Separable differential equation

In summary, a separable differential equation is an ODE that can be written as dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) and g(y) are functions of x and y respectively. The main difference between separable and non-separable differential equations is their solvability, with separable equations being solvable analytically. To solve a separable equation, the variables must be separated and then integrated, with a constant of integration included. These equations are significant in many fields of science, particularly in physics and engineering. However, they have limitations, such as only being applicable to first-order equations and not all equations can be written in separable form.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to solve this equation:

dN/dt = k(10 000 - N(t))

The attempt at a solution

dN/10 000 - N(t) = k dt

I integrate, and I'm left with:

- ln l10 000 - N(t)l = kt +C

I raise both sides with e. I don't know what e^- ln(xxx) is so I multiply both sides with -1

l10 000 - N(t)l = e^(-kt) * e^(-C) = -Ce^(-kt)

I now get the following:
N(t) = -10 000 - Ce^(-kt)

However the correct solution according to my book is:
N(t) = (+)10 000 - Ce^(-kt)

I am left with three questions:

1. What is e^- ln(...)?
2. Was I correct in making letting l10 000 - N(t)l = 10 000 + N(t) ?
3. What did I do wrong?

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Physics news on
  • #2
You're almost there, when you took exponentials you should have obtianed:
I don't know what you said [tex]e^{-C}=-C[/tex] and hence:
and you would use the initial conditions to find A.
To answer your questions though:
1)[tex]e^{-\ln X}=e^{-1\times\ln X}=e^{\ln X^{-1}}=X^{-1}[/tex]
2) No, if N(t)<10^{4} then |10^{4}-N(t)|=10^{4}-N(t)
3) See above
  • #3
hunt_mat said:
You're almost there, when you took exponentials you should have obtianed:
I don't know what you said [tex]e^{-C}=-C[/tex] and hence:
and you would use the initial conditions to find A.
To answer your questions though:
1)[tex]e^{-\ln X}=e^{-1\times\ln X}=e^{\ln X^{-1}}=X^{-1}[/tex]
2) No, if N(t)<10^{4} then |10^{4}-N(t)|=10^{4}-N(t)
3) See above

Wow, that was quick!
Could you explain what A is equal to? I raise - kt - C with e and get [tex]e^{-kt}*e^{-C}[/tex]. How did you get A?

Also, it seems I have missed something when it comes to absolute values, could you explain why N(t) becomes negative and 10^4 becomes positive?

The initial conditions are that N(0)=200
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  • #4
[tex]A=e^{-C}[/tex], you find this by setting t=0 and using N(0)=200. The abolsute value is defined as:
|x|=x\quad x\geqslant 0,|x|=-x\quad x<0
  • #5
hunt_mat said:
[tex]A=e^{-C}[/tex], you find this by setting t=0 and using N(0)=200. The abolsute value is defined as:
|x|=x\quad x\geqslant 0,|x|=-x\quad x<0

Thanks so much!
How do you determine N(t) is less than zero? Should I enter a value for t or something?

Furthermore, my book has taken a slightly different approach ending up with:

l N(t) - 10 000) l = Ce^(-kt)

They then conclude that N(t) = 10 000 - Ce^(-kt) because N(t) is equal to or less than 10 000. That would seem to contradict the previous statement if I interpreted the symbol [tex]x\geqslant[/tex] correctly.
hunt_mat said:
|x|=x\quad x\geqslant 0
  • #6
I didn't, I stated that:
10^{4}-N(t)\geqslant 0\Rightarrow |10^{4}-N(t)|=10^{4}-N(t)
  • #7
hunt_mat said:
I didn't, I stated that:
10^{4}-N(t)\geqslant 0\Rightarrow |10^{4}-N(t)|=10^{4}-N(t)

I wasn't accusing you of anything, I'm only trying to figure out how this works.

How do I determine the value of N(t) if at all? I am still clueless.

Why is this true:

[tex]N(t)-10^{4}\geqslant 0\Rightarrow |-10^{4}+N(t)|=-(-10^{4}-N(t))[/tex]

[tex]10^{4}-N(t)/geqslant 0\Rightarrow |10^{4}-N(t)|=10^{4}-N(t)[/tex]

[tex]|x|=x\quad x\geqslant 0[/tex]

It doesn't make sense to me. The first two statements seem to contradict each other IMHO.
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  • #8
I know you weren't. I was clarifying.
N(t)-10^{4}\geqslant 0\Rightarrow |-10^{4}+N(t)|=-10^{4}+N(t)
Is true be definition as |x|=x if x>0.
Once you get rid of the modulus sign, you can just re-arrange.
  • #9
You know this from solving the diffential equation:
Rearrange to obtain:
We find A by using N(0)=200, hence:
Does this help at all?
  • #10
Yes it does :-)

I think you meant[tex]N(t)-10^{4}< 0\Rightarrow |-10^{4}+N(t)|=-10^{4}+N(t)[/tex]
  • #11
I don't think I did, I think that 10^4-N(t)>0.
  • #12
My book states the following:
N(t) ≤ 10 000 => N(t) - 10 000 ≤ 0 => l N(t) - 10 000 l = -(N(t) - 10 000)

You are misunderstanding, please note that I have reversed the values. Like I said, this is the approach the book took, not me. They multiplied by -1 before integrating and got a different modulus.
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  • #13
We're saying the same thing, try to convince youself of that fact.
  • #14
Yup. But back to the N(t) value question. Do you take into account all the values of N(t) when solving the inequality and getting rid of the modulus?

I guess you solve the inequality for N(0) = 200 up to N(x)= 10 000
  • #15
You don't solve any inequalities. All I am saying that saying is that N(t)<10000, and so |10000-N(t)|=10000-N(t), from here on in the derivation goes as I said it did.

FAQ: Separable differential equation

1. What is a separable differential equation?

A separable differential equation is an ordinary differential equation (ODE) that can be written in the form of dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) and g(y) are functions of x and y, respectively. This means that the derivative of the dependent variable y can be expressed as the product of two functions that only involve x and y separately.

2. What is the difference between a separable and non-separable differential equation?

The main difference between a separable and non-separable differential equation lies in their solvability. Separable differential equations can be solved analytically by applying integration techniques, while non-separable equations often require numerical methods to find approximate solutions.

3. How do I solve a separable differential equation?

To solve a separable differential equation, you need to separate the variables x and y on either side of the equation and then integrate both sides. This will result in an equation that can be solved for y in terms of x. It is important to remember to include a constant of integration when integrating.

4. What is the significance of separable differential equations in science?

Separable differential equations are used in many fields of science to model various phenomena. They are particularly important in physics and engineering, where they can be used to describe the behavior of physical systems, such as the motion of objects or the flow of fluids. They are also used in biology, chemistry, and economics, among other disciplines.

5. Are there any limitations to using separable differential equations?

While separable differential equations are useful in many applications, they have certain limitations. One major limitation is that they can only be applied to first-order differential equations, meaning that the highest derivative in the equation is of first order. Additionally, not all differential equations can be written in separable form, so other methods must be used to solve them.

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