Searching for a string explanation

In summary, string theory is a mathematical framework that aims to unify all fundamental interactions, including gravity. It proposes that instead of using point particles, fundamental objects are one-dimensional strings. However, this approach has led to problems with infinities in calculations. String theory also suggests the existence of multiple dimensions, but this concept is not supported by physical evidence. Ultimately, the limitations of the standard model and its reliance on point-particles have led to the development of string theory, which is still a subject of debate among physicists.
  • #71
Originally posted by Hurkyl
All of science is derived from experience with physical reality. Try again.

Try again to understand what i said because you did not address it.
Astronomy news on
  • #72
Come on you can do better than that!

Probably. But all I wanted to demonstrate is that you have not learned them. I chose two concepts that are very fundamental to their respective subjects. If you knew more about these two subjects than the vivid imagry in layman's treatments of the topic, you would know what those two things are.

Try again to understand what i said because you did not address it.

Isn't that a frusterating feeling?

Anyways, I was using your definition to refute your previous assertion that modern physics is not causal. (I highly doubt that whatever concept you have about "causal explanations" is something that should be considered a strike against any theory... but the definition you gave is certainly satisfied by modern physics)
  • #73
Originally posted by Hurkyl
Come on you can do better than that!

Probably. But all I wanted to demonstrate is that you have not learned them. I chose two concepts that are very fundamental to their respective subjects. If you knew more about these two subjects than the vivid imagry in layman's treatments of the topic, you would know what those two things are.

I have never taken a class in Relativity Theory nor have I taken a class in Quantum Mechanics so I have never learned the math. I have read extensively on the subjects however.

Isn't that a frusterating feeling?

I am used to it.

Anyways, I was using your definition to refute your previous assertion that modern physics is not causal.

Please go on. I am curious how you can derive that.
  • #74
Originally posted by Hurkyl
(I highly doubt that whatever concept you have about "causal explanations" is something that should be considered a strike against any theory... but the definition you gave is certainly satisfied by modern physics)

Can you derive a mechanism for gravity? Can you visualize how all the forces can be derived from one force?

Sorce Theory can.

There is a huge difference which makes all the difference when you know it.
  • #75
I have never taken a class in Relativity Theory nor have I taken a class in Quantum Mechanics so I have never learned the math. I have read extensively on the subjects however.

That's the point I and others have been trying to make. You don't have an understanding of the subjects, you merely know some things about them. Layman's books don't give the full picture because the authors are necessarily trying to pigeonhole theories into layman language in an effort to inspire vivid imagry. Pop media is worse because they retranslate the translation and the description ecome even worse.

Can you visualize how all the forces can be derived from one force?

Yes. That doesn't mean my visualization is right.
  • #76
Originally posted by Hurkyl
You don't have an understanding of the subjects, you merely know some things about them.

My posts speak for themselves. If you can show where my reasoning is faulty, that is a valid criticism, but so far you haven't. All you doing is giving your opinion, that I am not qualified to discuss these things because I don't know the math. That is totally wrong and I could easily say the inverse that you don't know the physical mechanisms so you are not qualified to discuss physical reality.

...and lo and behold you are not!

Layman's books don't give the full picture because the authors are necessarily trying to pigeonhole theories into layman language in an effort to inspire vivid imagry. Pop media is worse because they retranslate the translation and the description ecome even worse.

I don't read layman's books because they are TOTALLY full of horse****. I read text-books and deeper level books.

Yes. That doesn't mean my visualization is right.

And it obviously isn't correct if you can't even describe how mass "warps space".
  • #77
Originally posted by subtillioN
I don't read layman's books because they are TOTALLY full of horse****. I read text-books and deeper level books.

So, summarizing your posts:

1. you "LEARNED" (your uppercase) QM,
2. you don't know the math.
3. You don't read layman's books
4. You "read text-books and deeper level books".

It is hard not to smile at this, subtillioN.

Look, physicsforums is a place for people to share knowledge about physics and to learn about it. So far, you seem only interested in pushing your own pet theory.

So far, it is pretty clear that
1. "Sorce theory" has no working mathematical model, and consists only of a few nice-sounding phrases without experimental support.
2. You have a poor understanding of QM and GR, based on non-math texts (if at all). Such texts can, at most, leave you only a very limited understanding of these subjects, far short form the foundation anybody would need in order to build a better theory.
3. You are not interested on improving your understanding of "standard" physics

The forums can be an extremely good learning resource. Why don't you drop (at least for a while) your sorce theory advocacy, and spend some time learning about how the current models actually work in some more detail?

I'm sure you can contribute more to the forums than "my non-math theory is better than your ultra-precise infinite-dimensional math".
  • #78
Originally posted by ahrkron
So, summarizing your posts:

It is hard not to smile at this, subtillioN.

Glad to make you smile.

Look, physicsforums is a place for people to share knowledge about physics and to learn about it. So far, you seem only interested in pushing your own pet theory.

I am giving the other side of the story and DISCUSSING things and learning things as well.

So far, it is pretty clear that
1. "Sorce theory" has no working mathematical model, and consists only of a few nice-sounding phrases without experimental support.

What, clear from my posts? I have not posted the theory. It is far too detailed to do it justice in this forum.

2. You have a poor understanding of QM and GR, based on non-math texts (if at all).

I would like to see where my understanding is faulty. Can you show where I have made errors?

Such texts can, at most, leave you only a very limited understanding of these subjects, far short form the foundation anybody would need in order to build a better theory.

Well I entirely disagree with your assumption that you have to know the math to get a good understanding of the theory.

I do know basic physics math BTW.

