RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response

In summary, the problem asks for the zero-input, zero-state, and complete responses of vC(t) and iL(t) for t > 0 in a series RLC circuit with given values for R, L, and C. The equations for σ and ωn are used to determine the underdamped nature of the circuit. The suggested approach to solving the problem is to determine VC and IL at t = 0 and then apply a step input of current to solve for VC and IL at and after t = 0+. The concept of zero-input and zero-state responses may be unfamiliar to those without a background in differential equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement


In the above diagram,

iin(t) = -0.5u(-t) + 2u(t) A
R = 2 Ω
L = 1 H
C = 8 mF

Find the zero-input, zero-state, and complete responses of vC(t) and iL(t) for t > 0.

Homework Equations

σ = R/2L for series RLC circuits
ωn = 1/(sqrt(LC)) for RLC circuits
ωd = sqrt(ωn2 - σ2)
x(t) = [Acos(ωdt) + Bsin(ωdt)]e-σt for underdamped source-free RLC circuits

The Attempt at a Solution


This is what I have so far, and I think it's correct, but I am totally confused as to what I need to do to get the zero-input response. I'm not really sure if I understand it conceptually.
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  • #2
I do't know why you started with w = 1/sqrt(LC), sigma, etc.

How do you know it's an underdamped circuit?

You might instead:

1. determine VC and IL at t = 0 by inspection.

2. apply a step input of current = 2A U(t) and compute VC and IL at and after t = 0+. You will have to solve the differential equation with the initial conditions VC(0) and IL(0) set up by Iin = - 0.5A U(-t).

I also don't know what they mean by "zero-input". Not to mention "zero-state". I would just solve for VC(t) and IL(t), t > 0.

If you've had the Laplace transform that's the easy way to do that.
  • #3
Determining w and sigma is helpful in that if w is greater than sigma, the circuit is underdamped.

This is an introductory circuits course. Most people in the class have not taken differential equations, so they're not heavily used in the course.

I would certainly like to just solve for v_C(t) and i_L(t), but the question is asking me to find the zero input and zero state responses.

FAQ: RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response

What is RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response?

The RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response refers to the behavior of an RLC circuit in the absence of an input signal (zero input) and with all initial conditions (such as voltage and current) equal to zero (zero state). It is also known as the natural response and is caused by the energy stored in the circuit's components.

What is the formula for calculating RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response?

The formula for calculating RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response is V(t) = V0e^(-t/RC) * cos(1/√(LC) * t + ϕ), where V(t) is the voltage at time t, V0 is the initial voltage, R is the resistance, C is the capacitance, L is the inductance, and ϕ is the phase angle.

What is the significance of RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response?

The RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response is important because it helps us understand the behavior of an RLC circuit when there is no external input. It can also be used to determine the natural frequency of the circuit and the damping ratio, which are important parameters for analyzing the stability and performance of the circuit.

How does RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response differ from RLC Steady State Response?

The RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response is the response of the circuit without any input, while the RLC Steady State Response is the response of the circuit with a constant input. The RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response decays over time, while the RLC Steady State Response remains constant once the circuit reaches steady state. Additionally, the RLC Steady State Response includes both the natural response and the forced response due to the input signal.

How can RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response be observed in practical applications?

RLC Zero State/Zero Input Response can be observed in practical applications such as electronic filters, power supplies, and inductive sensors. In these applications, the natural response of the circuit is important for its overall performance and stability. It can also be observed in everyday objects like a door closing slowly due to the damping effect of its hinges, which is analogous to the natural response of an RLC circuit.

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