Right hand rule - Magnetic field

In summary: FSvLgEIn summary, the conversation is about finding the direction of the magnetic field at different locations using the right hand rule. The answers for each location were given, but the person is unsure of how to use the right hand rule. The right hand rule involves pointing your fingers in the direction of the first vector and using your extended thumb to determine the direction of the magnetic field at the point being examined. A helpful video on the topic is also provided.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Conventional current flows in a ring in the direction indicated in the diagram (if you stand at location A, on the +x axis, and look toward the ring, current flows clockwise). At each of the locations labeled by a letter, use the right hand rule to find the direction of the magnetic field at that location, due to the current in the ring.


Homework Equations

Right hand rule

The Attempt at a Solution

I already know the answers, which was given to me:

Location A = -x
Location B = +x
Location C = -x
Location D = +x
Location E = +x
Location F = +x

But I don't know how to apply the right hand rule to find the direction of the magnetic field? Can anyone explain it to me thoroughly, please?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's just like any other cross product. AxB
Step 1: You put your open palm with your fingers pointing in the same direction as the first vector A ( in your example it is I)
Step 2: Without moving anything but your fingers, point to the direction of the point whose magnetic field you examine.
Step 3: The magnetic field at this point is given by the direction of your extended thumb without moving your hand.
Watch this too:
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FAQ: Right hand rule - Magnetic field

1. What is the right hand rule for magnetic fields?

The right hand rule is a method used to determine the direction of a magnetic field in relation to the direction of current flow. It states that if you point your right thumb in the direction of current flow, your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field.

2. How do I use the right hand rule to find the direction of a magnetic field?

To use the right hand rule, point your right thumb in the direction of current flow and then extend your fingers. The direction your fingers curl in is the direction of the magnetic field.

3. Why is the right hand rule used for magnetic fields?

The right hand rule is used because it is based on the cross product between the current and magnetic field vectors. This means that the direction of the resulting vector (magnetic field) is perpendicular to both the current and magnetic field vectors, making it easy to determine its direction.

4. Can the right hand rule be applied to both electric and magnetic fields?

No, the right hand rule is specifically used for magnetic fields. There is a separate rule, known as the left hand rule, that is used for electric fields.

5. Are there any variations to the right hand rule?

Yes, there are variations to the right hand rule depending on the context. For example, there is a variation for determining the direction of force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field. It is important to understand the specific context in which the right hand rule is being used in order to apply it correctly.
