Ring in the New Year: Celebrate 2021!

In summary: I have an extra bunch of kale I can give you.She has been in Michigan and her flight yersterday was cancelled. She should be home just before midnight.You can come over and share a Nyquil cocktail with me, Evo. I'm almost completely over this bubonic plague that's had me in bed for three days. *hack hack* I'm barely even *hack ack snark* contagious now.:yuck:happy new year, everyone! in summary, a bunch of people have new years resolutions, some have already broken them, and moonbear is going to get black-eyed peas for good luck.
  • #71
Moonbear said:
Can anyone guess who was drunk when posting last night? :smile:
I'll edit it for you:

Can anyone guess who wasn't drunk when posting last night?:wink:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
Gale, you're a riot! :-p

We missed you last night, a group of PF people decided to keep me company here and Moonbear filmed the whole thing. Here's the video, of course you may have to read the "Who's spending the night with Evo?" thread to understand why there's a party in Ivan's closet. :blushing: tribdog is self explanatory. :biggrin:

  • #73
looks like you guys had a fun time! i wish i could've partied in ivans closet with all the cool kids...
  • #74
Lisa! said:
I'll edit it for you:
Can anyone guess who wasn't drunk when posting last night?:wink:
  • #75
Gale said:
...and i went upstairs, and i realized i wasn't wearing pants, then i put some on, and ate a cinnamon roll, then i realized my pants were inside out and i forgot to button them. (if i'd buttoned them i'd've realized they were inside out sooner!
Lotta that going around last night...

Pants were optional, but highly discouraged.


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  • #76
russ_watters said:
Lotta that going around last night...
Pants were optional, but highly discouraged.
Is that Russ with his pants down?!? :blushing: :!) cute legs
  • #77
Party at Gale's!
  • #78
moose said:
Per barrel.
Sprinter said oil prices, not gas prices.
Oh, I thought he meant for vegetable oil. :blushing:
  • #79
So far in the new year the most exciting thing to happen was my transmission going out.
Maybe I'll wind up with a new car eventually and be better off anyway.
  • #80
TheStatutoryApe said:
So far in the new year the most exciting thing to happen was my transmission going out.
Maybe I'll wind up with a new car eventually and be better off anyway.
Sorry to hear that. You going to try to have it fixed first?
  • #81
zoobyshoe said:
Sorry to hear that. You going to try to have it fixed first?
Well I can't afford a new car at the moment so I'm definitely going to see about getting the old one fixed. I don't know if it can be though. I just had it serviced last week and suddenly it was low on fluid today after it broke down. I filled it back up and the tranny was spotty. It would only work just after I started it up then it would cut out. It's making a rattling noise off and on too. I'm pretty sure it's dead and it would take a couple thousand just to replace the tranny so I might as well buy a new car. A new used car that is. It wasn't a very good car anyway.

So on the bright side if it is dead then I won't have to deal with having a crappy car anymore.:smile: I'll just have to take the bus for a while until I can afford an new one.
  • #82
Sorry about your car, TSA. I feel your pain.
  • #83
russ_watters said:
Lotta that going around last night...
Pants were optional, but highly discouraged.
:bugeye: :!) :!) Nice boxers...er...legs...er...:blushing: So, how about that weather?! (Anyone ever notice that Russ always has a different woman hanging on him in every picture he posts? :biggrin:)
  • #84
Damn it. I missed New Years completely. Was on a flight from LA to Sydney and crossed the date line at about 4am on the 31st. And I was asleep as well. Oh well, will have to celebrate twice as hard next year.
  • #85
TheStatutoryApe said:
Well I can't afford a new car at the moment so I'm definitely going to see about getting the old one fixed. I don't know if it can be though. I just had it serviced last week and suddenly it was low on fluid today after it broke down. I filled it back up and the tranny was spotty. It would only work just after I started it up then it would cut out. It's making a rattling noise off and on too. I'm pretty sure it's dead and it would take a couple thousand just to replace the tranny so I might as well buy a new car. A new used car that is. It wasn't a very good car anyway.
This an automatic transmission?
  • #86
yomamma said:
You're always drunk!:bugeye:
  • #87
Moonbear said:
:bugeye: :!) :!) Nice boxers...er...legs...er...:blushing: So, how about that weather?! (Anyone ever notice that Russ always has a different woman hanging on him in every picture he posts? :biggrin:)
Naa, it's mostly just those two.
  • #88
russ_watters said:
Naa, it's mostly just those two.
Those two legs? Your others aren't so nice then?

Zoob said:
This an automatic transmission?
  • #89
Happy new year!
  • #90
Mk said:
Happy new year!
Where have you been for the past 6 months?
  • #91
Living under a rock.
  • #92
Mk said:
Living under a rock.
I live under a rock and I still "know" what time it is.
  • #93
The hot dogs are pretty good when cooked under rocks.
  • #94
Mk said:
The hot dogs are pretty good when cooked under rocks.
I hate hot dogs!
I usaually eat dirt:!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!)
  • #95
I guess you're out of luck at my house. I live in Antarctica under a rock.
  • #96
Mk said:
I guess you're out of luck at my house. I live in Antarctica under a rock.
I live in on the artic icecap under a rock.
Living under magntic nort really is annoying.
  • #97
Stop blubbering you fool!
  • #98
TheStatutoryApe said:
So on the bright side if it is dead then I won't have to deal with having a crappy car anymore.:smile: I'll just have to take the bus for a while until I can afford an new one.
Why don't you get a scooter?