Relativity & Quantum Theory: Is Locality Violated?

  • Thread starter UglyDuckling
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In summary, Special Relativity is violated because information is not transferred between two systems that are spatially separated.
  • #1
Modern physics is founded on relativity and quantum theory. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, relativity forces a locality constraint on physical theory; spatially remote events cannot influence each other. On the other hand it has in recent years become evident that quantum mechanics violates this restriction. If we assume the validity of Bell’s theorem and the soundness of such experiments as Aspect’s; then no local theory is completely compatible with the predictions of quantum theory. A contradiction exists between the main foundations of physics.

Is this contradiction because relativity itself is fundamentally flawed or is it our interpretation of its consequences that is wrong?
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  • #2
UglyDuckling said:
Modern physics is founded on relativity and quantum theory. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, relativity forces a locality constraint on physical theory; spatially remote events cannot influence each other. On the other hand it has in recent years become evident that quantum mechanics violates this restriction. If we assume the validity of Bell’s theorem and the soundness of such experiments as Aspect’s; then no local theory is completely compatible with the predictions of quantum theory. A contradiction exists between the main foundations of physics.

Is this contradiction because relativity itself is fundamentally flawed or is it our interpretation of its consequences that is wrong?

In the EPR-type measurement, when you make a measurement of one entangled pair, can you tell me what is this "thing" that travels faster than the speed of light? Was there information being transfered? A superluminal signal? A "ghost particle" perhaps?

If you look carefully, the standard QM makes no mention of anything being transferred from one physical location to another. In other words, no signal moved from one of the entangled particle to its partner. Furthermore, as has been discussed many times on here (see several postings by vanesch and DrChinese), superluminal communication cannot be accomplished via such "quantum teleportation".

So in what way is Special Relativity violated here, and how come all those EPR-type experimental papers make zero mention of such an earth-shattering observation?

  • #3
All that being said though, the answer is: yes our understanding of GR and QM is incomplete because the two theories don't mesh together. This not not because of the non-locality issue, it is because of the non-renormalizability issue.
  • #4
You have to look into relativistic Q Field Theory to discuss this.
Neither E, P, nor R knew about QFT when they sent in EPR, and E was confused about QM. Bell knew and knows QFT, but related to EPR on their own two particle turf. In QFT, space-like surfaces are used, and there is no contradiction with SR.
  • #5
UglyDuckling said:
If we assume the validity of Bell’s theorem and the soundness of such experiments as Aspect’s; then no local theory is completely compatible with the predictions of quantum theory.

There are gazillion discussion threads about this on this very forum. I won't change this thread in yet another MWI thread, no fear :smile: If you want to know how this issue is treated there, I'd refer you to the following post:

And if you want to discuss this further, I'd ask you to continue the discussion in that thread.
  • #6
As ZapperZ correctly points out, there is no superluminal anything going on that we are aware of. Additionally, relativistic QM has been a great success as a theory for decades.

Of course, that does not *prove* absolutely that non-local forces/causes/signals are not possible; but it does help explain why non-local interpretations of QM are not more popular. Such interpretations are generally not Lorentz invariant.
  • #7
ZapperZ said:
In the EPR-type measurement, when you make a measurement of one entangled pair, can you tell me what is this "thing" that travels faster than the speed of light? Was there information being transfered? A superluminal signal? A "ghost particle" perhaps?

If you look carefully, the standard QM makes no mention of anything being transferred from one physical location to another. In other words, no signal moved from one of the entangled particle to its partner.


I don’t think I referred to any physical object traveling faster than light and I agree with your statement about standard QM not describing anything being transferred from one physical location to another. Never-the-less what happens to one system is not independent of what happens to the other system, which is spatially separated from the former. The QM paradigm and now the experimental results indicate that Bell’s inequality is violated. In my opinion once this result is established the QM paradigm becomes something of an irrelevance. The new question is what is it in the nature of space-time that’s enables spatially remote particles to become entangled and does this property contradict special relativity?

So in what way is Special Relativity violated here, and how come all those EPR-type experimental papers make zero mention of such an earth-shattering observation?


I thought this was a major concern and had been the source of argument for the last seventy years?

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  • #8
UglyDuckling said:
I don’t think I referred to any physical object traveling faster than light and I agree with your statement about standard QM not describing anything being transferred from one physical location to another. Never-the-less what happens to one system is not independent of what happens to the other system, which is spatially separated from the former. The QM paradigm and now the experimental results indicate that Bell’s inequality is violated. In my opinion once this result is established the QM paradigm becomes something of an irrelevance. The new question is what is it in the nature of space-time that’s enables spatially remote particles to become entangled and does this property contradict special relativity?

