Ring in the New Year: Celebrate 2021!

In summary: I have an extra bunch of kale I can give you.She has been in Michigan and her flight yersterday was cancelled. She should be home just before midnight.You can come over and share a Nyquil cocktail with me, Evo. I'm almost completely over this bubonic plague that's had me in bed for three days. *hack hack* I'm barely even *hack ack snark* contagious now.:yuck:happy new year, everyone! in summary, a bunch of people have new years resolutions, some have already broken them, and moonbear is going to get black-eyed peas for good luck.
  • #1
Happy New Year!

Yay! Its going to be the new year in about 5 hours and 10 minutes for me. Happy NEW YEAR fellow PFers!

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
How cool is that! For some of us it is not yet New Years Eve. How far must you go to celebrate twice?!
  • #3
Extra booze!
  • #4
The countdown is 1 second slower.
Happy New Year.
  • #5
Happy New Year, MK - it won't be here for another 16 hrs, 2 min.
  • #6
Ah look, only 9 minutes!
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  • #7
Only seven minutes...
  • #8
9 hours and 4 minutes to go..
  • #9
Happy new year!
  • #10
Only 37 days til my birthday!
  • #11
I STILL have 12 hours 16 minutes to go!

Happy New Year MK, and all others who have already celebrated it. :biggrin:
  • #12
More than 45 minutes into my New Year ! :biggrin:
  • #13
14 hours and 10 minutes for me.
I'll wish you all a Happy right now, though. When the clock strikes, I will be a) nowhere near a computer, and b) in no condition to type. :biggrin:
  • #14
anyone already broken their new years resolutions yet?

we have 11 hours and 28 minutes left here...
  • #15
This year I resolve to not make any New Year's Resolutions.

  • #16
Have a niiiiiiice new year and may your wishes come true!
In three hours and a half's time i will be scarfing down the twelve grapes. It's a habit here to eat one grape for each stroke of the bell marking the beginning of the new year
Unfortunately this will be the last new year during my twenties :frown:
Now, where's that confounded cup of champagne..? Nice bender we're having here...
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  • #17
Happy New Year!

New Year's Day is also my birthday. All I got was a free box of diapers from the hospital where I was born. Oh well! At least I was healthy.
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  • #18
I'm flipping a coin -

Heads - I stay home and cry alone in the dark.

Tails - I go to the 24 hour Walmart and celebrate with a couple of homeless winos.
  • #19
Evo said:
I'm flipping a coin -
Heads - I stay home and cry alone in the dark.
Tails - I go to the 24 hour Walmart and celebrate with a couple of homeless winos.

I got a kegger of near beer and plan to be totally bloated by midnight.
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
I got a kegger of near beer and plan to be totally bloated by midnight.
:smile: Sounds grand! Does Tsu have to work?
  • #21
My new year's resolution is to make some money :)
  • #22
Evo said:
:smile: Sounds grand! Does Tsu have to work?

She has been in Michigan and her flight yersterday was cancelled. She should be home just before midnight.
  • #23
You can come over and share a Nyquil cocktail with me, Evo. I'm almost completely over this bubonic plague that's had me in bed for three days. *hack hack* I'm barely even *hack ack snark* contagious now.

habby new year, ebbyboddy.
  • #24
Oh, geez, some party this is turning out to be...fake beer, Nyquil (at least someone brought the alcohol) and crying alone in the dark! :bugeye: Sounds like one of tribdog's dates. :biggrin:

I got 2 lbs of frozen shrimp while at the store today (no, I'm not going to eat it all tonight...the rest will stay frozen...I couldn't exactly buy anything fresh since I'm leaving tomorrow for a week). But, I'm trying to decide...should I make shrimp scampi for dinner tonight, or boil the shrimp and have it cold with cocktail sauce? Maybe I'll have a little of each...can't have too much shrimp, right? I'll pass around the shrimp cocktail.
  • #25
oh crud, you just reminded me, Moonie -- I have to go out and get black-eyed peas tomorrow. I have to eat them on New Years Day for good luck. I'm such a sucker for superstition!
  • #26
Math Is Hard said:
You can come over and share a Nyquil cocktail with me, Evo. I'm almost completely over this bubonic plague that's had me in bed for three days. *hack hack* I'm barely even *hack ack snark* contagious now.
habby new year, ebbyboddy.
Oooh, Nyquil martinis! I'll gas up the Supersonic RV and be there shortly. I sowwy you feel sick. :frown:

Moonbear said:
should I make shrimp scampi for dinner tonight, or boil the shrimp and have it cold with cocktail sauce? Maybe I'll have a little of each...can't have too much shrimp, right?

