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Ok, guys, just STOP !
Two much?phinds said:Ok, guys, just STOP !
Painfulgmax137 said:Two much?
I was hoping to write a full short story with similar phrases. More examples : The banana narratives ( triple syllable 'na'), I will miss miss mississippi, The melele legume.gmax137 said:Desmond told me, when he drinks too much tequila, he likes to wear his pink tutu. Tutu's tutu covers his two Tatoo tattoos.
But don't drink too much or else...ergospherical said:pro life tip: when going out with your mates, hit the gay bars so that you can get your drinks payed for by random 60 year old guys
Too too much for a Tatoo tatoo and tutu discussion for two.gmax137 said:Two much?
Here you're also grounded from when you make an online appointment until you get a negative result (which may take a few days if it is inconclusive and has to be sent to the lab).Rive said:I'll be grounded for two weeks anyway.
George F. Will, a brilliant journalistThe new media enable the instantaneous dissemination of thoughts, most of which should never have been thought, let alone given written expression. The velocity imparted by new media somehow is an incentive for intemperate discourse. Books, however, have long gestations and, usually, careful editors. One of the most demanding and satisfying facets of this columnist’s craft is taking the many hours required to distill to its essence a worthy book that took another author many years to write; to offer just one example, to be able to acquaint a large readership with the lapidary sentences and mind-opening nuggets of information in Rick Atkinson’s military histories — a specialty now almost extinct in the academy.
We will just fix the sun or make a new one.fresh_42 said:We have a lot of science fiction movies like Independence Day in which Earth is threatened by an alien invasion. However, we have only about a billion years left on our own planet before we have to look for emigration. I guess we will be those aliens invading other civilizations!
And I attended a guest lecture by Zuse! We should create a club.Ivan Seeking said:I was recalling today that I once worked with a direct descendant of Charles Babbage - the inventor of the first mechanical computer.
He (my customer) was a programmer.
We are a club!fresh_42 said:And I attended a guest lecture by Zuse! We should create a club.
And I recently had a Turkey club!Ivan Seeking said:We are a club!
Think about the following question: Who is running the nightclub, who the Tube, and who the university?ergospherical said:why the heck am I allowed to go to a nightclub, the london underground at rush hour, etc., whilst the university won’t even allow in-person lectures?
Had? Did the turkeys all quit?WWGD said:And I recently had a Turkey club!
I thought Prussian was from Pmoscow.ergospherical said:
This is definitely a local attractor. I know, since there must be another one near me.Ivan Seeking said:Why is it that girls and women looking for trouble always came to me??
fresh_42 said:Well, Whitney was the only one in the collection who could actually sing.
sysprog said:Without a doubt she was the prettiest.
Ivan Seeking said:I was fifth grade, the red-headed twin girls were in the 8th grade and looking for trouble. And this was our song. I kid you not! Me and two Catholic girls gone wrong!
Why is it that girls and women looking for trouble always came to me?? I'm not complaining mind you, just curious.