But this is exactly my question to you. What exactly is being violated here and in what way? If SR says that information cannot "move" faster than c, where is this "information" moving in an EPR-type experiment? QM doesn't indicate that there's anything moving. As far as I know, no one has detected any information being transferred in between the two entangled objects. So how does this violates SR?

I thought this was a major concern and had been the source of argument for the last seventy years?


Can you please point me those peer-reviewed papers that are voicing such concern? I'm looking here at several papers by Zeilinger, and at no point was there ever a claim of superluminal motion of anything that violates SR.

It would be nice if you can cite specific credible sources rather than basing it on heresay.

  • #9
There's no correlation of input - output in the EPR experimnets. There is a correlation between the outputs, but no correlation from input->output.
  • #10
The new question is what is it in the nature of space-time that’s enables spatially remote particles to become entangled and does this property contradict special relativity?
To be honest, I don't think that's the right question at all!

Classically, we impose a very specific mathematical condition on our probabilities. (statistical independence)

Before asking what is it about space-time that violates this very specific mathematical condition, we should first arm ourselves with a good reason why we should think it should hold in the first place!
  • #11
ZapperZ said:
As far as I know, no one has detected any information being transferred in between the two entangled objects. So how does this violates SR?


I think what he meant was the question of how one part of the entangled pair knows to 'collapse' when the other part is measured.
  • #12
LnGrrrR said:
I think what he meant was the question of how one part of the entangled pair knows to 'collapse' when the other part is measured.

But that's a separate question than insisting that something is moving at speeds greater than c and thus, SR is violated.

We have MANY questions that are still not answered and still being studied. Why is there a property called "spin", and "charge", and why is so-and-so looks like that? However, just because we don't quite know yet of these answers, doesn't mean we have a free pass to make up our own extrapolation. At best, we can say "we don't know... YET!" We certainly can't say "Oh, obviously, this violates SR!"

  • #13

Well very true, we certainly can't say something like "It violates SR!" without having a good basis (like experiments, for instance). It seemed to me reading it that he just misspoke, but heck, maybe I'm reading him wrong. :)

However, I think everyone makes up their own extrapolation, or at the least, chooses which explanation they think sounds correct.
  • #14
ZapperZ said:
But that's a separate question than insisting that something is moving at speeds greater than c and thus, SR is violated.


I said was; what happens in on system (particle A) is not independent of what happens in the other system (particle B). But I did not imply that anything physical has moved instantaneously between the particles.

An act of measurement on say particle A, will cause an abrupt change in the super-positioned wave-functions of the particles. This will affect the outcome of any measurements made on particle B; whenever those measurements are taken! The change in the wave-function is super-luminal?

There is no evidence to suggest that the wave-function is physical in nature allowing its remit to fall outside the constraints of special relativity. This appears to remove the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity but without actually understanding what’s really going on.

LNGrrrR said:
I think what he meant was the question of how one part of the entangled pair knows to 'collapse' when the other part is measured.

Perhaps my question should have been

What is it in the nature of space-time that’s enables spatially remote particles to become entangled and how one part of the entangled pair knows to 'collapse' when the other part is measured?

The validity of relativity may become self evident when this question is answered? As may the Efficacy of QM.

  • #15
UglyDuckling said:
I said was; what happens in on system (particle A) is not independent of what happens in the other system (particle B). But I did not imply that anything physical has moved instantaneously between the particles.

An act of measurement on say particle A, will cause an abrupt change in the super-positioned wave-functions of the particles. This will affect the outcome of any measurements made on particle B; whenever those measurements are taken! The change in the wave-function is super-luminal?

There is no evidence to suggest that the wave-function is physical in nature allowing its remit to fall outside the constraints of special relativity. This appears to remove the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity but without actually understanding what’s really going on.


And if you hold that opinion, it makes your original question at the beginning of this thread even more puzzling. You clearly claim a violation of some kind of SR postulates. Yet, even you admitted here that such a thing, at best, are really unknown.

  • #16
UglyDuckling said:
Perhaps my question should have been

What is it in the nature of space-time that’s enables spatially remote particles to become entangled and how one part of the entangled pair knows to 'collapse' when the other part is measured?

The validity of relativity may become self evident when this question is answered? As may the Efficacy of QM.

