Selection rules for atomic transitions

In summary, the selection rules for atomic transitions state that the electron must change its orbital angular momentum by one unit in order for a transition to occur. This can be interpreted as a consequence of the photon carrying one unit of spin. However, the Schrodinger equation does not predict spin and it is not explicitly incorporated in the calculations. The selection rules can also be derived from the parity of the original and new electronic wavefunctions. Additionally, the interpretation of these rules is subjective and there are other possible explanations. Ultimately, the selection rules can be viewed as a mathematical fact that certain eigen-modes are difficult to excite by external light waves.
  • #1
Hi, I'm a little confused by the selection rules for atomic transitions. In pretty much any standard QM text, they derive the fact that an electron can't transition in an atom unless [itex]\Delta\ell=\pm1[/itex], i.e. unless the orbital angular momentum changes by one unit. Then the books go on to say that this can be interpreted as a consequence of the fact that the photon carries one unit of spin.

This seems strange to me, since the Schrodinger equation doesn't predict spin, and as far as I can tell, spin is not even put in by hand in these calculations. How do the transition rules somehow predict that the angular momentum must change by one unit when the whole formalism doesn't incorporate spin angular momentum?

It seems like someone working out this effect without any knowledge of spin would have to come up with some other interpretation.

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  • #2
My understanding was that it's down to the parity of the original and new electronic wavefunctions. The electric dipole operator has odd parity (swap all the positions and it points in the opposite direction), and the transition probability is proportional to <new state|electric dipole operator|old state>, so for this integral to be nonzero the new and old states must have different parity values, i.e. <+|-|-> or <-|-|+>, otherwise the two wave-functions will cancel. States with the same l have the same parity, so transitions must involve the electron either gaining or losing one quanta of orbital angular momentum or the integral is zero and the transition is "forbidden".
  • #3
Then the books go on to say that this can be interpreted as a consequence of the fact that the photon carries one unit of spin.

This seems strange to me, since the Schrodinger equation doesn't predict spin, and as far as I can tell, spin is not even put in by hand in these calculations. How do the transition rules somehow predict that the angular momentum must change by one unit when the whole formalism doesn't incorporate spin angular momentum?

It seems like someone working out this effect without any knowledge of spin would have to come up with some other interpretation.

The selection rule is just a rule of thumb; the radiation at frequency corresponding to "forbidden transition" has certain non-zero presence in the spectrum of the gas of atoms. The corresponding lines are just too faint when compared to regular ones.

You are right, there is never one correct interpretation. That's why the word "interpretation" - it is often very subjective view of what it all means and there are usually more than one.

Spins and photons indeed do not figure in the basic Schr. equation, but the selection rule still follow from the latter. This can be viewed as a purely mathematical fact, that certain eigenvibrations of Schr. equation are hard/impossible to excite by external light wave. This happens in simpler models too, for example a set of coupled harmonic oscillators can have eigen-modes which are hard to excite by external light wave.
  • #4
Schrodinger eqn does not predict the nature of intrinsic spin,but it does predict orbital angular momentum.The change in total angular momentum is ±1 which can be derived from other means like invoking group theory.The result can be interpreted if we say photon has spin 1.By the way it is possible to prove using maxwell eqn that photon does have spin 1 character.

FAQ: Selection rules for atomic transitions

What are selection rules for atomic transitions?

Selection rules for atomic transitions are a set of guidelines that determine which transitions between energy levels in an atom are allowed and which are forbidden. They are based on the conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum.

What is the significance of selection rules in atomic transitions?

The selection rules are important because they help us understand and predict the behavior of atoms and their interactions with electromagnetic radiation. They also provide a framework for interpreting experimental data and designing experiments.

How do selection rules differ for different types of transitions?

The selection rules for different types of transitions, such as electric dipole, magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole, are based on different conservation laws and have different restrictions. For example, the electric dipole selection rules are based on the conservation of parity, while the magnetic dipole selection rules are based on the conservation of total angular momentum.

Can selection rules be violated?

In some cases, selection rules can be violated due to small perturbations or interactions with external fields. However, these violations are usually very weak and do not significantly affect the overall behavior of the atom.

How are selection rules related to the spectral lines of atoms?

The selection rules determine which transitions are allowed between energy levels, and these allowed transitions correspond to the spectral lines observed in atomic spectra. Therefore, the selection rules play a crucial role in understanding and interpreting the spectral lines of atoms.

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