Post your Winter and Spring 2011 schedules here

  • Thread starter Jack21222
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In summary: B+ grades hold you back!In summary, the person is planning to take a few graduate level classes and is expecting the workload to be about the same as it was this past semester.
  • #106
Is it just me or has anyone noticed despite the difficulty of the courses, most Math and/or Physics majors will take 18 hours of classes on a consistent basis?

Seriously, since I picked up Math and Physics I have not taken less than 18 hours in a semester.
Physics news on
  • #107
It's cause we all can count and realize that if we take more hours we can finish sooner! The way I see it is if I want to be an engineer, I should go ahead and get used to the pressure! :)
  • #108
Dougggggg said:
Is it just me or has anyone noticed despite the difficulty of the courses, most Math and/or Physics majors will take 18 hours of classes on a consistent basis?

Seriously, since I picked up Math and Physics I have not taken less than 18 hours in a semester.

It's cause we have balls. I had 21 credits last semester and I'm getting 20 this semester.
  • #109
heh, I question the truth of some of these courseloads.

But assuming they are true, do those taking it feel they can actually spend sufficient time on each subject to throughly understand it?
  • #110
I'm starting off easy (14 credits) since I haven't been to school in awhile, but I can easily see doing more. I've been having a blast being back at school. Can't do much math until I get past Calc II anyway.

Last time I was in school I was a music major, and usually had 25-28 credits. I guess some of these crazy schedules I'm seeing here aren't too crazy.

  • #111
I was going to do 19 this semester, including a gen ed english course. Then I saw the syllabus had about 2-3 papers a week and I decided to pass that one up. Now back down to 18 after a few other changes. However, I am also auditing another course on top of that.
  • #112
Hey, probably a lighter course-load than most of you guys it seems, but here it is;

Real Analysis-300 level
Abstract Algebra II-400 level
Intermediate Calc II-200 level
Roman Civ.-200 level
  • #113
ECmathstudent said:
Hey, probably a lighter course-load than most of you guys it seems, but here it is;

Real Analysis-300 level
Abstract Algebra II-400 level
Intermediate Calc II-200 level
Roman Civ.-200 level

So, Real Analysis is self-explanatory and I'm assuming Abstract Algebra II covers material like advanced ring theory, fields, and introductory Galois theory (at least that's the gist of the syllabus at my university), but what exactly is Intermediate Calc II?
  • #114
Abstract algebra is ring theory, and Intermediate calc two would probably be called vector calculus at most schools.
  • #115
ECmathstudent said:
Abstract algebra is ring theory, and Intermediate calc two would probably be called vector calculus at most schools.

Is your Abstract Algebra I strictly group theory, then?
  • #116
Advanced algebraic topology (fibrations, cofibrations, spectral sequences, homotopy theory)
Algebraic geometry (at the level of Shafarevich)
Representation theory (of symmetric groups mainly)
Scientific Study of Language
Argument (a writing course)
  • #117
Modern Physics
Real Analysis
Applied Analysis - covers various topics mathematics applied to physics, engineering, chem, bio, etc. ODEs, PDEs, calc of variations
  • #118
Classical Mechanics and Relativity II
Quantum Mechanics I
Classical Physics Lab
  • #119
System Physiology
Solid State Physics I
Soft Matter Physics I
Hyperfine Interactions
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Projectwork Physics
  • #120
Quantum Mechanics II
Electromagnetic Theory II
Statistical Mechanics
Experimental Methods in Physics
Introduction to Number Theory
Modern Europe
  • #121
Thermo II
Engineering Analysis
Fluid Mechanics
Mechanics of Materials
Tech Writing
  • #122
Undergrad Research
Quantum Mechanics 1
Statistical Mechanics
Special & General Relativity

Goddamn excited for relativity.
  • #123
Linear Algebra
Intro to Probability
Differential Equations
Biology 2
Biology 2 Lab
Undergrad Research
  • #124
Some crazy sounding schedules here!

For me:

Classical Mechanics II
Modern Physics
Intro Proof course
Partial Differential Equations
Current Social Problems

So, 1 easy course haha.
  • #125
20th Century Art

Speaking of which, I should probably go start that paper that is due Tuesday.
  • #126
Isnt spring ending? Wheres the Summer/Fall topic
  • #127
Chunkysalsa said:
Isnt spring ending? Wheres the Summer/Fall topic

Depends how you call the terms. At my school the Winter term is about to end and spring term starts in less than 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure this is the case for many, if not most, schools in North America.

And for my spring schedule:
- Engineering Dynamics
- Technical Writing
- Chilling
  • #128
Jokerhelper said:
Depends how you call the terms. At my school the Winter term is about to end and spring term starts in less than 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure this is the case for many, if not most, schools in North America.

I think maybe it's different in the States. Spring is ending now and Summer is starting.
  • #129
BioPhysics Research!
Quantum Mechanics
Classical Mechanics
Physics Writing
Complex Variables

I'm thinking of just throwing an easy course into the Spring schedule just to add some credits. I think it's going to be quite a semester.
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  • #130
I'll jump on the Summer/Fall bandwagon too.

-Computer Logic and Organization
-Physics II

Math classes in my school are sometimes hard to come by (all of the upper-level ones are offered only once per year), so I've been putting off these two courses until the Summer, when I have nothing better to take. I'll also be doing some graph theory research, I think.

-Analysis I
-Abstract Algebra I
-Combinatorics/Graph Theory II
-Introduction to Communications

One of these is a gen-ed (guess which!), but I have to get it out of the way at some point and I figure that the other classes are sufficiently challenging (one of them is grad-level) that I'll be pretty busy. Especially when you factor in work and research and the like.
  • #131
You guys have 4 semesters? :s We have two of 13 weeks each. and a summer break from july till halfway september.
  • #132
Since we are talking about next fall, I will jump on with all of next year.

Calc III
Modern Physics
Real Analysis
Math Methods for the Physical Sciences and Engineering
Discrete Methods (pretty much just graph theory)

Linear Algebra
Intro to Operations Research
Quantum Mechanics
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (looking forward to more than any other)

Should be fun, also it's pretty funny that for both semesters I have each of the 3 math profs and 2 physics profs for 1 class. That is what happens at a tiny school.
  • #133
eXorikos said:
You guys have 4 semesters? :s We have two of 13 weeks each. and a summer break from july till halfway september.

We have three: Fall, Spring and Summer. Fall and Spring are the traditional semesters. I'm not sure if this is common in the States, but all of the Universities I'm acquainted with also have different terms in each Summer A, Summer B, Summer C; the date ranges for these terms are different.
  • #134
Okay, so, I have a question about a possible amendment to my Fall schedule, above. The advisor in my department has been encouraging me to take a course in Advanced Linear Algebra. I'm certainly not against the idea, since I've had two courses in linear algebra already and am quite into the subject, so I'm all for learning more. The issue is, it's a graduate class, and since I don't want to drop any of my other three math classes, it would mean that I'd be taking two grad classes in the same semester. Has anyone had any experience with that and if so, how did that work out?

In short, I'm considering this schedule:

Analysis I
Abstract Algebra I
Combinatorics and Graph Theory II (graduate-level)
Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (graduate-level)

To give a little bit of context, I know all of the professors for these courses (I've had two of them already) and all of them are fairly reasonable. I've also had a handful of rigorous math classes in the past, so I'm not entirely unprepared, but still, it's a bit daunting. Any thoughts?
  • #135
Real Analysis and Abstract/Modern Algebra are usually at or near the peak of an undergraduate mathematics program. That along with two graduate level courses could make life extremely difficult on you. The difficulty you could very easily face is being spread out too thinly. If you plan on pulling it off make sure that you won't have too many other time commitments during the semester. If you do manage to do well during that, then you will have a much smaller leap to graduate school than most.
  • #136
Circuit Analysis I
Intro to Philosophy
Intro to Engineering II


Circuit Analysis II
Electronic Circuits I w/ Lab
Modern Computational Methods
Linear Algebra
Foundations of Mathematics (intro to proofs)
Prob/Stat for Engineers

Gonna be a boring summer and a crazy fall v_v
  • #137
Here's what I'm probably going to be in next semester:

Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
Classical Mechanics
Elementary Physics Lab
Advanced Calculus
Advanced Linear Algebra.

Sounds like a fun time right?
  • #138

Intermediate Mechanics
Introductory Thermodynamics
Calculus III
Ordinary Differential Equations

And either

Experimental Methods in Physics
Introduction to Probability and Statistics

I'm really on the fence because exp methods is a completely optional course that only comes around every 2 years or so and is a prereq for one upper level electronics class/lab combo while intro to prob and statistics is a course I'll absolutely need later on, but I'm not sure if I'll need it next year.
  • #139
How about somebody start a new Summer/Fall thread?

I started this one, somebody else start the next one, I'm lazy.
  • #140
How could you?! This is your PF legacy -_-

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