Probability Activity Word problem for relative frequency

In summary, bke0712 is drowning in math right now and would love some help bc he is horrible at math. He has found the data he needs and is working on calculating probabilities. He has found that for a group of 50 people, .374*50=18.7 of them would be O-positive.
  • #1
I am drowning in math right now and would love some help bc I am horrible at math.

Here is what I have got.

1. The four major blood groups are designated A, B, AB and O. Within each group there are two types; positive and negative. Find data on the relative frequency of these eight blood groups (as in the general population).
a. Make a table showing the probability of meeting someone in each of the eight groups.
b. For a group of 50 people, how many would you expect to have in each one of these groups?

I have gotten this info :

ABO Type Rh Type
O positive 37.4%
O negative 6.6%
A positive 35.7%
A negative 6.3%
B positive 8.5%
B negative 1.5%
AB positive 3.4%
AB negative .6%

Please help, I have 5 projects to complete by tonight in Statistics and ready to cry. TIA.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
What have you been able to do so far? (You need to show your work on this Forum as well! (Wink) )

  • #3
Hi bke0712,

Welcome to MHB! :) As topsquark wrote, showing us what you've done so far is very helpful and something we like to see before helping. That said, here are some initial comments.

Ok so it looks like you have found the data you need. For (a), I would just convert the percentage to a probability scale. Percentages are from 0 to 100 (with data like this at least) and probabilities are from 0 to 1 (always). So you should convert your numbers to a new scale by dividing each number by 100. For example, 35% corresponds to 0.35.

For the last part, we're going to use this logic. $E[X] = X \cdot P[X=x]$. That looks scary maybe but all it means is that to find the expected number of people we take the number of people times its probability.
  • #4
.374 x
.066 x
.357 x
.063 x
.085 x
.015 x
.034 x
.06 x
For the last part said:
= X \cdot P[X=x]$. That looks scary maybe but all it means is that to find the expected number of people we take the number of people times its probability.

This is where I get confused.
  • #5
Ok looks good! What are the x's for? You can just use the decimals. :)

For the expected number out of 50, just multiply. If you have 50 people, then we would expect .374*50=18.7 of them to be O-positive. Keep going down the line for the other expectations.
  • #6
so for the answer to a. and b. I am multiplying?

wouldn't that be the same answer to both? ugh math.
  • #7
bke0712 said:
so for the answer to a. and b. I am multiplying?
In a problem like this "probability" is the same as percentage. Yes, to find a percentage of a particular number, you multiply the percentage, written as a decimal, by the number.

wouldn't that be the same answer to both?
No, it wont. The answer to the first problem is a decimal number, less than 1. The answer to the second is that decimal multiplied by 50.

ugh math.
Do you think it is a good idea, when asking people to help you, to insult them?

FAQ: Probability Activity Word problem for relative frequency

1. What is relative frequency?

Relative frequency refers to the proportion of times an event occurs in relation to the total number of trials or observations. It is often expressed as a decimal or percentage.

2. How is relative frequency calculated?

To calculate relative frequency, divide the number of times the event occurs by the total number of trials or observations. This will give you a decimal, which can be converted to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

3. What is the difference between relative frequency and probability?

Relative frequency is based on observed data, while probability is based on theoretical expectations. Relative frequency can be used to estimate probability, but it is not always an exact representation.

4. How can relative frequency be used in probability problems?

Relative frequency can be used in probability problems to make predictions about the likelihood of future events based on past observations. It can also be used to compare the expected probability to the actual observed frequency of an event.

5. Can relative frequency be greater than 1?

No, relative frequency cannot be greater than 1. It is a proportion, and therefore must be between 0 and 1. If the value is greater than 1, it means there were more occurrences of the event than the total number of trials or observations, which is not possible.

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