3. You are not interested on improving your understanding of "standard" physics

Now THAT is a baseless assumption. I am quite interested in Physics (if only to help it evolve past its core errors)

The forums can be an extremely good learning resource. Why don't you drop (at least for a while) your sorce theory advocacy, and spend some time learning about how the current models actually work in some more detail?

Thanks, but I am going to school for that.

I'm sure you can contribute more to the forums than "my non-math theory is better than your ultra-precise infinite-dimensional math".

If at the very least I can disillusion someone with the standard model then I have done my part. And I mean that in all sincerity. The standard model is deeply flawed and a search for alternatives is imperitive.
  • #79
BACK IT UP! or give it up!

All right then. Here are some quotes that demonstrate that you have not studied the theories being attacked. Note that I only grabbed a few quotes from this thread here, and thread about the center of the universe. Though I am sure you have many more gems in other waiting for us in other threads.

(your explanation of what the Einstein equation is)It is the fudging of the classical concept of time to mathematically retro-fit the null-results of the M&M experiment.

How can nothingness be curved?

Ok, it (GR in this context) is useful for the Standard Model to explain the null-results of the M&M experiment, but it is rapidly becoming superfluous.

It claims that it is space itself that is expanding yet if space itself were expanding there would be no relative changes in distance whatsoever because EVERYTHING would be expanding at the same rate.

The new "quantum vacuum" fits this description rather well as it is essentially a "zero-energy superfluid

I know much about the equations at a more global level, but I have never needed to know the level of the actual equations themselves.

Is there not space within each and every atom? If so then why doesn't every atom expand with space

QM degutted the whole of physics and Relativity said that experiential reality is useless to understand the nature of space and time.

It is an ad hoc kludge-theory patching incorrect relativity theory with incomplete quantum theory. It has all these 32 some odd dimensions (which do not exist in reality) precisely because of the unnecessary and incompatable complexity in standard model.

If the standard model had the correct fundamental substrate (a single fluid-dynamic continuous and compressible fluid) instead of point-particles in a void this monstrous complexity would be rendered superfluous and the whole thing would be a single unified whole as in Sorce Theory for instance.

Right, I am not a QM or GR accountant nor am I an astro-navigator near a space-hole (which don't exist) so the equations are not as important as the deeper understanding itself.

Folks who have studied GR, QM and string theory don't make statements like those above. Stop pretending, because everyone is seeing right through you.
  • #80
Originally posted by Eh
All right then. Here are some quotes that demonstrate that you have not studied the theories being attacked. Note that I only grabbed a few quotes from this thread here, and thread about the center of the universe. Though I am sure you have many more gems in other waiting for us in other threads.

(your explanation of what the Einstein equation is)It is the fudging of the classical concept of time to mathematically retro-fit the null-results of the M&M experiment.

How can nothingness be curved?

Ok, it (GR in this context) is useful for the Standard Model to explain the null-results of the M&M experiment, but it is rapidly becoming superfluous.

It claims that it is space itself that is expanding yet if space itself were expanding there would be no relative changes in distance whatsoever because EVERYTHING would be expanding at the same rate.

The new "quantum vacuum" fits this description rather well as it is essentially a "zero-energy superfluid

I know much about the equations at a more global level, but I have never needed to know the level of the actual equations themselves.

Is there not space within each and every atom? If so then why doesn't every atom expand with space

QM degutted the whole of physics and Relativity said that experiential reality is useless to understand the nature of space and time.

It is an ad hoc kludge-theory patching incorrect relativity theory with incomplete quantum theory. It has all these 32 some odd dimensions (which do not exist in reality) precisely because of the unnecessary and incompatable complexity in standard model.

If the standard model had the correct fundamental substrate (a single fluid-dynamic continuous and compressible fluid) instead of point-particles in a void this monstrous complexity would be rendered superfluous and the whole thing would be a single unified whole as in Sorce Theory for instance.

Right, I am not a QM or GR accountant nor am I an astro-navigator near a space-hole (which don't exist) so the equations are not as important as the deeper understanding itself.

Hey! You picked my very best ones! Great aren't they?

Care to debate them to figure out what the hell I am actually talking about?

These are simply statements that you disagree with. I stand by every single one of them. If you think they are incorrect then demonstrate HOW they are incorrect. Can you debate them?

Note: according to the standard model to which you subscribe, these statements OBVIOUSLY ARE incorrect. This is the whole point of an alternate theory. Statements that make sense in one interpretation simply don't make sense in another sufficiently alternate one. From your paradigm they are wrong, but from mine they are correct.

You have to do a lot more than say that you disagree with something to prove someone wrong.

You have not backed up anything all you have done is to compile some of my greatest quotes as they embody the VAST difference between the two paradigms.

Folks who have studied GR, QM and string theory don't make statements like those above. Stop pretending, because everyone is seeing right through you.

It is not a matter of knowledge, it is a matter of belief. If you believe in those theories then you won't ask the forbidden questions nor will you state anything that those theories disagree with, as I have done.

You really have a limited idea of what a theory actually is, otherwise you would understand that there is a simple, yet VAST, difference in interpretation operating here.

A Theory is an interpretation. It is not automatically the Truth. The sooner you understand this the sooner your mind will unfossilize and you will be able to see a vast richness of interpretative possibilities...some MUCH better than others.

The goal of Science is to evolve. It can't do this by faith alone. Evolution has to occur by actively searching out the alternatives, not by attacking anything that is different from the established theory.
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  • #81
Originally posted by subtillioN
Hey! You picked my very best ones! Great aren't they?

Sad is the word I would use.

These are simply statements that you disagree with. I stand by every single one of them. If you think they are incorrect then demonstrate HOW they are incorrect. Can you debate them?