Most physicists would say that your second question is a matter of experimental test, and that your first one is merely metaphysics, or a matter of interpretation of the theories of relativity and QM. Both theories accurately predict the results of experiments, to date, and to physicists, that is what determines their "validity" or "efficacy".
  • #17
UglyDuckling said:
1. An act of measurement on say particle A, will cause an abrupt change in the super-positioned wave-functions of the particles.

2. This will affect the outcome of any measurements made on particle B; whenever those measurements are taken!

3. There is no evidence to suggest that the wave-function is physical...

1. I think this is the crux of your issue. This is a specific claim of oQM, and is not strictly prohibited by relativity.

2. This is definitely not correct. You cannot objectively demonstrate that the outcome at B is in any way dependent on a measurement at A. If you could, you could perform superluminal signalling. All you can actually demonstrate is the correlated results follow the HUP.

3. This is really part of the interpretation one adopts.
  • #18
It's good to remember that QED is a relativistically invariant theory. This means that no perturbation to a system can generate information that goes faster than c. As a simple example, suppose a particle is localized with a wave function that is non-zero on a (small) interval. As the wave function evolves according to the Dirac equation, it is always zero at t along any ray if (distance along ray from initial "position" > ct. There's no way a measurement at A can influence a measurement at B until t after the A measurement, where ct is the retarded distance between A and C. If this is not true then something has to be added to QED, and, more generally,to QFT.
Reilly Atkinson
  • #19
DrChinese said:
2. This is definitely not correct. You cannot objectively demonstrate that the outcome at B is in any way dependent on a measurement at A. If you could, you could perform superluminal signalling. All you can actually demonstrate is the correlated results follow the HUP.

I think you’ve misinterpreted what I meant to say, sorry about the clumsiness of the expression.

The outcome of any measurements on particle B will depend on the state of its wave-function at the point of measurement. Since particle B is super-positioned with particle A, particle B’s wave-function cannot be independent of the state of particle A which will be dependent on any measurements made on particle A. However an observer of particle B has no way of knowing the outcome of any measurements made on particle A. His results will appear random. Therefore no super-luminal information passes between the observers.

It is only by the subsequent analysis of results that non-local correlations can be identified.

DrChinese said:
3. This is really part of the interpretation one adopts.

This dangerous territory! A physical interpretation puts us right back to violations of SR and contradictory pillars of modern physics.

I think there is communication between the particles but not along the super-luminal route A to B?
  • #20
UglyDuckling said:
The outcome of any measurements on particle B will depend on the state of its wave-function at the point of measurement. Since particle B is super-positioned with particle A, particle B’s wave-function cannot be independent of the state of particle A which will be dependent on any measurements made on particle A. However an observer of particle B has no way of knowing the outcome of any measurements made on particle A. His results will appear random. Therefore no super-luminal information passes between the observers.

It is only by the subsequent analysis of results that non-local correlations can be identified.

Ok, here's the part I'm not getting. Non-locality isn't violated, because particle A can not 'send a message' to particle B faster than light. Correct? Or do they mean that we can't possibly know if non-locality is violated, because any correlation between us can not be faster than light?

If the second case, as a thought experiment, couldn't you separate two entangled photons a light year's distance away (so that a photon that 'collapsed' in one area would only 'collapse' after a year when the message reached the other photon at the speed of light), and put two observers at the ends, who reported to an observer in the middle? (For instance, Jane tests the waveform which collapses it and measures it, and Bob 'sees' the collapse, or tests it himself at the same time) They both then send the information to a 'middleman' who can confirm both measurements before the collapsed photon has time to reach the other. Why wouldn't this work?

(Again, I apologize for all 'newbie' type questions, but specific answers are very hard to find on the web unless you know just where to look.)
  • #21
LnGrrrR said:
Ok, here's the part I'm not getting. Non-locality isn't violated, because particle A can not 'send a message' to particle B faster than light. Correct? Or do they mean that we can't possibly know if non-locality is violated, because any correlation between us can not be faster than light?

Firstly we are talking about the violation of locality not non-locality.

Locality refers to a view of the world where by the speed of light is the ultimate limit that interactions can take place between spatially separated locations. The violation of locality is therefore a violation of the special theory of relativity.

Non-locality refers to a view of the world where the behaviour of a particle is subject not only to what is going on in its immediate vicinity but can also be affected by distant events. These non-local influences affect the particle instantly and are therefore transmitted at infinite speed. What Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance”.

The combination of Bell’s inequality and Aspect’s Experiment shows the world does have a non-local flavour to it.

