Separation of the centre of mass motion

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of translation invariance in quantum mechanics and its relation to the Hamiltonian. The first question is about the explanation or physical interpretation behind the fact that the Hamiltonian has a purely essential spectrum due to the system's translation invariance. The second question is about the rationale behind "breaking" the translation invariance by fixing the center of mass at the origin, and how it leads to interesting spectral information. The expert provides clarification on the role of total momentum as the generator of translations and explains that the center-of-mass motion separates from the relative motions of the particles. They also discuss the implications of this separation for the system's spectrum and how it leads to bound states in different scenarios.
  • #1

I got a questions and appreciate obv any reply. I am regarding to Capitel 12, page 128ff. from Gustafson, Sigal; Mathematical Concepts for Quantum Mechanics.

So, let's consider on $L^2(\mathbb R^n)$
H_n= \sum_{j=1}^n \frac{1}{2 m_j} p_j^2 +V(x)
where $$p_j=-i\hbar\nabla_{x_j},\qquad V(x)=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i\neq j} V_{ij}(x_i-x_j)$$ is teh momentum operator.

Separation of the centre-of-mass

the latter Hamiltonian has purely essential spectrum, cause it commutes with the total translation of the system
$$ T_h: \psi(x_1,\ldots,x_n) \mapsto \psi(x_1+h,\ldots,x_n+h) $$
First Question: is there a explanation or physical Interpretation behind, why this follows from translationinvariance?

we are now on page 129 middle.

So, now we "break" the translation invariance, with fixing the centre of mass at the origin, to get some interessting spectral information.
Second Question: I don't understand, why we break the system, cause i don't get if we then got some interessting informatino about the spectrum, the old Hamiltonian still have purely essential spectrum. Arent we looking for his Spectrum. I think, I need some hit in the right direction, to understand this.

if further information for the system/ or sth else is needed pls let me know.

bests, tks in adv
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  • #2
Ad Question #1: The total momentum is the generator of translations of the system as a whole, and it commutes with the Hamiltonian. Thus the energy eigenfunctions do not change under translations.

Ad Question #2: Of course, you don't break any symmetries just by introducing new variables that are more adequate to describe your system. Thus the formulation that you break translation invariance is misleading. What happens is that the center-of-mass motion separates from the relative motions of the particles. According to Noether's theorem, applied to the invariance under Galilei boosts, the center of mass motion is that of a free particle.
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  • #3
vanhees71 said:
Ad Question #1: The total momentum is the generator of translations of the system as a whole, and it commutes with the Hamiltonian. Thus the energy eigenfunctions do not change under translations.

Ad Question #2: Of course, you don't break any symmetries just by introducing new variables that are more adequate to describe your system. Thus the formulation that you break translation invariance is misleading. What happens is that the center-of-mass motion separates from the relative motions of the particles. According to Noether's theorem, applied to the invariance under Galilei boosts, the center of mass motion is that of a free particle.
tks for the quick reply!

to answer #1: "The total momentum is the generator of translations of the system as a whole" can you outline this a bit pls.
If i get that right, if I have a point $b$ in the spectrum, so cause the corresponding eigenfunctions d not change under translation, so i can perturb it a bit and its still an eigenfunction, so $b+h$ is also an eigenvalue, so its essential?

to answer #2: ok, if free particle, I got a Hamiltonian only with Kinetic Energy($H_1$ relative motion)
H = H_1 \otimes 1 + 1\otimes H_{com},
and as a result i got a part of the centre of mass motion, tho i can apply: long range -> infinite boundstates(min-max-principle) and for short range -> finite (at infinity kinetic energie dominates cause of hardys-inequality the boundstates favoring potential), right?
Still, if i break, i have a broken system, with probably boundstates in the Clusters (depending on the potential, and esp on the ionization threshold), but still if i go back to my old system, I still have purely essential spectrum. But then, why I do this?
  • #4

FAQ: Separation of the centre of mass motion

1. What is the centre of mass motion?

The centre of mass motion is the movement of the point within a system that represents the average location of the mass of the system. It can be thought of as the point at which the entire mass of the system can be considered to be concentrated.

2. Why is it important to study the separation of centre of mass motion?

Studying the separation of centre of mass motion allows us to understand how different parts of a system move in relation to each other. This is useful in various fields such as physics, engineering, and astronomy, where the movement of objects and systems is a crucial aspect of their study.

3. How is the centre of mass motion calculated?

The centre of mass motion is calculated by taking the weighted average of the positions of all the individual particles within a system. The weight of each particle is determined by its mass.

4. What factors affect the separation of centre of mass motion?

The separation of centre of mass motion can be affected by external forces such as gravity and friction, as well as internal forces within the system. The distribution of mass within the system also plays a role in determining the motion of the centre of mass.

5. How does the separation of centre of mass motion relate to Newton's laws of motion?

The separation of centre of mass motion is closely related to Newton's laws of motion, particularly the first and second laws. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. These laws can be used to explain the motion of the centre of mass in a system.

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