Sensitivity of lock-in amplifier

In summary, the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier is the ratio of the minimum useable signal to noise ratio.
  • #1

I have a quick question whose answer is well-hidden on google since the key word of the search attempts is sensitivity, which of course returns results about phase-sensitive detection, and seemingly phase-sensitive detection only... My question is what the exact definition of the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier is.

cheers :biggrin:
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  • #2
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A question well phrased is half answered.
And I'm not sure I know either what would be meant by "sensitivity" of a lock-in amplifier.

They have an ability to recover a weak signal out of strong noise. Probably a practical definition would be an approximate ratio of the minimum useable signal to noise ratio, but I'm kinda guessing.

Since a lock-in amplifier is effectively multiplying two signals, and how well that works depends on the phase between them, they employ "Phase Locking" to optimize.
And that's not a straightforward subject.

Try searching on terms"PLL capture ratio"

and peruse this practical article:

maybe you'll elaborate on where you ran across the term.
  • #3
There is plenty (and very good) information about lock-in amplifiers, so I have read my fair share. Therefore I have got an intuition what the sensitivity of the lock-in amplifier would specify, but this wasn't enough for a reliable conclusion.

Your guess makes sense, but the ratio mentioned is actually the traditional definition of dynamical reserve, which is the ratio of the largest tolerable noise signal to the full-scale signal.

Back to the question. I found an "extended" manual where the following were presented:

Vout = 10A_e(A_vV_icosØ+Vos) {if the output is X}

A_e= 1 or 10 per the Expand
A_v= 1/Sensitivity
V_i= magnitude of the signal
Ø = phase between signal & reference
V_os = offset (fraction of FS < 1.024)

  • #4
freddyfish said:
There is plenty (and very good) information about lock-in amplifiers, so I have read my fair share. Therefore I have got an intuition what the sensitivity of the lock-in amplifier would specify, but this wasn't enough for a reliable conclusion.

Your guess makes sense, but the ratio mentioned is actually the traditional definition of dynamical reserve, which is the ratio of the largest tolerable noise signal to the full-scale signal.

Back to the question. I found an "extended" manual where the following were presented:

Vout = 10A_e(A_vV_icosØ+Vos) {if the output is X}

A_e= 1 or 10 per the Expand
A_v= 1/Sensitivity
V_i= magnitude of the signal
Ø = phase between signal & reference
V_os = offset (fraction of FS < 1.024)


Intuition usually gets one close -- even if pointed in wrong direction !

Where there's not a universally accepted term for something, authors will often use what is intuitive to them. Is this an old reference, perhaps from 60's ?

Looking at your equation, my intuition tells me the author uses A_v for "Amplification(of) Voltage"

which is a term I used to run across way back when... it meant simply Voltage Gain.
The product of V_i and reference is product of their magnitudes X cos(angle)
i'll guess V_i is multiplied by A_v before arrival at the multiplier
and magnitude of reference is accounted for by A_e

So, 'sensitivity' to that author is simply: 1/(gain applied to input signal)

but that's just what feels intuitive to me.

I'm not well versed in lock-in amps as you have doubtless discerned.
My 'Rock of Ages' for this subject is the AD630 datasheet. It provides precise A_v of 1, 2, 3 or 4 before presentation to multiplier..

that's my best stab at it - doubtless there's somebody here more expert.

old jim
  • #5

Hi there,

The sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier refers to its ability to detect and amplify small signals within a noisy environment. It is typically measured in terms of the smallest input signal that can be reliably detected and amplified by the amplifier. This sensitivity is important in many scientific and engineering applications where the signal of interest is weak and needs to be extracted from background noise. The sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier is affected by various factors such as the amplifier's noise level, its dynamic range, and the quality of the input signal. I hope this helps answer your question!

FAQ: Sensitivity of lock-in amplifier

What is a lock-in amplifier and how does it work?

A lock-in amplifier is an electronic device used to extract a small signal buried in a large amount of noise. It works by multiplying the input signal with a reference signal and then filtering the output to remove all frequencies except the one being measured.

Why is the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier important?

The sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier determines its ability to detect small signals. A higher sensitivity means the device can measure smaller signals with greater accuracy.

What factors affect the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier?

The sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier is affected by the noise level, the reference signal frequency, and the bandwidth of the filter used. It is also influenced by the quality and stability of the device's components.

How is the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier measured?

The sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier is typically measured in units of volts per root-Hertz (V/√Hz). This measures the smallest voltage change that the device can detect at a specific frequency.

Can the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier be improved?

Yes, the sensitivity of a lock-in amplifier can be improved by using a low-noise amplifier, optimizing the reference signal frequency, and using a narrow bandwidth filter. It is also important to minimize external noise sources and ensure the device is properly calibrated.
