Reading of Ammeter for this circuit with Voltage Controlled Resistors

  • #1
Bling Fizikst
Homework Statement
refer to image
Relevant Equations
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Screenshot 2024-10-03 160739.png

Let's say the elements connected in parallel have voltage drop of ##V_x'## each , hence they should have the same resistance ##R_x'##as per the conditions of the problem (since it mentions that if voltage drop across an element is less than ##1## or greater than ##1## , it has some constant ##R_x'##, i.e, ##1## and ##2## respectively) . Let the other element NOT connected in parallel have a voltage drop of ##V_x##and resistance of ##R_x##. We can easily deduce from here that $$i=\frac{V}{R_x+\frac{R_x'}{2}}$$ where ##V## is the voltage across the leads of the circuit . And hence , $$V_x=\frac{V R_x}{R_x+\frac{R_x'}{2}}$$ and $$V_x'=\frac{V\left(\frac{R_x'}{2}\right)}{R_x+\frac{R_x'}{2}}$$ . From the given graph , we can say , $$V=t , 0<t<10$$ and $$V=-t+20 , 10<t<20$$ . So , we have current as a function of time . But to write the resistances , all i can think of is make a ton of cases with ##V_x<1## and so on , but then it doesn't lead anywhere imo .
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  • #2


So initially the ##R_X## are all 1 ##\Omega##, right ?

Instead of 'a ton of cases': at what ##t## does an ##R_X## jump to 2 ##\Omega##, and which one/ones is/are that ?

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  • #3
BvU said:

View attachment 351797

So initially the ##R_X## are all 1 ##\Omega##, right ?

Instead of 'a ton of cases': at what ##t## does an ##R_X## jump to 2 ##\Omega##, and which one/ones is/are that ?

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Ok , i made these cases . let ##(R_x,R_x')=(2,2),(1,2),(2,1),(1,1)##
For ##(2,2)## , we can conclude that the corresponding ##V_x>1## and ##V_x'>1##
Solving for ##V## gives : ##V>\frac{3}{2}## and ##V>3## .
Hence , ##V>3##
Now , if ## t<10## then , ##V=t\in(3,10)## and if ##10<t<20## then ##10<t<17##.
Similarly , i did the calculations for the other three cases (I got a contradiction for ##(1,2)##, so excluded that case) :

For ##t\in(0,\frac{3}{2}) : i=\frac{2t}{3}##
For ##t\in(\frac{3}{2},5] : i=\frac{2t}{5}##
For ##t\in(3,10) : i=\frac{t}{3}##
For ##t\in(10,17): i=\frac{20-t}{3}##
For ##t\in[15,18.5): i=\frac{20-t}{\frac{5}{2}}##
For ##t\in[18.5,20) : i=\frac{20-t}{\frac{3}{2}}##

Not sure what went wrong
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  • #4
The question was so simple, why did you ignore it ?

At ##t=0## you have a series circuit of ##R_x## on the left and ##R_x// R_x = R_x/2## on the right. So with ##V=t## the current will behave as ##I=t/1.5## A.

When will the first resistance jump from 1 ##\Omega## to 2 ##\Omega## occur and where ?

[edit] oops, my bad. You have the first second and a half just fine.

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  • #5
Bling Fizikst said:
Ok , i made these cases . let ##(R_x,R_x')=(2,2),(1,2),(2,1),(1,1)##
What is ##R_x'## ?

Bling Fizikst said:
For ##t\in(0,\frac{3}{2}) : i=\frac{2t}{3}##
For ##t\in(\frac{3}{2},5] : i=\frac{2t}{5}##
Ah, at ##t = 3/2## something happens: left ##R_x## jumps to 2 ##\Omega##, so the current drops to 0.6 A, and the resistor jumps back, current up, etc etc. How long does this unstable situation last ?

Similarly: what happens at ##t=5## ?

Bling Fizikst said:
For ##t\in(3,10) : i=\frac{t}{3}##
Don't understand. You had something different around ##t=3##

I see that for ##t## from 6 to 10 all ##R_x## are 2 ##\Omega##, so there ##i=\frac{t}{3}## A.

But what from 5 to 6 seconds ?

Then: is this a mathematics exercise or a physics exercise ? In a physics situation the two resistors on the right don't 'jump' simultaneously, so the situation is even more complicated. ('My bad' was that I completely overlooked this unstability issue o:) ).

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