Sarah Palin: Will She Run for President in 2012?

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  • Thread starter Dembadon
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In summary, Sarah Palin is considering running for President in 2012. She's been doing well recently, but I wasn't very impressed with what I saw from her in '08. She may have a chance, depending on whether the Tea Party endorses her. Willow Palin is also considering running, but it's unclear whether she will delete her facebook page. Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, but it's unclear whether he will win.
  • #1
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  • #2
I'd be interested to see if the Tea Party endorses her.
  • #3
Does Bristol Palin have a chance to win Dancing With the Stars?

Will Willow Palin delete her facebook page?

Does Todd Palin have a chance at winning the Tesoro Iron Dog competition?

Will Levi Johnston be elected mayor of Wasilla purely out of sympathy because Bristol never danced with him?

This is America's reality TV family. Of course Palin has a chance.
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
I'd be interested to see if the Tea Party endorses her.
Does that make her more or less official?

Isn't it like running for chairman of the central organizing committee of the anarchist league?
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
I'd be interested to see if the Tea Party endorses her.

I'm curious about this as well. If she (somehow) ends up being the strongest candidate running against Obama, I'd assume they'd support her.
  • #6
Dembadon said:
I'm curious about this as well. If she (somehow) ends up being the strongest candidate running against Obama, I'd assume they'd support her.

Not necessarily. At least this year, there was a belief that allowing the Republican establishment to pick a candidate based on electibility was just caving in on their principles. It was more important to pick a candidate that embodied the true Tea Party ideals than a candidate that the experts claimed had a better chance of winning.

Delaware: O'Donnell vs Castle - self explanatory.

Colorado: Ken Buck vs Jane Norton - this choice gave many Tea Partiers pause, since Norton would be a shoe-in, even in a state trending purple. In the end, they went with Buck and he almost pulled it off. In fact, Bennett's victory was seen as an upset by the end.

Alaska: Joe Miller vs Lisa Murkowski - in the end, Miller couldn't even hold off a write-in candidacy.

Those are just examples where the choice blew up in their face. In other races, the Tea Party proved the expert opinion didn't carry all that much weight. They'll make their choices based on ideology rather than electibility.
  • #7
Thank you for those examples, BobG. I'm definitely a newbie in politics.
  • #8
BobG said:
Does Bristol Palin have a chance to win Dancing With the Stars?

Will Willow Palin delete her facebook page?

Does Todd Palin have a chance at winning the Tesoro Iron Dog competition?

Will Levi Johnston be elected mayor of Wasilla purely out of sympathy because Bristol never danced with him?

This is America's reality TV family. Of course Palin has a chance.


I'm so, so sick of hearing about this family. 15 minutes of fame? I wish!
  • #9
lisab said:

I'm so, so sick of hearing about this family. 15 minutes of fame? I wish!

I agree. As much as I agree with most of Palins ideals, it is too much drama for the White House IMO.
  • #10
drankin said:
I agree. As much as I agree with most of Palins ideals, it is too much drama for the White House IMO.

You missed the Clinton years?

Drama worked for him. He fluctuated in the 40's to 50's in popularity until Lewinskygate. He spent the last couple of years of Presidency in the 60's and high 50's.

Maybe Palin's on to something.
  • #11
A Palin presidency would be ruinous for this country, though it could make millions for Tina Fey.
  • #12
This post from bobe bears repeating here.

BobG said:
This is the famous DiFelice effect.

For those that don't know, Mark DiFelice is a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers that only has one pitch - an 82 mph fastball. This guy should get slaughtered by opposing hitters! Instead, he strikes out 8.7 batters per 9 innings. Granted, he only has a 5-1 career won-loss record, because he's a middle reliever - no manager in his right mind would put someone that slow and with only pitch on the mound as a starter.

Still, every game he pitches, every drunk Brewer fan in the stands lines up outside the Brewer's locker room after the game asking for a job. Even the Italian Sausage asks for a chance to pitch (but she was once hit in the head, so that might have something to do with that). If a pitcher like DiFelice can succeed, anybody can succeed!

Palin attracts the same sort of response. In the latest Pew Research poll, she, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee are virtually tied as the leading Republican candidate for 2012. If Palin can be a front runner, then any American that has ever been on TV for at least 30 seconds feels like they have a chance to be President.

I know I'm looking for eyewitness News reports hoping for the chance to stand around in the background while the reporter gives his on the spot story. I want to be President, too!
  • #13
Evo said:
bobe bears

You swore you would never tell anyone I was related to moonbear.
  • #14
BobG said:
You missed the Clinton years?