However this non-local flavour does not necessarily mean locality is violated.

Our commonsense encourages to think quantum entities are real and possesses unique properties, that is, they have location, mass, momentum etc. This view of the world is known as physical reality. The combination of “locality” and “physical reality” is called “local reality”. It is this view of the world that that is rejected by Bell’s inequality being exceeded in Aspect’s Experiment.

This demands at least one of the two elements of local reality must be rejected.

If reality is retained then locality is violated. If locality is retained then quantum entities can not possesses specific physical properties. These are merely what we observe and are the result of interactions of quantum entities with the measuring apparatus and ultimately with ourselves. Such observations tell us nothing about what the quantum objects are when they are not being observed. Our commonsense view of the physical reality of the quantum world cannot be substantiated by experimentation. The rejection of reality then opens the possibility of the universe being holistic with an infinite number of unobservable paths of connectivity that provide our measuring apparatus (which are also part of the infinite skein) with the information needed to give us measurable results.

Given the validity of Aspect’s experiment and others I would suggest that determining if the world violates locality or reality is one of the most fundamental questions facing physics today.

LnGrrrR said:
If the second case, as a thought experiment, couldn't you separate two entangled photons a light year's distance away (so that a photon that 'collapsed' in one area would only 'collapse' after a year when the message reached the other photon at the speed of light), and put two observers at the ends, who reported to an observer in the middle? (For instance, Jane tests the waveform which collapses it and measures it, and Bob 'sees' the collapse, or tests it himself at the same time) They both then send the information to a 'middleman' who can confirm both measurements before the collapsed photon has time to reach the other. Why wouldn't this work?

Sorry I’m afraid I do not understand your question.

I do not know what you mean by testing the waveform and what is a collapsed photon? What is the objective of the thought experiment? Is it to prove the possibility of super-luminal communication? I’ll answer as best I can.

Testing the waveform

The waveform is an abstract mathematical construct used in QM as part of the method for obtaining probable observed outcomes for a given experimental setup. QM does not give the wave-function any physical reality.

Collapsed Photon

The word collapse usual refers to the fact that once a measurement is taken the waveform for that particular experiment no longer applies to the quantum entity which initiated the observation. Since the waveform is spatially distributed through the experimental set-up and the actual measurement results from a point interaction the waveform is said to collapse.

By observing the polarisation of a single entangled pair of photons you are not likely to get any useful information. Regardless of whether the world is described by quantum mechanics quantum or local reality entities are still subject to the laws of conservation, both QM and RL will predict the same correlation. To tease out the information we need, we run the experiment with beams of photons passing through the filters at different angles. Local reality says altering the angle of detector A can have no influence on the outcome at detector B (set at a different angle) whist non-locality changing the angle at A will alter the probability of the photon passing through filter B.

In your experiment the detectors are separated a light year (Not A very practical choice, still it is a thought experiment!). Incidentally, the apparatus requires a coincidence detector so you can determine which photon pairs with which. This will be held by the middleman who incidentally is likely to be at the source of the paired photons.

The experiment is thus set away by the middleman, Six month later the photons will arrive at the detectors. Bob and Jane carryout the work with the detectors; altering the angles and measuring the counts and feeding back to the coincidence detectors.

On completion Bob will have a set of random results for each of his detector settings, Jane will have a similar are set of random results.

Six months later the results rattle into the coincidence detector and the middleman pairs the results and forms the results into columns for the various setting of the detectors. He runs through the statistical and calculates the correlations. He has his answer a year after he set the experiment away. He sends a message out to Jane and Bob who six month later also know the answer.

Sorry I don’t think your thought experiment allows us to communicate faster than light.


After the excitement of the day Middleman sat down in his comfy chair, lit his pipe, took a few puffs and began to reflect. He thought of President Bush all those millennia ago committing America to the LnGrrrR project, the countless dollars committed to it. He thought of the ancient laboratory that had been his home for the last year and a half. But most of all he thought of the generations of space farers who’d made the journey to the measuring points specified by LnGrrrR half a light year from Earth. These were the ancestors of Bob and Jane, their commitment to the project was total.

He picked up a piece of paper on which he written the message sent to Bob and Jane. He smiled, it was just a number.


Yes Bell’s inequality had been exceeded, suddenly he felt very close to Bob and Jane.
  • #22
jtbell said:
Most physicists would say that your second question is a matter of experimental test, and that your first one is merely metaphysics, or a matter of interpretation of the theories of relativity and QM. Both theories accurately predict the results of experiments, to date, and to physicists, that is what determines their "validity" or "efficacy".