No they are not. Some are factual errors about what the theories actually say. Others are statements that further show you don't know what the theories are. It has nothing to do with whether or not the theories are actually true, or if anyone agrees with them. You aren't gettng a description of the theory right in the first place.

For example, when asked for an explanation for the Einstein equation, you replied that is was "It is the fudging of the classical concept of time to mathematically retro-fit the null-results of the M&M experiment." As others have pointed out, the equation has to do with the relation of spacetime curvature to energy. It has nothing at all to do with the MM experiement, though I can imagine you are confusing SR and GR. Actually taking the time to learn the theories would prevent mistakes like that.

Granted, you admit you don't know the math aspect, but still claim to have the conceptual aspect down cold. This is shown to be unlikely with other comments you made. For example, GR does not say space is nothingness, and it does not say locally bound objects (such as galaxies) will expand along with the flat space in between. As well, QM does not claim the vacuum has zero energy, or that particles are mere points floating in a void (they are also waves), nor even that the value of experimental evidence is to be discarded for a theory of spacetime. In fact, the opposite is true, as without experimental success, no one would actually believe it to be true.

Note: according to the standard model to which you subscribe, these statements OBVIOUSLY ARE incorrect.

How would you know what model I subscribe to? My only gripe with your posts have been your blatent misrepresentations of the current theories. I realize that current theories are only approximations to the complete description of nature, and don't hold to any model like one would to a philosophical or religious position.

This is the whole point of an alternate theory. Statements that make sense in one interpretation simply don't make sense in another sufficiently alternate one. From your paradigm they are wrong, but from mine they are correct.

That is where you're confused. It has nothing to do with the alternatives - you are either misrepresenting a theory outright, or asking a question (explained by the theory) that displays that you haven't studied it. As I said before, it's like trying to think outside the box without actually knowing what the box is.
  • #82
Originally posted by ahrkron
2. You have a poor understanding of QM and GR, based on non-math texts (if at all). Such texts can, at most, leave you only a very limited understanding of these subjects, far short form the foundation anybody would need in order to build a better theory.
I'm going to have to disagree with that one. I think you CAN get a decent understanding of the theories by studying them conceptually only - as long as conceptual understanding is all you want or try to use. There is a vast amount that can be learned from (for example) "A Brief History of Time" - a book with but ONE equation. Sub has just chosen to reject and/or misrepresent (as shown in the previous post) the existing theories without basis for some unknown reason (though we can speculate).

What you CANNOT do without a deep understanding of the underlying math is go beyond the conceptualization of existing theories and complete your understanding of the theories, much less start to derive real proofs for these theories or build new ones. And that was the point of my Nobel Prize crack.
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  • #83
Originally posted by Eh
For example, when asked for an explanation for the Einstein equation, you replied that is was "It is the fudging of the classical concept of time to mathematically retro-fit the null-results of the M&M experiment."

Not knowing the actual equation I gave a description of what relativity theory actually is from my outside pov.

For example, GR does not say space is nothingness

Einstein said that his "curved space" was meaningless without the conceprt of the ether and that the M&M experiments simply proved that the ether was dynamic and not classically solid.

The modern conception of the "quantum vacuum" is that it is made out of energy or vacuum fluctuations, both of which are abstractions for properties that the standard model can not causally explain. An abstraction is not a substance thus it is equivalent to nothingness. That was my point. To say that space is curved it must be made out of a substance, as Einstein had intuited.

Energy is not a substance and the Standard Model has no clue what energy actually is. Its definition is simply that energy is the ability to do work. So space is composed of the ability to do work? Come on, we humans can do better than that!

, and it does not say locally bound objects (such as galaxies) will expand along with the flat space in between.

Right, this was my point. To say that space arbitrarily expands here but not there is to selectively use the definition of space to fit whatever they want. If the fabric of space-time is expanding then it is expanding and all objects embedded in it would expand with it.

As well, QM does not claim the vacuum has zero energy

I never said that it did. I said that one modern quantitative conception is that it is a "zero-energy superfluid".

Take for instance this quote from G.E. Volovik in “The Universe in a Helium Droplet” .

“According to the modern view the elementary particles (electrons, neutrinos, quarks, etc.) are excitations of some more fundamental medium called the quantum vacuum. This is the new ether of the 21st century. The electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as well as the fields transferring the weak and the strong interactions, all represent different types of collective motion of the quantum vacuum.
“Among the existing condensed matter systems, the particular quantum liquid—superfluid 3He-A—most closely resembles the quantum vacuum of the Standard Model. This is the collection of 3He atoms condensed into the liquid state like water. But as distinct from water, the behavior of this liquid is determined by the quantum mechanical zero-point motion of atoms. Due to the large amplitude of this motion the liquid does not solidify even at zero temperature.”

, or that particles are mere points floating in a void (they are also waves)

Particles and waves existing paradoxically in a void which somehow (mathematically) can fluctuate. I never denied the wave-aspect to the point-particles.

, nor even that the value of experimental evidence is to be discarded for a theory of spacetime.

I never said that it did. I said that experiential understanding (common sense or causality) must be abandoned in order to believe in it.

In fact, the opposite is true, as without experimental success, no one would actually believe it to be true.

Exactly, but this experimental "success" can be interpreted in many ways from many different theoretical schemes. You know of ONE model and I know of at least two.

How would you know what model I subscribe to?

It is quite obvious. If I am mis-representing you please correct me.

My only gripe with your posts have been your blatent misrepresentations of the current theories.

No. You simply don't see how they can make sense, but this is because you are seeing them from within the standard paradigm in which they simply do not make sense.

I realize that current theories are only approximations to the complete description of nature, and don't hold to any model like one would to a philosophical or religious position.

