Prove Ring with Identity on Set S with One Element x

In summary, on a set S with exactly one element x, addition and multiplication are defined as x+x=x and x*x=x respectively. It can be proven that S is a ring by verifying certain axioms such as associativity, commutativity, and identity for addition, and commutativity for multiplication. Since S only has one element, x, the axioms for inverse and distributivity do not need to be checked. The fact that x(x+x)=x+x and (x+x)x=x+x again show that S satisfies the axiom of distributivity. This is sufficient in proving that S is a ring.
  • #1
On a set S with exactly one element x,
define x + x = x, x*x = x. Prove that S is a ring.
The way I think about this problem is be showing that it verifies certain associativity,commutativity,identity,inverse for addition and commutativity for multiplication and a (b + c) = ab + ac .. (a + b) c = ac + bc.
For Addition the first two i think it is obvious since
For Identity since x+x=x then 0_S=x.
For the inverse I don't see how since the set has only one element x which equal 0_S...I guess I don't have to check the last two axioms because S is not a ring.
Am I doing this right?
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  • #2
We have x + (-x) = 0 where both -x and 0 are defined to be x, so there is no problem with an additive inverse.
  • #3
uh sorry...yes that is true then for multiplication commutativity (x*x)*=x*(x*x) and also x(x+x)=x +x and (x+x)x=x+x again.Will this suffice or is there something else.?..because it seemed quite short.
  • #4
StefanM said:
for multiplication commutativity (x*x)*=x*(x*x)
The fact (x * x) * x = x * (x * x) is called associativity.

StefanM said:
x(x+x)=x +x and (x+x)x=x+x again.
Distributivity says x(x+x) = x * x + x * x and (x+x) * x = x * x + x * x.

StefanM said:
Will this suffice or is there something else.?..because it seemed quite short.
Why don't you check the list of ring axioms, for example, in Wikipedia?
  • #5

Yes, you are on the right track. To prove that S is a ring, we need to show that it satisfies all the necessary axioms for a ring. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how we can prove that S is a ring:

1. Addition is associative: For any a, b, c in S, we have (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) = a+c = a. This follows from the definition of addition in S.

2. Addition is commutative: For any a and b in S, we have a+b = a = b+a = b. Again, this follows from the definition of addition in S.

3. Identity element for addition exists: We have already shown that 0_S is the identity element for addition in S.

4. Inverse element for addition exists: Since S only has one element x, we can see that x is its own additive inverse. This means that for any a in S, we have a+(-a) = a+a = a = 0_S.

5. Multiplication is associative: For any a, b, c in S, we have (a*b)*c = a*c = a and a*(b*c) = a*c = a. This follows from the definition of multiplication in S.

6. Multiplication is commutative: For any a and b in S, we have a*b = a = b*a = b. Again, this follows from the definition of multiplication in S.

7. Distributive property holds: For any a, b, c in S, we have a*(b+c) = a = a*b + a*c = a+a = a. Similarly, (a+b)*c = a = a*c + b*c = a+a = a. This follows from the definition of multiplication in S.

Since S satisfies all the necessary axioms for a ring, we can conclude that S is indeed a ring.

FAQ: Prove Ring with Identity on Set S with One Element x

What is a "Prove Ring with Identity on Set S with One Element x"?

A "Prove Ring with Identity on Set S with One Element x" is a mathematical concept that involves proving the existence of a ring structure with identity on a specific set S, where the identity element is denoted by x. In other words, it is a way to show that a given set has a mathematical structure known as a ring, and that this structure includes an identity element with a specific value.

What is the purpose of proving a ring with identity on a set?

The purpose of proving a ring with identity on a set is to demonstrate that a given set has a well-defined mathematical structure that follows certain rules and properties. This can help in further mathematical analysis and applications, as well as provide a deeper understanding of the set and its elements.

What are the properties of a ring with identity on a set?

A ring with identity on a set has the following properties: closure under addition and multiplication, associativity of addition and multiplication, commutativity of addition, existence of additive and multiplicative identities, and distributivity of multiplication over addition.

What is the process for proving a ring with identity on a set?

The process for proving a ring with identity on a set involves showing that the set satisfies all the properties of a ring with identity. This includes demonstrating that the set is closed under addition and multiplication, that addition and multiplication are associative and commutative, that an identity element exists for both addition and multiplication, and that distributivity holds.

What are some real-world applications of proving a ring with identity on a set?

The concept of proving a ring with identity on a set has many real-world applications, including in computer science, cryptography, and physics. For example, it can be used in computer algorithms for efficient data storage and retrieval, in the creation of secure encryption systems, and in the study of symmetry and conservation laws in physics.

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