EVIL! :devil:
  • #27
Math Is Hard said:
oh crud, you just reminded me, Moonie -- I have to go out and get black-eyed peas tomorrow. I have to eat them on New Years Day for good luck. I'm such a sucker for superstition!
OH NO! I threw away my bag of dried black-eyed peas the other day because I noticed a hole in the bag and figured they'd taste stale. :eek:

Oh wait, I just bought a bag of mixed dry beans for the soup I'm about to make, it has black-eyed peas in it. :approve:

I heard you need to eat greens also MIH! Black-eyed peas represent coins and greens represent dollars.
  • #28
Evo said:
OH NO! I threw away my bag of dried black-eyed peas the other day because I noticed a hole in the bag and figured they'd taste stale. :eek:
Oh wait, I just bought a bag of mixed dry beans for the soup I'm about to make, it has black-eyed peas in it. :approve:
oh, good! You're safe then! When I lived in Texas I used to get this delicious black-eyed pea relish. Can't find it anymore though.
I heard you need to eat greens also MIH! Black-eyed peas represent coins and greens represent dollars.
Aha! No wonder I end up with no cash at the end of the year. Reckon I'll go get a can of turnip greens. I'm too lazy to fix collards. My coworker from Louisiana puts a piece of cabbage in his wallet on New Year's Day. I might try that, too.

Mom keeps telling me I'm supposed to wear red underwear on New Year's Eve to be lucky in love. She says it is a Mexican tradition.
  • #29
Hey, due to the ban on pseudoephedrine, I have a closet full of Nyquil...probably close to a small keg!

Party in Ivan's closet!
  • #30
Math Is Hard said:
Aha! No wonder I end up with no cash at the end of the year. Reckon I'll go get a can of turnip greens. I'm too lazy to fix collards. My coworker from Louisiana puts a piece of cabbage in his wallet on New Year's Day. I might try that, too.
Does lettuce count? I have salad greens. :rolleyes:
Mom keeps telling me I'm supposed to wear red underwear on New Year's Eve to be lucky in love. She says it is a Mexican tradition.
Pardon me for a moment, I need to change my underwear (that's a tradition worth taking a chance on!) :smile:
  • #31
Math Is Hard said:
Mom keeps telling me I'm supposed to wear red underwear on New Year's Eve to be lucky in love. She says it is a Mexican tradition.
Only if you want a Mexican in your underwear. :rolleyes:

Ivan said:
Party in Ivan's closet!
WOOHOO! MIH, pack up those beans & greens, we're heading to Ivan's! :-p
  • #32
Evo said:
Only if you want a Mexican in your underwear.
LOL! Ay carrrrrumba!:smile:

Ivan Seeking said:
Hey, due to the ban on pseudoephedrine, I have a closet full of Nyquil...probably close to a small keg!
Party in Ivan's closet!
Sweet! I'll bring the maraschino cherries! :cool: (And the beans and greens - and maybe some Beano, too.)

p.s. Happy Birthday, Gabrielle!:smile: Did they put the Baby New Year sash on you and take your picture when you were born? My friend's little boy was born Jan 1 and she sent me some pics of him dressed up like that. So cute!
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  • #33
Happy New Year everyone!
  • #34
You people are confused, New years, is in march!


That new year makes more sense to me, it occurs on the vernal equinox. Our new year is not even based on the day of birth of christ, which would seem more logical. What made our New Years revolve around the start of January? I'm guessing cesar had something to do with it.


chinese new year makes more sense to me too. It occurs on a solstice.
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  • #35
cyrusabdollahi said:
You people are confused, New years, is in march!
Okay, I'll give you your shrimp in March. :devil: