Rotating Usage of Shoes, Backpacks, to Extend Useful Life

In summary, the conversation discusses the claim that alternating the usage of items such as backpacks and shoes can potentially extend their overall lifespan. This is based on the belief that "resting" the fibers in between usage can prevent them from reaching their breaking point. The conversation also mentions personal experiences and tips for maintaining shoe quality, such as using inserts and allowing for airflow.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Hi, All:
I know very little physics and/or materials engineering.

I am just trying to see if there is something to the claim that alternating the usage of ,

say, backpacks/ shoes , will give an overall longer total life, i.e., if I will be able to get more

useful days out of 2 shoes by buying 2 pairs; p1,p2 and using p1, say, every other day,

than if I use p1 daily until it breaks down, then using p2 until breakdown.

I have some weak arguments to support this; first, I've been told the military uses

this method. Secondly, I've been told that when , say, a shoe is used daily, then the fiber

will wear out and pushed to its breaking point. But, if one of the pairs is not used for a day,

then the fibers will return to their original length when "resting", therefore delaying

these fibers' breaking point.

Am I way Off? ( I'll wait for your answer to decide if I should shower daily or not :) )

Thanks in Advance.

fibers return
Engineering news on
  • #2
I always buy at least two new pairs of shoes. It definitely does extend the life, and it's way more fashionable to not always wear the same thing...

But yeah, what you said could make sense. Especially if you have some sort of insert that will help maintain the shape. I have a cedar insert for my nice leather shoes.

Also it could be due to evaporation of moisture, or just bulk transport of dirt/grime due to a greater amount of time for airflow.

FAQ: Rotating Usage of Shoes, Backpacks, to Extend Useful Life

1. What is the purpose of rotating usage of shoes, backpacks, etc.?

The purpose of rotating usage of items such as shoes and backpacks is to extend their useful life. By alternating between different pairs of shoes or backpacks, you can prevent excessive wear and tear on one specific item, thus prolonging its lifespan.

2. How often should I rotate my shoes and backpacks?

It is recommended to rotate your shoes and backpacks at least every 2-3 months. This will give each item enough time to rest and recover from regular use, and also prevent any one item from being used too frequently.

3. What are the benefits of rotating usage of shoes and backpacks?

Rotating usage has several benefits, including prolonging the lifespan of your items, saving money on having to purchase new ones, and preventing discomfort or injuries from wearing out one specific item too quickly.

4. Is it necessary to rotate usage of all types of shoes and backpacks?

While it is not necessary to rotate usage of all types of shoes and backpacks, it is recommended for items that are used frequently and can easily wear out, such as athletic shoes or school backpacks. For items that are used less often, rotating usage may not be as necessary.

5. Can rotating usage of shoes and backpacks prevent them from getting dirty or damaged?

Rotating usage can help prevent excessive dirt or damage on one specific item, but it is still important to take proper care and maintenance of all your belongings. Regular cleaning and proper storage can also help prolong the life of your items.
