Riemann integral is zero for certain sets

In summary, if $E$ is a closed Jordan domain contained in $\pi$, and $f$ is Riemann integrable on $E$, then the integral of $f$ over $E$ is equal to zero.
  • #1
The question is:Let $\pi=\left \{ x\in\mathbb{R}^n\;|\;x=(x_1,...,x_{n-1}, 0) \right \}$. Prove that if $E\subset\pi$ is a closed Jordan domain, and $f:E\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is Riemann integrable, then $\int_{E}f(x)dV=0$.(How to relate the condition it's Riemann integrable to the value is $0$? The textbook I use define $f$ is integrable on $E$ iff $\;\;\;\;(L)\int_{E}fdV=(U)\int_{E}fdV$)
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  • #2
Answer:Since $E \subset \pi$, we know that $E$ is a set of points with coordinates of the form $(x_1, x_2, ... , x_{n-1}, 0)$. This implies that the last coordinate of any point in $E$ is zero. Therefore, the volume element for this set of points is $dV=dx_1\,dx_2\,...\,dx_{n-1}$.Now, since $f$ is Riemann integrable, we know that $(L)\int_{E}fdV=(U)\int_{E}fdV$ and thus the integral of $f$ over $E$ is equal to the lower bound and upper bound of the integral. Since the last coordinate of any point in $E$ is zero, the integral of $f$ over $E$ can be written as $$\int_{E}f(x)dV=\int_{E}f(x_1,x_2,...,x_{n-1})dx_1\,dx_2\,...\,dx_{n-1}.$$Since the last coordinate of any point in $E$ is zero, we can set the integrand to be zero and the integral becomes$$\int_{E}f(x)dV=0.$$Therefore, we have shown that if $E\subset\pi$ is a closed Jordan domain, and $f:E\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is Riemann integrable, then $\int_{E}f(x)dV=0$.

FAQ: Riemann integral is zero for certain sets

1. What is the Riemann integral and how does it relate to certain sets?

The Riemann integral is a mathematical concept used to calculate the area under a curve. It is defined as the limit of a series of approximations using rectangles. Certain sets refer to a specific type of set in mathematics, such as a countable or uncountable set.

2. Why is the Riemann integral sometimes equal to zero for certain sets?

The Riemann integral can be equal to zero for certain sets because the area under the curve may be cancelled out by negative and positive values. This can happen if the function is oscillating or if there are equal amounts of positive and negative values within the set.

3. Can the Riemann integral be zero for non-zero functions?

Yes, the Riemann integral can be zero for non-zero functions. This can occur if the function is discontinuous or if the set has certain properties, such as being uncountable or having infinitely small intervals.

4. How does the Riemann integral being zero for certain sets affect the overall interpretation of the integral?

The Riemann integral being zero for certain sets does not necessarily change the interpretation of the integral. It is still a measure of the area under the curve, but it may indicate that the set has certain properties that affect the calculation of the integral.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the Riemann integral being zero for certain sets?

Yes, there are real-world applications of the Riemann integral being zero for certain sets. One example is in physics, where the concept of a zero-dimensional set is used to model point particles. The Riemann integral being zero for these sets can help in calculating the position and momentum of these particles.