The question should have read "the reason for the efficacy of QM?".

Experimentally QM is the most efficacious theory we have and as you say that's what counts. But it would be nice to understand why it is so effective!
  • #23
If i know that two particles in front of me must have opposite spin, even though we don't know exactly which spin each one has, then, if the distance between these two particles were to increase by an arbitrary amount over time, without their respective spins changing, then at any point, if i check the spin of one of the two particles, i know the value the other one must take.
This only seems weird given the strange assumptions of Quantum Mechanics, that each particle is in a superposition of states, thus not having a definite spin. With this assumption i would be led to believe that by checking the spin of one particle that i am giving the other particle a definite spin, and thus change that other particle at an arbitrarily great distance. There is an obvious "solution" to this strange conclusion which would be that particles are not in a superposition of states, not in a physical way, at least. When i check one particle's spin, collapsing the other particle to a state with a definite spin, is there any actualphysical change taking place in that particle?
  • #24

First off, thanks for the amusing story at the end, tongue-in-cheek as it is. ;)

Secondly, forgive me if I don't get all the terms right...I'm still very much a 'layman' when it comes to QM, and I sometimes mix them up.

But yes, you got the idea relatively right, with the middleman. The question I was asking though, is this...

Physicists who dont' believe locality is this because they feel that A) entagled particle A can't send information to particle B at instantaneous speed? or B) WE can't get the information faster than light?

Thanks for the help. :)
  • #25
When i check one particle's spin, collapsing the other particle to a state with a definite spin, is there any actualphysical change taking place in that particle?
Some interpretations interpret the collapse as being a physical change of state, so that there would be a physical change in the other particle.

Other interpretations interpret the collapse as merely being the way we mathematically compute conditional probabilities, so that there is no change in the other particle.

I think there are yet other possibilities as well.
  • #26
reilly said:
It's good to remember that QED is a relativistically invariant theory. This means that no perturbation to a system can generate information that goes faster than c. As a simple example, suppose a particle is localized with a wave function that is non-zero on a (small) interval. As the wave function evolves according to the Dirac equation, it is always zero at t along any ray if (distance along ray from initial "position" > ct. There's no way a measurement at A can influence a measurement at B until t after the A measurement, where ct is the retarded distance between A and C. If this is not true then something has to be added to QED, and, more generally,to QFT.
Reilly Atkinson

I think during this discussion we have tended support the validity of special relativity. There being nothing per se in quantum mechanics which suggests that anything physical is exceeding the speed of light.

On those grounds I would tend to agree with what you and Dirac are saying about QED and QFT i.e. no perturbation can generate information that travels faster than light. And no super-luminal signal can be transmitted from the point where the state of particle A is measured to where particle B is measured.

However, what you haven’t made clear is your view on Bell’s inequality and the result of Aspect’s experiment.

Are you casting doubt on the conclusion that the world is in some respects non-local?

Do you believe in some way physical locality and non-local influences can coexist?

Or do we have to alter our notion of locality to somehow explain how the information about what has happened in some spatially remote part of the world affects the outcome of a local measurement?
  • #27
LnGrrrR said:

Physicists who dont' believe locality is this because they feel that A) entagled particle A can't send information to particle B at instantaneous speed? or B) WE can't get the information faster than light?

Thanks for the help. :)

Each individual Physicist, who believes that locality is not violated probably has his own view on why this should be.

My personal view is that particle A does not have to send information to particle B in order for the results to be correlated and there is no superluminal activity in the universe.

Quantum mechanics enables us to calculate the probable outcomes from a particular experimental setup. In the case of Aspect’s experiment that includes the correlations between the outcomes. In other words quantum mechanics is saying that all the information regarding the outcomes and their correlations is in place prior to any measurements actual being made.

It seems quantum mechanics regards the whole experimental process as a single complex event and not as a series of causally related individual events. This view is substantiated by the apparent collapse of the wave-function and further substantiated by all the observations being separated from the source by proper intervals of zero magnitude.
  • #28
-Job- said:
If i know that two particles in front of me must have opposite spin, even though we don't know exactly which spin each one has, then, if the distance between these two particles were to increase by an arbitrary amount over time, without their respective spins changing, then at any point, if i check the spin of one of the two particles, i know the value the other one must take.
This only seems weird given the strange assumptions of Quantum Mechanics, that each particle is in a superposition of states, thus not having a definite spin. With this assumption i would be led to believe that by checking the spin of one particle that i am giving the other particle a definite spin, and thus change that other particle at an arbitrarily great distance. There is an obvious "solution" to this strange conclusion which would be that particles are not in a superposition of states, not in a physical way, at least. When i check one particle's spin, collapsing the other particle to a state with a definite spin, is there any actualphysical change taking place in that particle?

