incomprehensible as either idea is.
No, this does not prove anything but it does surprise me that the physicalist hear didn't come up with more creative alternatives.

Somthing(Fish, Bird, stone, Animal, Insect, planet etc)

Fish (Tilapia, cat fish, prawn, etc)

Bird (Eagle, Sparrow, Crow, Hen, etc)...and so on.

As shown here, Something in this very sense is a universal category that has no relation to any other universal category that I personaly can point my finger at. The metaphysical and epistemological blunder is the assumption that 'Nothing' or 'Nothingness, is not only a potential and actual metaphysical category of a universal knind but also that its has a CAUSAL RELATION with 'Something'. As far as I am concerned this amounts to what is called in Metaphysics 'Category Mistake'.

Infact even if we could succeed in showing that 'Nothingness' is another universal metaphyical category that coexist with Something, I still cannot figure out how we can precisely prove that both are causally linked or that one is reducible to the other. As far as I am concerned there is no such causal link.

On the issue of there being other possible 'Alternatives', I personally want to know what they are at the metaphysical (universal) level. Are these so-called 'Alternatives' genuine Metaphysical Categories that can neatly and genuinely equate Something at the universal level? I am curious.
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