- #106
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vanesch said:In other words, this is ONE SINGLE principle, from which a WHOLE LOT of consequences can be derived, and which ALL have been verified experimentally.
So, if some reasoning, which also makes OTHER hypotheses, leads us to conclude, that after all, this structure of spacetime cannot be true, it takes a really convincing argument that it is THIS point, and not all the other hypotheses, that need to fail.
I agree. It takes a really convincing argument. But I think Bell gave such an argument.
Yes. For TWO reasons, not only one. We already found one great principle, which is the Minkowski structure of spacetime, as being able to explain naturally points 1,2,3 and 4 in my little list above. These points include A LOT of empirical evidence, and none EXPLICITLY against it (that is, a DIRECT derivation of a result based upon the spacetime structure being a Minkowski space, in contradiction with experiment ; say, the wrong life times of muons or so, or clocks not behaving as computed).
But we discovered also ANOTHER great principle, which is the superposition principle, which ALSO explained a lot of empirical results. It gave rise to all of quantum mechanics, in its "bare bones" applications, from atomic spectral lines, solid state stuff, ...
I don't agree at all that it's just "the superposition principle" which leads to an explanation for atomic spectral lines, solid state stuff, etc. Surely, at very least, you need the usual quantum measurement axioms (the collapse postulate, or some proto-version of it like Bohr's "quantum jumps" between stationary states). If you *just* take the superposition principle (and the unitary quantum dynamics) you get Schroedinger's cat paradox spiralling out of control in all directions -- *not* an explanation of why a certain atom emitted light at a certain frequency, but an absurd-looking claim that there's no definite fact of the matter about what the atom did or didn't do. You can only convert this into an explanation of spectral lines (etc) if you *completely* change the usual, ages-old scientific assumption that what you see is what you get.
Applying "naively" the superposition principle to "remote Bob and his needle" would imply that indeed, Bob exists in two states. But somehow we don't want to see that, so we state that this shouldn't be so.
It has nothing to do with "want". Or rather, the *reason* "we don't want to see that" (as a prediction of our theory) is that, in actual empirical fact, we *don't* see that! You make it sound like it's some kind of arbitrary, unsupportable, subjective whim that makes me want theory to conform itself to perceptual experience / data, rather than the other way round. Call it what you want; I call it *the fundamental axiom of science*.
So now we MAKE THE ASSUMPTION that 1) the superposition principle DOES NOT APPLY TO remote Bob and his needle, and 2) the Minkowski geometry of spacetime and we arrive at a contradiction with a prediction of a theory based upon the superposition principle - and some experimental support for it: namely the violation of Bell locality.
So it seems that if, at a certain point, you DO NOT ALLOW FOR THE SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE anymore, and you assume the superposition principle for microscopic systems, that you run into problems with Minkowski spacetime, both theoretically and experimentally.
I (and virtually everyone else, even the quantum founders that I have a very low esteem for!) *already* did not allow for the superposition principle. There's a *good empirical reason* why you need something like the collapse postulate -- not for super complex EPR type situations but for simple things like cats. The collapse postulate was introduced in the first place to make QM consistent with *experiment*. The idea of getting rid of the collapse in favor of unitary-only-dynamics is already, for me, off the table long before we get to any questions about nonlocality, etc.
It sounds a bit weird that we conclude about the non-validity of two principles, namely the superposition principle, and the Minkowski structure of spacetime, which were otherwise empirically very successful, simply because at a certain point we REFUSE to apply the superposition principle, no ?
If you put it that way it sounds weird, yes. But if you remember why people refused to apply the superposition principle all the time (universally) in the first place, there is nothing in the least surprising or weird here.
That's a bit carricatural. Every great principle is negociable, ON THE CONDITION that we have a better, more encompassing principle to replace it. One that has MORE explanatory power.
I strongly disagree with this. It's entirely possible to know that some theory is wrong, without knowing yet what better theory might replace it. This is part of what it means to be an empiricist. Somebody can propose something for which there is some good evidence -- even lots of good evidence -- and which is, say, the only currently-known way to explain a certain broad range of phenomena. But this is *not* sufficient to prove with absolute untouchable certainty that the theory is true. Sometimes new (surprising) data shows that the theory is wrong, and scientists have to go back to the drawing board. Psychologically this is of course difficult to accept. But physics isn't psychology. It's based on experimental data, not whatever-keeps-physicists-happy.
You could say the same of, say, the "atomic hypothesis", which was regarded as a very hypothetical idea in the 19th century, but of which one had to recon, one could deduce quite some observed facts. One could argue a bit like you do here: in order to make the atomic hypothesis (which includes that objects are made of tiny little things, with lots of empty space in between them), we'd need to consider that we are "deluded" in thinking that we have massive objects of continuous matter around us, while these are essentially "empty" pieces of space, with some tiny tiny matter points in them. And the funny thing is, that to even MAKE the atomic hypothesis, we have to use instruments that are EXACTLY MADE OF MASSIVE, CONTINUOUS MATTER.
Now, it might be that using the atomic hypothesis, you might have an explanation of why atomic matter *looks and feels* like massive, continuous matter, but isn't it strange that in order to "save this abstract principle of atomic matter" one has to deny the existence of the continuous matter which we used in the first place to arrive at this "atomic matter". We used "continuous" electrical wires, "continuous" pieces of metal, ...
This is not a parallel case at all. The atomic theory gives a detailed micro-picture of (stuff like) solid matter. It in *no way contradicts* what we observe with our eyes (unless your eyesight is about 10^10 more accurate than mine). Accepting the atomic theory does *not* mean believing that what you previously believed (about stuff like solid matter) was delusional.
But the great advancements of science are exactly when one realizes that a general principle encompasses a lot of empirical facts.
Sure, but even greater advancements happen when one discovers whether such general principles are true or false.
Yes, but when you get a lot of "conspiracies" that can find their explanation in a principle otherwise, one should really consider that principle, no ?
Sure. Unless it's CRAZY! Seriously, think about all the conspiracies *your* side would have us believe: it *looks* like there's only one world, like the cat is always either dead or alive, like the needle always points either left or right, etc., yet there is some weird conspiracy in the mind-matter relationship (which is where you put the Born rule) which just makes it "appear" this way to poor deluded souls; really, the world is entirely different, in literally every respect, from those appearances. I submit that this is the ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY, the exact equivalent of the "brain in vat" scenario that no empiricist/scientist should (or even can) take seriously.
First of all, if one takes the attitude that one can never formulate a principle because one day it might be falsified, one isn't going to make much progress!
One often makes progress by extrapolating something that might be general/universal simply to find out if it is -- e.g., P*V = const... is this a universal law, or will it break down at high pressures? Let's crank up the pressure and *look*. It's by such means that one eventually discovers the underlying causes of observed regularities, which is where the real progress in science lies.
Bohmian mechanics also violates a priori signal locality. It is only when we equip it (with much difficulty!) with Lorentz-invariant dynamics apart from the quantum potential that it doesn't. In other words, Bohmian mechanics has NO EXPLANATION for signal locality ; it has to be put in there by hand.
Huh? Bohmian Mechanics does not violate signal locality. (What do you mean by "a priori signal locality"?) It is just as signal-local as orthodox QM because it shares precisely the same empirical predictions as orthodox QM. I also don't understand the rest of what you said here. Bohmian mechanics does not have a Lorentz-invariant dynamics; if you equip it with one, you get some new theory which would be ruled out by EPR/Bell experiments. It's true that this new theory would also be signal local. But that's not interesting; all Bell Local theories will be signal local. The interesting point is the converse: not all signal local theories are Bell Local. That is, what's interesting is that the *original* non-loretnz-invariant-dynamics Bohm theory is *already* signal local.
I don't understand why you say BM has no explanation for signal locality. Yes, it does. The theory as a whole is the explanation, since signal locality is a consequence -- a prediction -- of the theory. (Of course this alone doesn't prove anything about the truth of the theory, since lots of other theories make the same prediction here; the virtue of Bohm's theory lies elsewhere, basically in its uniform treatment of all physical interactions, as contrasted with the orthodox view which postulates fundamental dynamical distinctions between subject and object, between measurement-interactions and normal-interactions, etc.)
So does unitary quantum theory BTW. But the difference is that unitary QM can be made COMPLETELY Lorentz invariant.
Sure, all sorts of crazy things can be made completely lorentz invariant. The problem is, "unitary quantum theory" is contradicted by every experiment that's ever been done (the Sch cat problem)... so the fact that it can be made lorentz invariant isn't quite enough to make me want to consider it as possibly-viable.