Hi Job

Check out Bell's theorem and Aspect's experiment for the means of differentiating between the two possibilities.

You may need a little patience!

  • #29
-Job- said:
When i check one particle's spin, collapsing the other particle to a state with a definite spin, is there any actualphysical change taking place in that particle?

Quantum mechanics predicts the probable outcome of observations. What happens to the particle in flight, if indeed there is such a thing, is not considered.
  • #30

Couldn't they come up with an experiment to show the validity of locality though?
  • #31
LnGrrrR said:
Couldn't they come up with an experiment to show the validity of locality though?
That's exactly what John Bell was doing when he came up with his Bell's theorem.
Only thing is, so far it has shown that locality, and the action required of an ‘unknown variable’ of any kind requires impossible probabilities. (probability of an event being over 100% or less than 0%).
Indicating a "local" solution can only be non-sense until a different legitimate interpretation of those experiments can be found.
  • #32

I've read about Bell's experiment, but it seems I can't quite get a grasp on exactly what it MEANS. Do you have perhaps a 'beginner's link' I could use? I've read the specifics of the experiment a few times now, but I can't seem to grasp why it invalidates 'hidden variables'.

Is it your belief that Bell's Inequality makes QM non-local (until a better interpretation is found)? Or am I misunderstanding you?
  • #33
LnGrrrR said:
Do you have perhaps a 'beginner's link' I could use? I've read the specifics of the experiment a few times now, but I can't seem to grasp why it invalidates 'hidden variables'.

I maintain a page with a lotta links, from beginner on upward. Try:

...and scroll down to the bottom for the links.

  • #34
ZapperZ said:
If you look carefully, the standard QM makes no mention of anything being transferred from one physical location to another. In other words, no signal moved from one of the entangled particle to its partner. Furthermore, as has been discussed many times on here (see several postings by vanesch and DrChinese), superluminal communication cannot be accomplished via such "quantum teleportation".

Standard QM has, as part of its dynamics, the collapse postulate. This involves a change to the wave function at one location, due to a measurement that may have been made at a distant location. Standard QM also includes the so-called "completeness doctrine" according to which the wave function provides a complete description of the real physical state of the system. So the change in the wave function at a distant location must be interpreted as a physical change, yes? And, as the original poster suggested, this is in conflict with relativity's prohibition on superluminal causation.

This can all be made rigorous and precise by simply noting that orthodox QM violates a very plausible criterion expressing relativity's prohibition -- what I and others call "Bell Locality." (This is *not* the same thing as the Bell Inequality. Bell Locality is the "local causality" requirement that is one of the premises from which the Inequality is derived.)

You confuse things above by bringing up "signals" and "communication". Don't you think that relativity prohibits any superluminal action-at-a-distance *at all*, not merely such actions that can be harnessed by humans to build telephones (i.e., send "signals", i.e., "communicate")? What the heck does relativity care about humans? Or is your position that superluminal causation is perfectly consistent with relativity so long as the causation can't be harnessed by humans to build a telephone? Because it's just a fact that orthodox QM includes such a superluminal causal mechanism. So either you have to say that this is OK -- that this superluminal mechanism doesn't conflict with relativity because relativity only prohibits superluminal *communication*. Or you have to say, as the original poster suggested, that orthodox QM is inconsistent with relativity.

Saying "orthodox QM doesn't include any superluminal causal mechanisms" just doesn't fly. It just isn't true. (It would be true if you got rid of the collapse postulate and endorsed MWI, but this isn't orthodox QM... but that's crazy for different reasons!)

So in what way is Special Relativity violated here, and how come all those EPR-type experimental papers make zero mention of such an earth-shattering observation?

Because most experimentalists (and most, but not all, theorists) are confused about this stuff.
  • #35
DrChinese said:
Of course, that does not *prove* absolutely that non-local forces/causes/signals are not possible; but it does help explain why non-local interpretations of QM are not more popular. Such interpretations are generally not Lorentz invariant.

Do you mean to imply that the collapse postulate of orthodox QM *is* Lorentz invariant? The theory's empirical predictions have a certain Lorentz invariance property, but the theory's *dynamics* (half of it, anyway -- the collapse postulate part) is badly Lorentz variant.