Rigid body rolling along an inclined plane

In summary, the rigid body (ring, cylinder, sphere) will roll down an inclined plane without slipping if the radius of gyration is known. The velocity is a function of height and the moment of inertia, I, is also known.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So rigid body (ring, cylinder, sphere), who's radius of gyration is known, rolls down an inclined plane without slipping. Find velocity as a function of height.
m - mass of the body. y0 - initial height, g - gravitational acceleration, v - speed. I - moment of inertia, K - radius of gyration. T - torque, a - linear acceleration, alfa - angular acceleration, w - angular speed. theta - inclined plane angle with horizontal.

Homework Equations

conservation of mechanical energy:
1/2mv2+1/2Iw2+mgy = mgy0
I = mK2
v = wR -> w = v/R
T = I*alfa

The Attempt at a Solution

using conservation of mechanical energy i get:
1/2mv2+1/2mK2v2/R2+mgy = mgy0
from this velocity is:
v2 = 2g(y0-y)/(1+(K2/R2))
which is correct answer as my textbook says.
However I get in trouble trying do this problem in different way - using forces. As i think, if body rolls without slipping that means that force of friction is equal to the m*g*sin(theta), only friction makes this body roll. All torques about center of mass except that of friction equal to zero, and I get:
T = R*m*g*sin(theta)
I*alfa = R*m*g*sin(theta)
K2alfa = R*g*sin(theta)
and if i use relation a = alfa*R, and multiply both sides of last equation by R, I get:
a = R2/K2*g*sin(theta)
to get velocity as a function of height, i rewrite a = dv/dt = dx/dt*(dv/dx) = v(dv/dx):
vdv = R2/K2*g*sin(theta)dx
if initial speed is zero and initial coordinate along the plane also zero, i get:
v2/2 = R2/K2*g*sin(theta)*x
and sin(theta)*x is just y0 - y
so my final solution is bit different from true one:
v2 = 2g(y0-y)*R2/K2

So, where did I mistake?
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  • #2
housemartin said:
As i think, if body rolls without slipping that means that force of friction is equal to the m*g*sin(theta), only friction makes this body roll.
If the force of friction equaled the component of gravity parallel to the incline, then the net force would be zero and it wouldn't move down the incline.

You're right that friction is what makes it roll, but you'd need to figure out the friction force. Don't just assume it equals m*g*sin(theta), which it doesn't.
  • #3
so i should have write equation of motion like this:
ma = mg*sin(theta) - F_fric
now from here its really clear that if F_fric = mg*sin(theta) then a = 0.
Then if friction makes body roll, then i can write
torque = R*F_fric
I*alfa = R*F_fric
F_fric = I*alfa/R.
yes, now i get the correct answer. Thank you, I was struggling with this all morning
  • #4
You got it now. :approve:
  • #5

Your mistake is in assuming that the acceleration of the rigid body is solely due to the force of friction. In reality, there are two forces acting on the body as it rolls down the inclined plane: the force of gravity and the normal force from the plane. The normal force also contributes to the acceleration of the body, as it is responsible for keeping the body in contact with the plane and preventing it from slipping. Therefore, your equation for the torque should also include the normal force, and your final solution will be different.

FAQ: Rigid body rolling along an inclined plane

1. What is the concept of "rigid body rolling along an inclined plane?"

The concept of "rigid body rolling along an inclined plane" refers to the movement of a rigid object, such as a wheel or cylinder, as it rolls down an inclined surface. This motion is a combination of translation (movement along the incline) and rotation (movement around its own axis).

2. How is the acceleration of a rigid body rolling along an inclined plane calculated?

The acceleration of a rigid body rolling along an inclined plane can be calculated using the formula a = gsinθ, where a is the acceleration, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of the incline.

3. What is the difference between a "rolling without slipping" and a "rolling with slipping" motion?

A "rolling without slipping" motion is when a rigid body maintains pure rolling movement, without any slipping between the object and the surface it is rolling on. A "rolling with slipping" motion is when there is some slipping between the object and the surface, resulting in a combination of rolling and sliding motion.

4. How does the mass and shape of a rigid body affect its rolling motion?

The mass and shape of a rigid body can affect its rolling motion in different ways. A heavier object will have a greater force of gravity acting on it, resulting in a faster acceleration down the incline. The shape of the object can also impact its moment of inertia, which affects how easily it can rotate and its overall rolling motion.

5. What are the real-world applications of understanding rigid body rolling along an inclined plane?

Understanding rigid body rolling along an inclined plane is important in many fields, such as engineering, physics, and transportation. It can be used to design and optimize the movement of wheels on vehicles, such as cars and bicycles. It is also crucial in understanding the dynamics of machinery and mechanical systems, and can be applied to studying the motion of planets and celestial bodies in space.
