Relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire

In summary, the resistance of a metal wire can be calculated using the equation R = Ro + c(delta T), where Ro is the resistance at room temperature, c is a constant, and delta T is the change in temperature from room temperature. Using this equation, the resistance of a wire at -20 degrees C can be determined by calculating the constant c and plugging it into the equation with the new temperature. This simple approximation is useful for calculating temperature dependence of resistance near room temperature.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"A metal wire has a resistance of 10 ohms at a temperature of 20 degrees C. If the same wire has a resistance of 10.55 ohms at 90 degrees C, what is the resistance of this same wire when its temperature is -20 degrees C?"

Homework Equations

I am not exactly having trouble solving this problem. It's just that my teacher realized after she wrote the problem that she never taught us the relationship between heat and electrical resistivity. Therefore she gave us the problem as extra credit and told us to find out how to solve it on our own.

So all I am really looking for is an equation. I would like to do the calculations myself, but if someone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
This temperature dependence of resistance seems to be quite complicated, but I think all you want in this case is the simplest approximation. In Wikipedia "Electrical Resistance" it says "Near room temperature, the electric resistance of a typical metal increases linearly with rising temperature". In other words R = Ro + c(delta T), where Ro is the resistance at room temperature, c is a constant and delta T is the temperature minus room temperature.
  • #3
Okay, so using your equation

[tex]R = R_{o} + c(\Delta T)[/tex]​

I solved for c

[tex]c = \frac{(R - Ro)}{\Delta T}[/tex]

[tex]c = \frac{(10.55 \Omega - 10 \Omega)}{70 C}[/tex]​

And found c to equal

[tex]0.0078 \frac{\Omega}{C}[/tex]​

Then plugging c back into the original equation and using the new [tex]\Delta[/tex]T:

[tex]R = 10\Omega + 0.0078 \frac{\Omega}{C}(-40C)[/tex]
[tex]R = 9.68 \Omega[/tex]​

This seems to make perfect sense, as 9.68 is about as far from 10 as 10.55 is, and the smaller change in temperature accounts for the smaller change in resistivity.

Thank you very much for your help!

Sorry the equations are kind of sloppy, I don't have that program that puts out the symbols and such.

Woo got the fancy equations working!
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  • #4
Looks good!
People are making these equations by putting "tex" before and "/tex" after, using square brackets instead of quotes. Then the website will translate cryptic commands - like "\theta" into the Greek letter theta. If you hold your mouse over a fancy formula you can see how it was done. Unfortunately it is quite a bit of work and you can't see what you are doing as you do it.

FAQ: Relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire

1. What is the relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire?

The relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire is that as the temperature of the wire increases, its resistivity also increases. This means that the wire becomes more resistant to the flow of electric current. Conversely, as the temperature decreases, the resistivity of the wire decreases as well.

2. How does heat affect the resistance of a wire?

Heat affects the resistance of a wire by increasing the collisions between the electrons and the atoms in the wire. As the temperature increases, the atoms vibrate more and this causes more collisions, making it harder for the electrons to flow through the wire. This results in an increase in resistance.

3. Can a wire's resistivity change due to heat?

Yes, a wire's resistivity can change due to heat. This is because the resistivity of a material is directly proportional to its temperature. As the wire's temperature changes, its resistivity also changes accordingly.

4. How does the type of material affect the relationship between heat and resistivity?

The type of material does affect the relationship between heat and resistivity. Each material has its own specific resistivity-temperature relationship. For example, some materials may have a larger increase in resistivity with temperature, while others may have a smaller increase. This is due to the different atomic structures and bonding between atoms in different materials.

5. What are some practical applications of understanding the relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire?

Understanding the relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire has many practical applications. One application is in the design and use of electrical devices. By knowing how heat affects resistivity, engineers can design devices with appropriate materials and dimensions to ensure they can handle the expected temperatures and maintain proper functioning. It is also important in industries such as electronics and power transmission, where heat management is crucial for efficient and safe operation of devices and systems.

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