Ok, then try and have an open mind please and we can discuss this in a civil manner.

That is where you're confused. It has nothing to do with the alternatives - you are either misrepresenting a theory outright, or asking a question (explained by the theory) that displays that you haven't studied it. As I said before, it's like trying to think outside the box without actually knowing what the box is. [/B]

It simply looks to you that I don't understand the box because of the VAST difference between the interpretive paradigms.

Again you have failed to prove that i don't know the theories that i am talking about.
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  • #84
Originally posted by russ_watters
I'm going to have to disagree with that one. I think you CAN get a decent understanding of the theories by studying them conceptually only - as long as conceptual understanding is all you want or try to use. There is a vast amount that can be learned from (for example) "A Brief History of Time" - a book with but ONE equation.

Amen! Finally someone understands the value of qualitative understanding.

What you CANNOT do without a deep understanding of the underlying math is go beyond the conceptualization of existing theories and complete your understanding of the theories, much less start to derive real proofs for these theories or build new ones.

True to an extent, but the ideas I am espousing are not mine. They come from people who DO understand the math quite well as you will see in this paper by the author of Sorce Theory.
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  • #85
Originally posted by subtillioN
Not knowing the actual equation I gave a description of what relativity theory actually is from my outside pov.

Your outside pov is a cartoon version of relativity.

Einstein said that his "curved space" was meaningless without the conceprt of the ether and that the M&M experiments simply proved that the ether was dynamic and not classically solid.

Not quite. See

The modern conception of the "quantum vacuum" is that it is made out of energy or vacuum fluctuations, both of which are abstractions for properties that the standard model can not causally explain. An abstraction is not a substance thus it is equivalent to nothingness. That was my point. To say that space is curved it must be made out of a substance, as Einstein had intuited.

This is another aspect you're confusing. First off, Quantum theory does not say anything about what space is made of, nor is there any complete quantum theory of spacetime. What you get from current quantum theory is that even in a vacuum, you'll necessarily have a non zero energy content. It says nothing about the space itself, nor that space it made of energy. Second, you need to read up on the concept of fields. The gravitational field is not to be confused with localized fields (such as EM) that are distributed throughout the points spacetime, as it is spacetime. At any rate, this field has many of the same properties that you would probably use to classify something as a substance, and calling it nothingness is silly.

Energy is not a substance and the Standard Model has no clue what energy actually is. Its definition is simply that energy is the ability to do work. So space is composed of the ability to do work? Come on, we humans can do better than that!

See above. Quantum theory (nor GR) does not claim space is made of energy. I can why this confusion would arise, since there seems to be energy everywhere. But any serious look would reveal that GR is the only 1 of the 2 theories that is actually a theory about spacetime.

Right, this was my point. To say that space arbitrarily expands here but not there is to selectively use the definition of space to fit whatever they want. If the fabric of space-time is expanding then it is expanding and all objects embedded in it would expand with it.

How is the difference in geometry between different spaces arbitrary? But wait, that would require the use of math, and specifically geometry. Since Einstein's general relativity is primarily a theory of geometry, to claim you understand it without knowing the geometry is ludicrous.

I never said that it did. I said that one modern quantitative conception is that it is a "zero-energy superfluid".

I think you're confusing the notion of zero point energy with zero-energy. No big deal, but it shouldn't have come up from someone who actually studied the concept of ZPE.

Particles and waves existing paradoxically in a void which somehow (mathematically) can fluctuate. I never denied the wave-aspect to the point-particles.

Your claim that points in a void are fundamental to the standard model is misleading, since the wave function is necessary. The energy distribution fluctuates, and as I said above, quantum theory doesn't actually deal with the background of spacetime or the void itself.

I never said that it did. I said that experiential understanding (common sense or causality) must be abandoned in order to believe in it.

Since when does experiemental understanding have anything to do with common sense in physics?

Ok, then try and have an open mind please and we can discuss this in a civil manner.

Certainly, as soon as you agree not to misrepresent or attack theories you clearly don't understand. That's when discussions can actually turn out to be useful.

Again you have failed to prove that i don't know the theories that i am talking about.

I agree. You did.
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  • #86
Originally posted by subtillioN
Amen! Finally someone understands the value of qualitative understanding.
You either missed or chose to ignore the last sentence in the paragraph. It was just as important as the ones you paid attention to.

And of course the qualitative understanding is only useful if its CORRECT.
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  • #87
Originally posted by Eh
Your outside pov is a cartoon version of relativity.

Enough of the derogatory comments. If you cannot back up your negative opinions then keep them to yourself.

Not quite. See

"He clearly did not mean the kind of ``aether'' which had been envisioned by Maxwell and others in the nineteenth century"

This is what I am talkng about. Maxwell's ether was proven incorrect, but a substance is still necessary, according to Einstein, to explain "curved space".

This is another aspect you're confusing. First off, Quantum theory does not say anything about what space is made of, nor is there any complete quantum theory of spacetime.

The modern versions of Quantum theory say that space is filled with zero-point vacuum energy or vacuum fluctuations. Yet this quantum energy is filling the continuous "spacetime" of relativity. There is no standard understanding of how these items are related. From this abstract, mathematical "quantum vacuum" the theory is free to "borrow energy from the Universe" to create virtual particles exactly where the theory needs them. And yes there is no complete quantum theory of "spacetime". I simply NEVER said there was.

In Sorce Theory, there is ONE substance which produces ALL fields which are mere configurations of this ONE substance. This single substance is the Unified Field itself. There is no need for all these separate fields made of non-connected whatever.

All of this confusion and incompatibility is rendered superfluous. ((I suppose you would consider this statement to be incorrect? Obviously you cannot see it's correctness if you do not know the theory.))

What you get from current quantum theory is that even in a vacuum, you'll necessarily have a non zero energy content. It says nothing about the space itself, nor that space it made of energy.

Subtle nit-picking. Ok so you are saying that space is made of what, then? Nothingness, or "curved-space" which is really some unknown substance with inadequate properties te explain the mechanism of the g-field and the superimposed "quantum vacuum"? So the theory has these two overlapping fields one is quantized and the other is continuous. There is no known mechanism for uniting these fields.

This is exactly where Sorce Theory fits into the picture. It unites the quantum with a deeper understanding of the continuous.

Second, you need to read up on the concept of fields. The gravitational field is not to be confused with localized fields (such as EM) that are distributed throughout the points spacetime, as it is spacetime.

First of all, relativistic spacetime is not made of points. It is a continuous field. Secondly, the theory arbitrarily says that some fields are independent of "spacetime" and others are not. There is no mechanism by which the standard model can unite the fields, but obviously this failure of the standard model does not prove that these fields are not indeed united. What about the higgs field? What about the electric fields inside the atom? If the electromagnetic fields of light expand with space then why not the electromagnetic energy and frequencies within the atom?

This is my point. If spacetime is the root-level then its expansion must be applied to ALL fields within it. There cannot be this arbitrary use of this concept exactly where it produces the desired results. Is the electromagnetic field exempt from the expansion of space or is it not? If it is exempt then there would be no lengthening of the light waves due to expansion. If it is not exempt then the fields within the atom would expand as well.

In the Big Bang it is said that the expansion of space itself is the cause of the red-shift. This is to escape the problem of the acceleration to near light speeds of the "receding" galaxies in the Doppler interpretation. Now you are saying that the expansion of space does not effect electromagnetic fields of which light is made. Well, which is it?

This nonsense is directly caused because the standard model is not a unified field model. From within the unified field model the unified field ("space") is an intimate part of EVERYTHING and if it were to expand then EVERYTHNG would expand accordingly and a relative expansion would not exist because it would be uniform and universal. The expansion would be un-detectable because there simply is no outside reference frame.

At any rate, this field has many of the same properties that you would probably use to classify something as a substance, and calling it nothingness is silly.

My sentiments exactly!

See above. Quantum theory (nor GR) does not claim space is made of energy. I can why this confusion would arise, since there seems to be energy everywhere. But any serious look would reveal that GR is the only 1 of the 2 theories that is actually a theory about spacetime.

Right, I am quite aware of that. The current model is simply far from complete as the most basic item "energy" is still a complete mystery.

How is the difference in geometry between different spaces arbitrary? But wait, that would require the use of math, and specifically geometry. Since Einstein's general relativity is primarily a theory of geometry, to claim you understand it without knowing the geometry is ludicrous.

The geometry is used arbitrarily, even though it is quite formalized... and I do understand the geometry and the transformations. I simply can't do the math which is quite different.

I think you're confusing the notion of zero point energy with zero-energy. No big deal, but it shouldn't have come up from someone who actually studied the concept of ZPE.

It was you who brought ZPE into this picture. You thought I was talking about ZPE when I wasn't. The confusion is yours.

Your claim that points in a void are fundamental to the standard model is misleading, since the wave function is necessary.

The fact is that point-particle ARE fundamental, along with the "wave-nature" as the core paradox of the theory. This ignorance-engendered paradox has been codified into the comforting principle of "complimentarity".

The energy distribution fluctuates, and as I said above, quantum theory doesn't actually deal with the background of spacetime or the void itself.

Ok so what is your point? Simply that the theory is incomplete? That is my point as well.

Since when does experiemental understanding have anything to do with common sense in physics?

What is "experiemental understanding"? I was talking about "experiential understanding", i.e. understanding based on experience with reality.

Certainly, as soon as you agree not to misrepresent or attack theories you clearly don't understand. That's when discussions can actually turn out to be useful.

They are only mis-representations of your notions of truth. If your notions are incorrect that is not my fault and a useful discussion is one in which there is a sufficient amount of diversity to see things from multiple angles.

I agree. You did.

cop out
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  • #88
Originally posted by russ_watters
You either missed or chose to ignore the last sentence in the paragraph. It was just as important as the ones you paid attention to.

So what did I miss? I thought I addressed your points.

And of course the qualitative understanding is only useful if its CORRECT.


If you are claiming that my understanding is incorrect then please demonstrate just how it is. Otherwise you are simply giving your baseless opinion. Which amounts to more un-productive negativity.
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  • #89
Originally posted by subtillioN
"He clearly did not mean the kind of ``aether'' which had been envisioned by Maxwell and others in the nineteenth century"

This is what I am talkng about. Maxwell's ether was proven incorrect, but a substance is still necessary, according to Einstein, to explain "curved space".

No, that is incorrect. Read the page again, as this curved spacetime does not fit the scientific definition of substance at all. Though it should have the properties to convince you that no such classification of "substance" is required.

The modern versions of Quantum theory say that space is filled with zero-point vacuum energy or vacuum fluctuations. Yet this quantum energy is filling the continuous "spacetime" of relativity. There is no standard understanding of how these items are related. From this abstract, mathematical "quantum vacuum" the theory is free to "borrow energy from the Universe" to create virtual particles exactly where the theory needs them. And yes there is no complete quantum theory of "spacetime". I simply NEVER said there was.

You claimed quantum theory says spacetime is made of energy, when it doesn't deal with that spacetime at all. It assumes a fixed background that doesn't interact with matter - much like the classic background stage Newton believed in.

All of this confusion and incompatibility is rendered superfluous. ((I suppose you would consider this statement to be incorrect? Obviously you cannot see it's correctness if you do not know the theory.))

Do you see me attacking the theory I've never bothered to read about? Of course not, that would be downright stupid.

Subtle nit-picking. Ok so you are saying that space is made of what, then? Nothingness, or "curved-space" which is really some unknown substance with inadequate properties te explain the mechanism of the g-field and the superimposed "quantum vacuum"?

We've been through this. Space is the structural quality of the field, and the field is fundamental in GR. Asking what something fundamental is made of is silly. As well, what exactly the precise quantum nature of this fundamental field happens to be, is irrelevant.

So the theory has these two overlapping fields one is quantized and the other is continuous. There is no known mechanism for uniting these fields.

What does that have to do with you not knowing that GR does not say space is nothingness?

First of all, relativistic spacetime is not made of points. It is a continuous field.

Do you even have the slighest clue what it means to be continuous? Once again, geometry comes up.

Secondly, the theory arbitrarily says that some fields are independent of "spacetime" and others are not.

Wow, a new discovery! Can you enlighten us as to which fields GR (or QM??) says are independent of spacetime?

There is no mechanism by which the standard model can unite the fields, but obviously this failure of the standard model does not prove that these fields are not indeed united. What about the higgs field? What about the electric fields inside the atom? If the electromagnetic fields of light expand with space then why not the electromagnetic energy and frequencies within the atom?

Did you not read the exchange between you and Hurkyl
on this very subject in the thread re: the center of the universe? How many times does an explanation need to be repeated for you to read it? The explanation for why asymptotically flat space is all that expands requires some math.

My sentiments exactly!

I don't think you quite understand. My point is that your classification for a substance is unlikely to have anything to do with the scientific notion of substances.

The geometry is used arbitrarily, even though it is quite formalized... and I do understand the geometry and the transformations. I simply can't do the math which is quite different.

The geometry is math. This isn't the easy world of Euclidean geometry with simple visual aids. To suggest you can understand non Euclidean geometry without math is absurd.

It was you who brought ZPE into this picture. You thought I was talking about ZPE when I wasn't. The confusion is yours.

But then, I'm not the one calling the quantum vacuum a zero-energy substance.
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  • #90
Originally posted by Eh
No, that is incorrect. Read the page again, as this curved spacetime does not fit the scientific definition of substance at all. Though it should have the properties to convince you that no such classification of "substance" is required.

You can claim your authority of what is "correct", but it is just another argument. I have my own arguments for you to ignore.

You claimed quantum theory says spacetime is made of energy, when it doesn't deal with that spacetime at all. It assumes a fixed background that doesn't interact with matter - much like the classic background stage Newton believed in.

A complete fiction...

Do you see me attacking the theory I've never bothered to read about? Of course not, that would be downright stupid.

That is what I thought. You ARE attacking it because my statements are correct within its framework about which you are ignorant. They simply don't make sense without the proper background, but does that stop you from assuming that you understand them? Nope, you continue to make your ignorant assumptions.

We've been through this. Space is the structural quality of the field, and the field is fundamental in GR. Asking what something fundamental is made of is silly. As well, what exactly the precise quantum nature of this fundamental field happens to be, is irrelevant.

And so you will never have a unified field theory because the important questions are forbidden.

The fact is that the properties of this "fundamental" field are not sufficient to give the cause of a g-field and the gravitational response to that field.

The properties of the field are simply incorrect and incomplete.

What does that have to do with you not knowing that GR does not say space is nothingness?

I know what GR says space is and it does not have the properties required to explain the mechanism of gravity. Therefore I equate it with a mathematical abstraction which is not equivalent to a physical field, thus it is nothingness despite what GR claims it is.

Do you even have the slighest clue what it means to be continuous? Once again, geometry comes up.

I know geometry well enough and the concept of continuous is quite basic indeed.

Wow, a new discovery! Can you enlighten us as to which fields GR (or QM??) says are independent of spacetime?

It was your point that the em fields are "local" and independent of the expansion of space.

Did you not read the exchange between you and Hurkyl
on this very subject in the thread re: the center of the universe? How many times does an explanation need to be repeated for you to read it? The explanation for why asymptotically flat space is all that expands requires some math.

Hurkyl's points were wrong. Math does not justify this complete nonsense.

I don't think you quite understand. My point is that your classification for a substance is unlikely to have anything to do with the scientific notion of substances.

Unlikely huh? Please do expand on that brilliant point.

The geometry is math. This isn't the easy world of Euclidean geometry with simple visual aids. To suggest you can understand non Euclidean geometry without math is absurd.

Non-euclidean geometry is simple stuff to understand and visualize and I am not as math illiterate as you assume.

But then, I'm not the one calling the quantum vacuum a zero-energy substance.

Neither am I. These descriptions of the "quantum vacuum" as a "zero-energy superfluid" are a standard part of condensed matter physics. Maybe you have some learning to do?
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  • #91
Originally posted by subtillioN

That is what I thought. You ARE attacking it because my statements are correct within its framework about which you are ignorant. They simply don't make sense without the proper background, but does tht stop you from assuming that you understand them? Nope, you continue to make your ignorant assumptions.

Do you have difficulty reading as well? I've never once mentioned this little theory you're promoting. I've only criticized your pretending to understand the theories you're attacking.

I know what GR says space is and it does not have the properties required to explain the mechanism of gravity. Therefore I equate it with a mathematical abstraction which is not equivalent to a physical field, thus it is nothingness despite what GR claims it is.

You don't know the equations, and you aren't familiar with the concept of a field, you don't understand the physical meaning of curved spacetime having an effect on geodesics, yet you somehow are able to pass it off as a mere abstraction.