Drama worked for him. He fluctuated in the 40's to 50's in popularity until Lewinskygate. He spent the last couple of years of Presidency in the 60's and high 50's.

Maybe Palin's on to something.

Palin isn't as sly as Clinton. Apples and Oranges.
  • #15
You can't conceive of what I want to say about Palin, but I mustn't do so. It would be far too inflammatory for this site. Leave it suffice to be said that I'm not a fan.
  • #16
I don't see how anyone could avoid seeing Palin these days. If Obama got as much personal attention as Palin we would be hearing about bias in the media!

My opinion is that when it comes to national politics, Palin is a sad joke. I would revoke my agnosticism and get on my knees and pray, if I thought it would keep Palin out of office. But instead I have to rely on something far less reliable: The voting public.

There was a time when I would have said with absolute conviction that Palin could never be elected, but that faith in our country was betrayed. My hope is that we will eventually return to something like normal, but I don't know if that will happen. When I see all of the misplaced anger, and the mob mentality out there, and the popularity of Limbaugh, Fox, et al, I can imagine anything happening, including civil war.
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  • #17
Palin + Donald Trump :smile:

US property tycoon Donald Trump has said he is considering running for president in 2012.

He was asked about the possibility of challenging Mrs Palin, who ran for vice-president in 2008, for the Republican ticket.

"I would take her on. I like her, but I'd take her on," he said.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
I don't see how anyone could avoid seeing Palin these days. If Obama got as much personal attention as Palin we would be hearing about bias in the media!

My opinion is that when it comes to national politics, Palin is a sad joke. I would revoke my agnosticism and get on my knees and pray, if I thought it would keep Palin out of office. But instead I have to rely on something far less reliable: The voting public.

There was a time when I would have said with absolute conviction that Palin could never be elected, but that faith in our country was betrayed. My hope is that we will eventually return to something like normal, but I don't know if that will happen. When I see all of the misplaced anger, and the mob mentality out there, and the popularity of Limbaugh, Fox, et al, I can imagine anything happening, including civil war.

There you go with that whole "civil war" thing again - be careful someone doesn't label that "hate speech" (see other threads).
  • #19
Palin for president
  • #20
BobG said:
Those are just examples where the choice blew up in their face.
Only if the only goal is to win, versus to both win and change the ideology of what's acceptable as a candidate. I think that those losses show incumbent Republicans that if they continue to fall back on old habits they could face a primary candidate in the '12, possibly outside of the party apparatus that they can't control.
  • #21
Palin? She looks the type that will push the red button and destroy the world if her god tells her to do it.
  • #22
Ivan Seeking said:
When I see all of the misplaced anger, and the mob mentality out there, and the popularity of Limbaugh, Fox, et al, I can imagine anything happening, including civil war.

Meh, I happen to thing the upswing in interest in Limbaugh is less a statement in favor of weirdly militant conservatism, and more a statement against the constant stream liberal mind-slush that seems to come out of most media sources.
  • #23
FlexGunship said:
Meh, I happen to thing the upswing in interest in Limbaugh is less a statement in favor of weirdly militant conservatism, and more a statement against the constant stream liberal mind-slush that seems to come out of most media sources.
I can't stand the left-wing mind-slush in most media sources, so I think I'll go find me an extreme right wing nutjob?

I guess it's possible, but I can't say I understand it.
  • #24
Gokul43201 said:
I can't stand the left-wing mind-slush in most media sources, so I think I'll go find me an extreme right wing nutjob?

I guess it's possible, but I can't say I understand it.

I don't fall into either camp when possible; so, I don't really understand the hard swing either. I prefer Associated Press sources and Reuters (which, <knock on wood> seem to be relatively unbiased).

But, for example, I used to listen to NPR a lot. Now I literally cannot stand some shows (like Diane Rehm); I end up yelling at the radio because someone can't understand why solar power is expensive and moronically blames it on oil companies and racist cults (wish I were kidding).

Frankly, there's no one left in the middle. So, if you're tired of hearing the liberal mantra, there's few other places to to go.
  • #25
Some differences:
(i) Diane Rehm very often (almost always?) has a conservative guest whenever she has a liberal guest, and
(ii) she doesn't yell at or insult any of her guests (though I, like you, often do, while listening), no matter how poorly thought-out their opinions may be.

Personally, I think I'd take Diane Rehm over someone that agrees exactly with my positions, but chooses to be an incorrigible jackass on air.

