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seratend said:For a given context (e.g. choice of a given set of properties), you may have a common denominator, that you may call a representation. However, for another context, you may have another representation. These representations may be logically incompatible (e.g. the incompatible observables in QM, or if you prefer one proposition true in one context may be false in another context) => to get a common representation compatible with these 2 incompatible representations you will need to define an ad-hoc external mathematical object (e.g. Boolean lattices vs non Boolean lattices in QM).
I do not know if this inductive construction is always possible (i.e. consistency) and I do not see what additional information it brings (my remark: you like complications ; ).
Well, I'd say: that's the point exactly. I think it would be seen by most physicists as a problem if we have 2 sets of properties (2 representations) of "nature" which are logically incompatible, if it is not in the context that at least one of them is known to be only "an approximation". This is exactly what "unification" is all about, no ?
However, I do not have any problem with "incompatible observables" in QM as logically incompatible: I do not assign something like a position property and a momentum property to a quantum particle ; if quantum theory is correct, its existence is given by a wavefunction in hilbert space, and I'm able to observe a component of that wavefunction, which can be in the position basis or the momentum basis, according to the experiment I try to perform.
Of course, this can all be wrong - after all physics is about DISCOVERING the laws of nature, not about formally setting them up. So it can be that QM is not correct.