I know geometry and the concept of continuous is quite basic indeed.

Then how do you explain your last statement? First of all, relativistic spacetime is not made of points. It is a continuous field.... From basic geometry, we've learned that volumes contain an infinite number of points. A continuous space is not discrete, but that hardly discounts the fact that it contains points.

It was your point that the em fields are "local" and independent of the expansion of space.

Now you're making stuff up. And at any rate, your claim was that the theory arbitrarily says that some fields are independent of "spacetime" and others are not, showing once again you don't know what you're talking about.

Unlikely huh? Please do expand on that brilliant point.

Substances are results of atoms. There, that was easy.

It is simple stuff and I am not math illiterate as you assume.

Are you now claiming that you have studied and understand Non-Euclidean geometry? Sounds like an easy claim to test.

Neither am I. These descriptions of the "quantum vacuum" as a "zero-energy superfluid" are a standard part of condensed matter physics. Maye you have some learning to do?

I'd wager no serious particle physicist is actually suggesting the vacuum is actually a superfluid, nor does the comparison to the vacuum imply they are essentially the same thing as you put it. I'd further wager you're just pulling quotes from content you don't even understand. What else is new?
  • #92
Originally posted by Eh
I've only criticized your pretending to understand the theories you're attacking.

You have made claims that you are attempting to justify

You don't know the equations, and you aren't familiar with the concept of a field, you don't understand the physical meaning of curved spacetime having an effect on geodesics, yet you somehow are able to pass it off as a mere abstraction.

You don't know what I know and what I don't know. Why are you still wasting your time with these personal attacks and why am I still defending myself?

Mathematics IS an abstraction. You believe that it is physical reality, that is where physics went wrong and where you blindly follow.

Then how do you explain your last statement? First of all, relativistic spacetime is not made of points. It is a continuous field.... From basic geometry, we've learned that volumes contain an infinite number of points. A continuous space is not discrete, but that hardly discounts the fact that it contains points.

An continuous field is simply not made of points. You are making the same mistake that Zeno made.

Now you're making stuff up. And at any rate, your claim was that the theory arbitrarily says that some fields are independent of "spacetime" and others are not, showing once again you don't know what you're talking about.

Showing only that you don't know what I am talking about.

Substances are results of atoms. There, that was easy.

That is the core error of physics. This error permeates the whole of physics this is why our pov's differ so drastically.

Are you now claiming that you have studied and understand Non-Euclidean geometry? Sounds like an easy claim to test.

I am claiming that I have a good enough understanding of what it is all about to know how it is used and abused in physics.

I'd wager no serious particle physicist is actually suggesting the vacuum is actually a superfluid, nor does the comparison to the vacuum imply they are essentially the same thing as you put it. I'd further wager you're just pulling quotes from content you don't even understand. What else is new?

You would be wrong.
  • #93
You have made claims that you are attempting to justify

He's past the attempt stage.

You don't know what I know and what I don't know. Why are you still wasting your time with these personal attacks and why am I still defending myself?

You haven't demonstrated that you know what you claim you know.

Mathematics IS an abstraction. You believe that it is physical reality, that is where physics went wrong and where you blindly follow.

You've gone wrong by presuming an abstraction is incapable of properly describing physical reality. You've also gone wrong by presuming science can do better than description.

An continuous field is simply not made of points. You are making the same mistake that Zeno made.

Your first statement is correct, but merely because of compensating errors. Fields are essentially functions over spaces which means the field is made of point-value pairs, not points. Spaces are made of points and can most certainly be continuous. It's trivially obvious to anyone who understands geometric concepts.

I am claiming that I have a good enough understanding of what it is all about to know how it is used and abused in physics.

You've merely claimed, not demonstrated, while we have well-refuted that claim. Anyways, Eh seems to have a particular test in mind for this one, I'll wait to see what he has to cook up on this point!
  • #94
Originally posted by Eh
I'd wager no serious particle physicist is actually suggesting the vacuum is actually a superfluid, nor does the comparison to the vacuum imply they are essentially the same thing as you put it. I'd further wager you're just pulling quotes from content you don't even understand. What else is new?

Note that the following papers have nothing to do with Sorce Theory except a broadly similar fluid-dynamic approach to modeling the fundamental level.

Superfluid 3He-A gives example of how chirality, Weyl fermions, gauge fields and gravity appear in low energy corner together with corresponding symmetries, including Lorentz symmetry and local SU(N). This supports idea that quantum field theory (Standard Model or GUT) is effective theory describing low-energy phenomena. * Momentum space topology of fermionic vacuum provides topological stability of universality class of systems, where above properties appear. * BCS scheme for 3He-A incorporates both ``relativistic'' infrared regime and ultraviolet ``transplanckian'' range: subtle issues of cut-off in quantum field theory and anomalies can be resolved on physical grounds. This allows to separate ``renormalizable'' terms in action, treated by effective theory, from those obtained only in ``transPlanckian'' physics. * Energy density of superfluid vacuum within effective theory is ~ E_{Planck}^4. Stability analysis of ground state beyond effective theory leads to exact nullification of vacuum energy: equilibrium vacuum is not gravitating. In nonequilibrium, vacuum energy is of order energy density of matter. * 3He-A provides experimental prove for anomalous nucleation of fermionic charge according to Adler-Bell-Jackiw. * Helical instability in 3He-A is described by the same equations as formation of magnetic field by right electrons in Joyce-Shaposhnikov scenario. * Macroscopic parity violating effect and angular momentum paradox are both desribed by axial gravitational Chern-Simons action. * High energy dispersion of quasiparticle spectrum allow to treat problems of vacuum in presence of event horizon, etc.