Ugh! This is going off-topic. I'll stop with that.
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  • #26
Gokul43201 said:
Some differences:
(i) Diane Rehm very often (almost always?) has a conservative guest whenever she has a liberal guest, and
(ii) she doesn't yell at or insult any of her guests (though I, like you, often do, while listening), no matter how poorly thought-out their opinions may be.

Personally, I think I'd take Diane Rehm over someone that agrees exactly with my positions, but chooses to be an incorrigible jackass on air.

Regarding (i): I don't notice this anymore. Not suggesting it doesn't happen, but I would say that even her conservative guests seem to have a liberal slant. I would also suggest (slightly), that she doesn't seem to pick very strong opposition guests.

Regarding (ii): Hah, you're right about your statement (she doesn't really insult her guests).

Like I've already said, I can't listen to the DR show anymore. But I also don't listen to incorrigible jackasses either. Most news shows on NPR are pretty darn good, I just don't care for most of the opinion shows.

As far as listening to someone who shares my opinions, I do my best to avoid it. Its easy to listen to someone you agree with. My problem with the DR show is not the opinions expressed on it, but the low-quality of discourse often tolerated on the show.

(Note: I don't listen to Limbaugh, and I don't watch Fox. I occassionally read Fox news releases in about the same quantity that I read MSNBC releases.)
  • #27
Gokul43201 said:
I can't stand the left-wing mind-slush in most media sources, so I think I'll go find me an extreme right wing nutjob?

I guess it's possible, but I can't say I understand it.
I think your proposition is correct (if not the full characterization). If there were three, four Fox News (news, not the polemic side) like networks, wire services, and news magazines; or even a C-Span like thing that somehow scaled up with a large following, I speculate Limbaugh et al would fade away. The 'reaction to media' theory also explains why there's little or no left wing radio - nothing to react to until Fox (polemic side).
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  • #28
mheslep said:
The 'reaction to media' theory also explains why there's little or no left wing radio - nothing to react to until Fox (polemic side).

Well, not to pick at tiny arguable details. But I think it's safe to say NPR harbors a decent left-wing radio squad and NPR is widely available.
  • #29
I'm still confused about Alaskans sporting spray tans.
  • #30
FlexGunship said:
Well, not to pick at tiny arguable details. But I think it's safe to say NPR harbors a decent left-wing radio squad and NPR is widely available.
Oh I agree. I have a similar experience - used to listen a lot to NPR. I thought their on air talent very good (still do). Finally couldn't take it anymore.
  • #31
mheslep said:
I think your proposition is right (if not the full characterization). If there were three, four Fox News (news, not the polemic side) like networks, wire services, and news magazines; or even a C-Span like thing that somehow scaled up with a large following, I speculate Limbaugh et al would fade away.
If there is a big untapped demand for moderate right leaning views in the form of a news+opinion outlet, what's stopping the market from filling that need? I think the distribution of the services that are provided offer a reflection of the distribution of what the market wants. Even within Fox, for instance, more moderate hosts like Brett Baier, Greta and Shep Smith never rake in viewership of the size that Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity do.

The 'reaction to media' theory also explains why there's little or no left wing radio - nothing to react to until Fox (polemic side).
Or maybe there isn't much of a market for extreme left-wing wackiness? Maybe the left wing market feels perfectly served by the moderate leftward lean of TV news as it exists today.
  • #32
Gokul43201 said:
If there is a big untapped demand for moderate right leaning views in the form of a news+opinion outlet, what's stopping the market from filling that need? I think the distribution of the services that are provided offer a reflection of the distribution of what the market wants. Even within Fox, for instance, more moderate hosts like Brett Baier, Greta and Shep Smith never rake in viewership of the size that Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity do.
<shrug> Different beasts. Nor do they rake in as much as Superbowl or World Series.

Or maybe there isn't much of a market for extreme left-wing wackiness? Maybe the left wing market feels perfectly served by the moderate leftward lean of TV news as it exists today.
Yes, exactly my point: no market because there's little to react to. Move ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN, NYT, WaPo, and the wire services all hard to the right and we'd have such a left wing market. I submit the MSNBC polemic side is already such a reaction (left wing wacky) to Fox.
  • #33
Panwasbipolar said:
I'm still confused about Alaskans sporting spray tans.

Have you ever tried to get a tan in Alaska?
  • #34
Short and to the point.
  • #35
mheslep said:
I submit the MSNBC polemic side is already such a reaction (left wing wacky) to Fox.

I think I had heard somewhere that MSNBC wanted to position itself as the "anti-Fox," and since they view Fox as the right-wing news network, they wanted to be the left-wing news network.

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