Riddles and Puzzles: Extend the following to a valid equation

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  • Thread starter fresh_42
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In summary, the task is to determine the correct labeling of the urns (WW, WB, BB) by drawing balls from each urn without looking and using the information that the urn labels have been switched.
  • #246
pbuk said:
I thought #242 WAS the solution - surely there cannot be anything simpler?
Nope, see #243. The answer fits in one, maximal two lines (without proof, which is trivial).
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #247
This will be surprising, please don't leave us in suspense any longer...
  • #248
The sum are the first ten numbers of a Fibonacci sequence, say ##F_1,F_2,\ldots ## Now for any such sequence, i.e. for any basis pair of numbers, we have
\sum_{k=1}^{10} F_k = 11 \cdot F_7
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  • #249
56. Marcy, Henry and Esther have decided to do something for their fitness and are therefore organizing a small jogging race each morning. In the past month of June, Marcy ran in front of Henry more often than he did before her, and Henry ran more often in front of Esther than she did before him.

Could it be that Esther ran in front of Marcy more often than Marcy did in front of Esther?

  • #250
fresh_42 said:
The sum are the first ten numbers of a Fibonacci sequence, say ##F_1,F_2,\ldots ## Now for any such sequence, i.e. for any basis pair of numbers, we have
\sum_{k=1}^{10} F_k = 11 \cdot F_7
Less than a second :oldconfused: :olduhh: ? Hats off !

(what's the icon for incredulity?)
  • #251
I need more than a second to verify that this is indeed a Fibonacci sequence - to check that every number is the sum of the previous two.

Not a solution for 56:
I wrote an Insights article about it. Well, not exactly this problem, but I'll leave it to others.
  • #252
BvU said:
Less than a second :oldconfused: :olduhh: ? Hats off !

(what's the icon for incredulity?)
For the multiplication, not the rule.
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  • #253
fresh_42 said:
56. Marcy, Henry and Esther have decided to do something for their fitness and are therefore organizing a small jogging race each morning. In the past month of June, Marcy ran in front of Henry more often than he did before her, and Henry ran more often in front of Esther than she did before him.

Could it be that Esther ran in front of Marcy more often than Marcy did in front of Esther?
The problem statement was a bit jarring. One would ordinarily expect the winner of a race where the runners start even to have been in front of each competitor exactly one more time than he or she was behind.

But a situation where a runner barely draws even and then falls behind without passing is possible and would allow the number of times ahead or behind to increment beyond one.
Marcy could play the "let him catch up but then pull away" game with Henry, racking up arbitrarily many "is ahead" events relative to Henry while Esther was either well ahead or well behind.

Henry could play the "let her catch up but then pull away" game with Esther, racking up arbitrarily many "is ahead" events relative to Esther while Marcy was either well ahead or well behind.

Esther could play the "let her catch up but then pull away" game with Marcy, racking up arbitrarily many "is ahead" events relative to Marcy while Henry was either well ahead or well behind
It is possible that "more often" is intended to be interpreted as "for a duration of more than half the race". Rock, paper, scissors works for that interpretation as well.
  • #254
jbriggs444 said:
It is possible that "more often" is intended to be interpreted as "for a duration of more than half the race". Rock, paper, scissors works for that interpretation as well.
The poor wording is probably due to Google translate. I didn't change all of it. "run before / after" means "crosses the finish line ahead of / after". Sorry.

Correction 56.:

So the final results count:

#MH > #HM and #HE > #EH

At the finish line:
Marcy was ahead of Henry more often than he was ahead of her, and Henry was ahead of Esther more often than she was ahead of him.

Could it be that Esther was ahead of Marcy more often than Marcy was ahead of Esther?
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  • #255
fresh_42 said:
So the final results count:

#MH > #HM and #HE > #EH
Ok, so the race is run repeatedly and the daily results are tallied. My mistake for not realizing that.
Say there are 30 races. Rename Henry, Marcia and Esther to A, B and C to preserve sanity.
In 10 of them, A > B > C
In 10 of them B > C > A
In 10 of them C > A > B

A beats B 20 to 10
B beats C 20 to 10
C beats A 20 to 10
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  • #256
57. Two shepherds rest in a meadow. One has 5 pieces of cheese and the other 3 pieces. A hiker comes over and asks if he can eat the cheese with them. The two agree. At this common meal, all three people eat the same amount of cheese. After the meal when all cheese was eaten, the hiker gets up and gives $8 as compensation for the cheese.

How should this amount be divided among the herdsmen so that their contribution of 5 or 3 pieces of cheese is taken into account fairly?

  • #257
Each eats ##2{2\over 3}## pieces of cheese, so fiver contributes ##2{1\over 3}## and threepee ##{1\over 3}##.
Ratio is ##7:1##: fiver gets 7 bucks , the other guy only one.
  • #258
58. How many matches are minimally needed to construct four equilateral triangles.

  • #259
I need 9

  • #260
Can do it with six.

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  • #261
jbriggs444 said:
Can do it with six.

View attachment 245851
Ok, ugly but possible.

Can someone do it without crossings?
  • #262
#259 ? or are we allowed to chop them up ?
  • #263
BvU said:
#259 ? or are we allowed to chop them up ?
  • #264
BvU said:
#259 ? or are we allowed to chop them up ?
Oh, *doh*. Obvious.
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  • #265
59. The village of Brownlee has exactly 100 inhabitants. The oldest was born in 1900 and all inhabitants were born a different year, but all on January 1st. In 1999, the sum of the four digits of John's year of birth is equal to his age.

How old is John?

  • #266
Since the oldest was born in 1900, and since John's age was measured in 1999, we have
$$ 1900 \le \text{(John's birth year)} \le 1999 $$
That means that John birth year has digits 1, 9, t, and u, where t and u are between 0 and 9 inclusive. That gives it value ##1900 + 10t + u##. His age in 1999 is thus 1999 - (birth year) = ##99 - 10t - u##. The sum of the digits is ##10 + t + u##, Their equality is thus
$$ 99 - 10t - u = 10 + t + u \\ 89 = 11t + 2u $$
Trying the possible values of u, {0 ,1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, gives possible values of 11t {89, 87, 85, 83, 81, 79, 77, 75, 73, 71}. The only integer solution for t is 7, for u = 6.

Thus, John's birth year is 1976, making him 23 years old in 1999.

The sum of his age's digits is 1+9+7+6 = 10+13 = 23.
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  • #267
60. The King on a chessboard is in the lower left corner (A1). He can move from field to field, but due to a lost bet he can only move according to the following rules:
  • a field to the right (B1)
  • a field upwards (A2)
  • a field diagonally to the top right (B2)
How many different ways are there into the upper right corner (H8)?

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  • #268
Direct answer: No moves possible: there are no G8, H9 or G9 :wink:

But you want to know how any different ways there are to reach H8 from A1, right ?

And the rules are to be taken as OR rules (not in sequence: right, then up, then diagonal, right etc) ? Must be quite a heap of possible routes ...
  • #269
BvU said:
Direct answer: No moves possible: there are no G8, H9 or G9 :wink:

But you want to know how any different ways there are to reach H8 from A1, right ?

And the rules are to be taken as OR rules (not in sequence: right, then up, then diagonal, right etc) ? Must be quite a heap of possible routes ...
Less than 100,000. I am personally rather bad at combinatorics, I always count wrong. This question has chances to remain unanswered, or to figure out whom I can call if a question about combinatorics occurs in the set theory forum. The solution I have distinguishes between diagonal moves and others, i.e. counting without diagonals on an ##n \times n## board, then ##k## diagonals, and then partitioning ways into these two possibilities.
  • #270
fresh_42 said:
Less than 100,000. I am personally rather bad at combinatorics, I always count wrong. This question has chances to remain unanswered, or to figure out whom I can call if a question about combinatorics occurs in the set theory forum. The solution I have distinguishes between diagonal moves and others, i.e. counting without diagonals on an ##n \times n## board, then ##k## diagonals, and then partitioning ways into these two possibilities.
Sensible. So one can catalogue the ways of doing it with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 diagonal moves:
$$\frac{14!}{7! 7! 0!} + \frac{13!}{6! 6! 1!} + \frac{12!}{5! 5! 2!} + \frac{11!}{4! 4! 3!} + \frac{10!}{3! 3! 4!} + \frac{9!}{2! 2! 5!} + \frac{8!}{1! 1! 6!} + \frac{7!}{0! 0! 7!}$$
$$= 3432 + 12012 + 16632 + 11550 + 4200 + 756 + 56 + 1$$

Or one could brute force it with a kind of Pascal's triangle variant. w(x+1,y+1)=w(x,y) + w(x+1,y) + w(x,y+1)
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
     1     3     5     7     9    11    13    15
     1     5    13    25    41    61    85   113
     1     7    25    63   129   231   377   575
     1     9    41   129   321   681  1289  2241
     1    11    61   231   681  1683  3653  7183
     1    13    85   377  1289  3653  8989 19825
     1    15   113   575  2241  7183 19825 48639
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  • #271
The king moves from position (0,0) to (n,n) where n is 7 for a standard chessboard, and moves with combinations of horizontal, (1,0), vertical, (0,1), and diagonal, (1,1) moves.

For k diagonal moves, the number of horizontal moves needed is (n-k), and the number of vertical moves needed is likewise (n-k). This gives a total of (2n-k) moves.

The total number of permutations with all distinct is (2n-k)!. However, all the horizontal moves look alike, meaning that one must divided by the factorial of their number, (n-k)!. Likewise for vertical moves, (n-k)!, and diagonal moves, k!. Thus giving
$$ N(n,k) = \frac{(2n-k)!}{k! (n-k)! (n-k)!} $$
The total number of permutations is added up over k = 0 to n, giving
$$ N(n) = \sum_{k=0}^n N(n,k) $$
Doing this calculation for n = 7 gives 48639.

I looked for patterns for N(n) as a function of n, without much success. By numerical calculation, I found an asymptotic limit of C0*Cn, for C near 5.8.
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  • #272
jbriggs444 said:
Sensible. So one can catalogue the ways of doing it with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 diagonal moves:
$$\frac{14!}{7! 7! 0!} + \frac{13!}{6! 6! 1!} + \frac{12!}{5! 5! 2!} + \frac{11!}{4! 4! 3!} + \frac{10!}{3! 3! 4!} + \frac{9!}{2! 2! 5!} + \frac{8!}{1! 1! 6!} + \frac{7!}{0! 0! 7!}$$
$$= 3432 + 12012 + 16632 + 11550 + 4200 + 756 + 56 + 1$$

Or one could brute force it with a kind of Pascal's triangle variant
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
     1     3     5     7     9    11    13    15
     1     5    13    25    41    61    85   113
     1     7    25    63   129   231   377   575
     1     9    41   129   321   681  1289  2241
     1    11    61   231   681  1683  3653  7183
     1    13    85   377  1289  3653  8989 19825
     1    15   113   575  2241  7183 19825 48639
lpetrich said:
The king moves from position (0,0) to (n,n) where n is 7 for a standard chessboard, and moves with combinations of horizontal, (1,0), vertical, (0,1), and diagonal, (1,1) moves.

For k diagonal moves, the number of horizontal moves needed is (n-k), and the number of vertical moves needed is likewise (n-k). This gives a total of (2n-k) moves.

The total number of permutations with all distinct is (2n-k)!. However, all the horizontal moves look alike, meaning that one must divided by the factorial of their number, (n-k)!. Likewise for vertical moves, (n-k)!, and diagonal moves, k!. Thus giving
$$ N(n,k) = \frac{(2n-k)!}{k! (n-k)! (n-k)!} $$
The total number of permutations is added up over k = 0 to n, giving
$$ N(n) = \sum_{k=0}^n N(n,k) $$
Doing this calculation for n = 7 gives 48639.

I looked for patterns for N(n) as a function of n, without much success. By numerical calculation, I found an asymptotic limit of C0*Cn, for C near 5.8.
Not sure whether I should congratulate you. You just won the position of:

"If there's something to count,
and it don't look good:
Who you going to call?" 👻
  • #273
61. What is the formula of the number of (connected) squares on a ##n\times n ## chess board.

  • #274
For #61, what counts as connected?
  • #275
Path connected. Not a square in each corner which combined is again a square. That was just an insurance.
  • #276
8x8 of area 1 square, 7x7 of area 22 etc. $$\sum_{n=1}^8 n^2 = 204 $$not as many as I would have guessed
  • #277

For the record: It was asked for the formula for the number of squares on a ##n\times n## chess board, so the answer is
\sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \dfrac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}
  • #278

43 Lothers befether the Jolice.
41 Lothers sprungle the Leesand.
49 Lothers delorkle the Gmelt.

17 Lothers befether the Jolice and sprungle the Leesand.
27 Lothers befether the Jolice and delorkle the Gmelt.
21 Lothers sprungle the Leesand and delorkle the Gmelt.

6 Lothers do all three.
8 Lothers do nothing at all.

How many Lothers are there?

  • #279
fresh_42 said:

43 Lothers befether the Jolice.
41 Lothers sprungle the Leesand.
49 Lothers delorkle the Gmelt.

17 Lothers befether the Jolice and sprungle the Leesand.
27 Lothers befether the Jolice and delorkle the Gmelt.
21 Lothers sprungle the Leesand and delorkle the Gmelt.

6 Lothers do all three.
8 Lothers do nothing at all.

How many Lothers are there?

Likely there is a clever inclusion/exclusion formula that applies. But just as easy do it exhaustively.

6 do all three.

Given this, then of the 21 that both sprungle and delorkle, 15 do only those two things.
Given this, then of the 27 that both befether and delorkle, 21 do only those two things.
Given this, then of the 17 that both befether and sprungle, 11 do only those two things.

Given the above, then of the 49 that delorkle, 7 only delorkle while 15+21+6 also do something else.
Given the above, then of the 41 that sprungle, 9 only springle while 11+15+6 also do something else.
Given the above, then of the 43 that befether, 5 only befethers while 21+11+6 also do something else.

8 do nothing.

The exhaustive catalogue of Lothers then includes 8 who do nothing, 5+9+7 = 21 who do exactly one thing, 15 + 21 + 11 = 47 who do exactly two things and 6 who do three things.

For a total of 8 + 21 + 47 + 6 = 82 Lothers.
  • #280
fresh_42 said:
For the record: It was asked for the formula for the number of squares on a ##n\times n## chess board
Aint'no *&&^% chess boards other than with 8x8 squares :oldlaugh: !

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