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An external filed (a tension Bext = rotAext = curlAext) can cause the electron radiation via variable current j(t). As you know, any acceleration makes the electron radiate. The source term is proportional to the particle charge q. No charge, no radiation.JustinLevy said:[tex] \frac{1}{c^2} \dddot{\vec{A}}^*(\vec{k}) + k^2 \dot{\vec{A}}^*(\vec{k}) = \frac{2 q^2}{\epsilon_0 k^2} \epsilon(k) \left[
\dot{\vec{A}}_{ext}(\vec{r})\dot{\vec{r}} +
\vec{g}(\vec{A_{ext} }(\vec{r})) -
[\ddot{\vec{A}} (\vec{k}) + \ddot{\vec{A}} ^*(\vec{k})] \cdot \vec{f}(\vec{A_{ext} }(\vec{r})) \right] [/tex]Compare this to the CED result of:
[tex]\frac{1}{c^2} \ddot{\vec{A}}^*(\vec{k}) + k^2 \vec{A}^*(\vec{k}) = \mu_0 \vec{j}^*(\vec{k})[/tex]
Both look like a driven oscillator. However, in CED, the external field does not directly source any radiation.
I have not verified your derivation yet. I will see it closer.In your theory, despite your repeated claims, the radiation looks nothing like CED. For example, the external field itself can directly source radiation, where as the current does NOT. Also notice the coupling is q^2 instead of q. Since one driving term is proportional to A(k) itself, it is likely you even have run away solutions even for a stationary particle!
Yes, it is another concept. It does not contain the electron self-action part but "interaction" with the filed oscillators my means of being a part of them.Your resultant "modified" maxwell's equations are not little adjustments like you claim. They look nothing like the original, and wildly disagree with experiment.
You know well, I never wrote the CED Lagrangian, so I admit it is still imperfect. But now you see that we obtain quite similar wave equations.So your choice is to either change your Lagrangian yet again, or admit that your theory is falsified by experiment.
The CED equation is valid also for a constant current (a wire with a current). The latter creates a constant magnetic filed (the vector-potential harmonics do not depend on time then).
I tried to separate this case since the created constant magnetic filed can be written explicitly, no need to mix it with the radiation (propagating modes). If you take a time derivative of the CED equation, you will see that the time-dependent harmonics depend on the charge acceleration (which is determined with an external force thus the latter sources the radiation).
1) I see you left r as the filed argument. It should be replaced with its expression via R and the oscillator coordinates in order to derive the equations correctly. I have to verify your derivation.
2) The current j is proportional to the particle charge q and its velocity. The particle acceleration in an external magnetic (or electric) field is also proportional to the particle charge. As a result, the pumping term is proportional to the external field tension and the charge squared in both theories.
3) The external magnetic filed (curlAext) in my approach may appear from your [tex]\vec{f}(\vec{A_{ext} }(\vec{r}))=(\frac{\partial \vec{r}}{\partial \dot{\vec{A}}(k)} \cdot \vec{\nabla}_{\vec{r}}) \vec{A_{ext} }(\vec{r})[/tex] (unclear expression, too many vectors).
4) My wave equation will anyway be slightly different from the CED one even if you put in the latter the current derivative expressed only via the constant external magnetic filed Bext = curlAext (the exact formula for the current derivative in CED is expressed via the total EMF including the proper, radiated, unknown filed). It is so because the external filed in my approach depends on the filed variables too, but in a different from the exact CED way.
5) The term [tex]\dot{\vec{A}}_{ext}(\vec{r})\dot{\vec{r}}[/tex] does not contain the particle velocity. It should be just the external electric filed [tex]\dot{\vec{A}}_{ext}(\vec{r})[/tex], as in the usual CED.
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