Proving Entanglement: Measuring Spin of Photons for Bell's Inequality

In summary, The conversation discussed experiments attempting to prove that Bell's Inequality is violated and how this would indicate the reality of entanglement. They also discussed the difference between the EPR model and quantum mechanical model, and how Bell's inequality can detect this difference. The conversation also mentioned a website with more information on this topic and a new paper on the subject.
  • #1
I'm slighting confused about the experiments which try to prove that Bell's Inequality is violated. Here's what would satisfy me that Bell's Inequality has been violated: we measure the spin of a photon and its entangled pair at time 1, then at time 2 we change the spin on photon 1 and measure simultaneously the spin of photon 2 at time 2. If it's always the case that if you change the spin of one then the other photon's spin changes simultaneously then that would be good evidence that entanglement is real. Have experimenters been able to do this?
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  • #2
You have misunderstood what entanglement is. Read this.
  • #3
gamow99 said:
If it's always the case that if you change the spin of one then the other photon's spin changes simultaneously then that would be good evidence that entanglement is real. Have experimenters been able to do this?

That's not what entanglement says should happen. Entanglement says that when I measure the spin of particle A for the first time particle B will behave as if its spin has been changed to whatever value is consistent with the measurement of A. The key phrase there is "for the first time" - after that first measurement the particles are no longer entangled so subsequent measurements of either have no effect on the other.

Bell's inequality applies to the results when we make one measurement on each member of a large number of entangled pairs. Thus, repeated measurements on the members of the same pair are not necessary to find violations - that's not what the theorem is about.
  • #4
Nugatory said:
Entanglement says that when I measure the spin of particle A for the first time particle B will behave as if its spin has been changed to whatever value is consistent with the measurement of A.

How do you know that Einstein's thesis put forward in the EPR paper was not right in that the particles always had the spin they had, we just don't know about it until we measure their spin?
  • #5
gamow99 said:
How do you know that Einstein's thesis put forward in the EPR paper was not right in that the particles always had the spin they had, we just don't know about it until we measure their spin?

That's what Bell's inequality does. There is a subtle but experimentally detectable difference between the statistical correlations you find across a large number of pairs if the EPR model is correct and if the quantum mechanical model is correct: the former cannot violate the inequality and the latter can.

An excellent website maintained by one of our members has more detail:
  • #6
Nugatory said:
That's what Bell's inequality does. There is a subtle but experimentally detectable difference between the statistical correlations you find across a large number of pairs if the EPR model is correct and if the quantum mechanical model is correct: the former cannot violate the inequality and the latter can.
That doesn't make any sense. If I measure particle A and find out that it is spin up at time 1 and then I measure particle B and find out that it is spin down at time 1, then it doesn't follow that the spin of particle A affects the spin of particle B instantaneously, nor does it follow that the spin of particles A and B were in a superposition at time 0. It only follows that I learned something at time 1 which was already a fact at time 0.
  • #7
gamow99 said:
If I measure particle A and find out that it is spin up at time 1 and then I measure particle B and find out that it is spin down at time 1, then it doesn't follow that the spin of particle A affects the spin of particle B instantaneously, nor does it follow that the spin of particles A and B were in a superposition at time 0. It only follows that I learned something at time 1 which was already a fact at time 0.

You are right about that. However, you will find that the same line of thought won't work if we measure along different directions at the two sides. In an ideal Bell thought experiment, at both sides the experimenter chooses at random whether to orient his spin-measuring device at 0, 120, or 240 degrees for each pair. Thus, when they get together afterwards and compare their results, they'll have some pairs on which they measured on the same axis and always got opposite results; other pairs they measured on axes 120 degrees apart and sometimes got opposite results and sometimes not.

It just so happens that quantum mechanics and the EPR-style fixed-but-unknown spin models both predict the same result when the measurement axis is the same on both sides.
  • #8
gamow99 said:
That doesn't make any sense. If I measure particle A and find out that it is spin up at time 1 and then I measure particle B and find out that it is spin down at time 1, then it doesn't follow that the spin of particle A affects the spin of particle B instantaneously, nor does it follow that the spin of particles A and B were in a superposition at time 0. It only follows that I learned something at time 1 which was already a fact at time 0.

Nugatory has steered you correctly. You might benefit from reviewing a web page I created to discuss this exact hypothesis - that the entangled spin of both photons was predetermined at time 0. Bell discovered a fact which was overlooked for 30 years after EPR: that there are no datasets for which the results match the quantum mechanical predictions at other angles. 120 degrees is the easiest angle set to follow (as Nugatory mentioned), and is used in this page.

Without understanding Bell's Theorem, you will go 'round in circles.
  • #9

Related to Proving Entanglement: Measuring Spin of Photons for Bell's Inequality

1. What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, even when they are separated by large distances. This means that measuring the state of one particle will instantly affect the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them.

2. What is the significance of proving entanglement?

Proving entanglement is significant because it provides evidence for the strange and counterintuitive principles of quantum mechanics. It also has potential applications in quantum computing, cryptography, and communication.

3. How is the spin of photons measured?

The spin of photons can be measured using a polarizer, which is a filter that only allows photons with a certain spin orientation to pass through. By rotating the polarizer and measuring the number of photons that pass through, we can determine the spin of the photons.

4. What is Bell's Inequality?

Bell's Inequality is a mathematical expression that sets a limit on the correlation between the states of entangled particles. If the measured correlation between the particles exceeds this limit, it proves that the particles are entangled.

5. How is entanglement experimentally proven and measured?

To prove entanglement, scientists use a setup called a Bell test, which involves measuring the spin of entangled photons at different angles and comparing the results to Bell's Inequality. If the results violate the inequality, it can be concluded that the photons are entangled. This process is repeated multiple times to ensure the accuracy of the results.

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