Question: what is the resistance forming spiral galaxies?

In summary: According to the Density Wave Theory, the spiral arms in a galaxy are a result of the gravitational attraction between stars at different distances from the center. When the gas clouds passing through these denser areas get squeezed and compressed, this can lead to thermo-nuclear fusion.
  • #1
Gold Member
Just looking at a spiral galaxy made me wonder if there was an external resistance causing the spiral arms to fold in on the structure or if the gravity at the centre of the galaxy was pulling the arms back in on itself. Please let me know!
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  • #2
The prevailing theory of the mechanism behind sprial armed galaxies is known as Density Wave Theory. Within a given galaxy there are regions in which the average density is higher than the average density of the galaxy as a whole. As the galaxy rotates these high density areas "slow down" the overall angular velocity of the piece of the galaxy. The rarefied portions of the galaxy rotate at a faster rate than do these high density regions. When these low density regions meet the high density regions the gravitational attraction between stars at different radii is what actually keeps this spiral pattern once the objects have been sufficiently slowed down. For more in depth info check out Lin-Shu Density Wave Theory. This also helped answer the question of how do stars far from the core of a galaxy form. When the gas clouds pass these density waves, they get squeezed and compressed, sometimes enough to initiate thermo-nuclear fusion. Hope that helped.

  • #3
Agent M27 said:
The prevailing theory of the mechanism behind sprial armed galaxies is known as Density Wave Theory. Within a given galaxy there are regions in which the average density is higher than the average density of the galaxy as a whole. As the galaxy rotates these high density areas "slow down" the overall angular velocity of the piece of the galaxy. The rarefied portions of the galaxy rotate at a faster rate than do these high density regions. When these low density regions meet the high density regions the gravitational attraction between stars at different radii is what actually keeps this spiral pattern once the objects have been sufficiently slowed down. For more in depth info check out Lin-Shu Density Wave Theory. This also helped answer the question of how do stars far from the core of a galaxy form. When the gas clouds pass these density waves, they get squeezed and compressed, sometimes enough to initiate thermo-nuclear fusion. Hope that helped.


My guess is that the Density Wave Theory reading will help answer my question...! Thank you.
  • #4
  • #5
granpa said:

The overall pattern is almost certainly the result of a general dynamical effect known as a density-wave pattern. The American astronomers Chia-Chiao Lin and Frank H. Shu showed that a spiral shape is a natural result of any large-scale disturbance of the density distribution of stars in a galaxy.

¿Almost certainly?

FAQ: Question: what is the resistance forming spiral galaxies?

1. What is the resistance forming spiral galaxies?

The resistance forming spiral galaxies refers to the phenomenon of spiral galaxies maintaining their structure and shape despite the forces of gravity acting upon them. This resistance is due to the rotation of the galaxy and the centrifugal force that counteracts the inward pull of gravity.

2. How do spiral galaxies form?

Spiral galaxies are thought to form through a process called hierarchical merging, where smaller galaxies merge together over time to form larger ones. The spiral structure is then formed through the rotation and gravitational forces acting on the galaxy.

3. Why do some galaxies have spiral arms?

The spiral arms in galaxies are formed due to density waves, which are areas of increased density and gravitational pull. These waves cause gas and dust to compress, leading to the formation of new stars and the iconic spiral structure.

4. Can spiral galaxies change their shape over time?

While spiral galaxies are generally stable structures, they can change their shape over time due to interactions with other galaxies or the effects of dark matter. This can lead to the disruption of spiral arms or the merging of galaxies into a new shape.

5. Are there other types of galaxies besides spiral galaxies?

Yes, there are several other types of galaxies, including elliptical, irregular, and lenticular galaxies. These galaxies have different structures and characteristics, such as the lack of spiral arms or a more spherical shape, due to varying formation processes and interactions with other galaxies.