Miles F. Osmaston, The White Cottage, Sendmarsh, Ripley, Woking,
Surrey GU23 6JT, UK. Basic concepts. This contribution† is primarily about the transmission of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, our principal source of physical information. Relativity, as its name implies, seeks to describe relationships between entities in various circumstances but
doesn't illuminate the nature of those entities, a gap that quantum electrodynamics and particle physics try to fill. A variety of well-observed phenomena, to be outlined below, appear inconsistent with this currently accepted framework of physics. It will be shown that these phenomena indicate the need for a physics framework that admits the occurrence of TEM-wave transmission effects, a factor explicitly denied in the conceptual basis of Special Relativity (SR). To help with these matters, a continuum (aether) theory (CT) of physical
nature is outlined in which particles are special, rather (but finitely) concentrated, mainly-rotational forms of disturbance of the continuum. Particle random motions imply random motion of the aether, and this affects the propagation of TEM waves by it. Under this
proposal particles are "made" of aether (originally a suggestion of Larmor, 1894), and the Michelson-Morley result is satisfied. The relativity principle, that nothing can exceed the local velocity of TEM waves, will be firmly retained but regarded as only strictly applicable at the smallest scale of physical nature - that of the local aether.
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  • #95
Originally posted by Hurkyl
You've gone wrong by presuming an abstraction is incapable of properly describing physical reality. You've also gone wrong by presuming science can do better than description.

You've gone wrong on both of your assumptions that I am assuming such silly things!

I am claiming quite the opposite!

I am saying that Physics (a description) can do better than its current languishing state! No more no less.

Good descriptions do not self-fossilize. They contain within tthem the seeds of change, i.e. the scientific method and falsification. Let's hope we can ressurect these neglected seeds!

Your first statement is correct, but merely because of compensating errors. Fields are essentially functions over spaces which means the field is made of point-value pairs, not points. Spaces are made of points and can most certainly be continuous. It's trivially obvious to anyone who understands geometric concepts.

I understand your basic geometric concepts, but they are misleading. A continuum is only described and addressed by points. It is not MADE out of them. That would be like saying that infinity is made out of numbers! The infinite is not made out of the finite. It is quite the inverse!

You've merely claimed, not demonstrated, while we have well-refuted that claim. Anyways, Eh seems to have a particular test in mind for this one, I'll wait to see what he has to cook up on this point!

Oh, the herd mentality of the mob!

Get em' boys!
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  • #96
A continuum is only described and addressed by points. It is not MADE out of them.

No, a continuum is "addressed" by coordinates; specifically the coordinates of each point of the continuum.

That would be like saying that infinity is made out of numbers!

An infinite set can most certainly be made out of numbers.

Oh, the herd mentality of the mob!

Get em' boys!

  • #97
Originally posted by Hurkyl
No, a continuum is "addressed" by coordinates; specifically the coordinates of each point of the continuum.

oh ok. point completely missed (no pun intended)

An infinite set can most certainly be made out of numbers.

an infinite set is finite, at best transfinite. a mere symbol...
  • #98
oh ok. point completely missed (no pun intended)

Are you admitting this, or are you trying to imply something?

an infinite set is finite, at best transfinite. a mere symbol...


Care to explain?
  • #99
Originally posted by Hurkyl
Are you admitting this, or are you trying to imply something?

I am implying something that resides outside the boundaries of mathematics...


Care to explain? [/B]

Mathematics is a symbol system. All symbol systems are finite. Mathematics represents infinity but it does not and cannot truly deal with the infinite.
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  • #100
Originally posted by Eh

Have a look at The site has some nice tutorials on the basic ideas of the theory, and math is optional. It also has a very good forum (just ignore the spam bot kx21) where you can ask questions about aspects of the theory without crackpots hijacking your thread with their nonsense. Neat flash presentation of the big bang as well.

Thank you.

What is a spam bot kx21?
  • #101
Here is another quite interesting string-based theory.

[[[ quite overly complex if you ask me...]]]
  • #102
I am implying something that resides outside the boundaries of mathematics...

How and why would something lie outside the boundaries of mathematics? And if something does, do you understand the ramifications that implies to a logical understanding of that something?

Mathematics is a symbol system. All symbol systems are finite. Mathematics represents infinity but it does not and cannot truly deal with the infinite.

You're making the same mistake Mr Parsons was making on the "infinity" thread.
  • #103
Originally posted by mitch bass
What is a spam bot kx21?
A spam bot is a computer applet that generates spam in chat rooms. Much like...ah, nevermind.
  • #104
Originally posted by Hurkyl
How and why would something lie outside the boundaries of mathematics?

pure hubris! do you think the thought systems of man are all that exist?

And if something does, do you understand the ramifications that implies to a logical understanding of that something?

physical reality lies outside the realm of mathematics and logic, but it can be understood logically AND an extent.

what ramifications? A system of thought is an approximation of reality. It can never be absolutely complete.

You're making the same mistake Mr Parsons was making on the "infinity" thread.

Nope. Quite different actually. Mr.P said that we cannot even think about infinity. I am saying that we can easily think about it and understand it but we cannot actually use it or properly deal with it in our thoughts. This is simply because the mind and all its symbol systems are finite. There is a subtle but important distinction here if you can grasp it.
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  • #105
Originally posted by mitch bass
Thank you.

What is a spam bot kx21?

There is a poster on the forums there by the name kx21 who apparently created a bot that posts various links to articles, websites and such to the boards. If you post something there, you may get an automated response from the bot with a link to something irrelevant. Just ignore it. Sadly, the moderators have done nothing about this bot and the forum archives are looking quite silly because of it.
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