- #666
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kith said:juanrga, I think our views are quite incompatible when it comes to interpretations of QM, because you don't seem to acknowledge any other interpretation than the orthodox one. So I don't see the point in discussing with you here.
However, thanks for the paper. I have saved it, but there are other decoherence-related paper's I am going to read first.
I know a physicist who does not accept Maxwell electrodynamics, neither SR or GR; affirms that are nonsensical theories, that would be abandoned by 'rational' minds; and promotes the outdated, inconsistent, and falsified weber electrodynamics (see also #664) as the 'rational' theory that every physicist would embrace.
He has been shown to be completely wrong in many occasions, but he cannot accept this and ignoring any criticism he has extended this kind of wrong theory to gravity as well. His theory of gravity is even poor and, as today, it cannot explain simple stuff as Mercury perihelion anomaly and light bending at once (although his theory contains a free parameter) unless you abandon energy conservation principle
I have discussed with him in the past and showed many mistakes in his papers and books, but he ignores any criticism, because he has philosophical prejudices about how nature reveals itself in experiments.
I find the same kind of attitude regarding QM.
Some few people has philosophical prejudices about how nature reveals itself in experiments and want to substitute QM by some other pseudo-theory satisfying their philosophical beliefs/credo because do not accept QM: the theory developed by Bohr, Heisenberg, vonNeumann, Schrödinger... using scientific methods.
This same people is also blind to any experiment disproving their 'theory', do not read the criticism done, neither care about the inconsistencies found in their 'theories'.
This people reveals their own inconsistency when sometimes they claim that MWI is just another interpretation of QM (although the contrary has been shown in literature), whereas sometimes they claim that is a theory that does different predictions than QM (although none of their new predictions have been verified).
Decoherence community is very related to MWI community and make bold claims about deriving nonunitary dynamics from unitary one, about solving the measurement problem and so on. However, all those bold claims are shown to be plain false (when one checks the details on the papers and preprints) again and again.
I have no problem with the possible existence of other 'interpretations' of QM different from that found in main textbooks. I have a problem when some few people claims that MWI (Everett, Deutsch, and friends), ensemble (Ballentine), Bohmian (Broglie, Bohm)... are merely another interpretations of the QM that one finds in textbooks, when none of them is even close.
I am sorry by saying what some people here want to ignore, but well, guys this is the post #666 here
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