Should I Become a Mathematician?

In summary, to become a mathematician, you should read books by the greatest mathematicians, try to solve as many problems as possible, and understand how proofs are made and what ideas are used over and over.
  • #2,101

Mathematics is such a powerful tool that we all need some. Here are a few examples.
Number theory had no serious application for 2 500 years but since the advent of the digital computer number theory has had a major impact on everyday life - online transactions would be impossible without number theory.
Most physical systems involve rate of change so we need calculus to describe these physical processes.
Partial differential equations in Fluid Dynamics explains how water passes by submarines, air flows past aircraft and air flows over formula 1 racing cars.
The entire field of physics - heat, light, sound, fluid flow, gravitation, electricity and magnetism - can all be described by differential equations.
More advanced technologies such as radio, tv, jet commercial aircraft rely on the mathematics of differential equations.
There are millions of other examples.
Physics news on
  • #2,102

I have a question regarding a math major:

Basically, for my degree I'd like to double major in Applied and Computational Mathematics. However I am unsure what I should add to my degree from here - at the moment, I have a few extra units to add to it, but I don't know whether I should add some Computer Science units to it so that I can get a Double Major in Applied and Computational Maths and have a Computer Science Minor, or if I should add more Applied Mathematics units so that I can have a better mathematics major.

Initially, I wanted to have a CS minor, however there are a few Applied Mathematics unit I will be missing out on if I do get one e.g. Fluid Dynamics, Mathematics in Finance (in case I want to go into banking/economics later), and Real Analysis (which I heard is an important unit in any math major).

What would be better, and what would employers prefer in a degree? A double major in maths and a minor in CS, or only a double major in maths but with extra units? (I don't know if this is important, but I do intend on doing a graduate degree once I've finished my bachelors)
  • #2,103

People will give better answers than mine, but it should depend on what you want to do with your degree after graduation. For instance if you want to do actual computation and so a lot of programming, a CS minor would be good. But if you want to do research in applied math, like designing or improving algorithms, proving theorems about numerical algorithms etc, I would suggest the more math the better.

I have my own question from people here: Does it make sense for somebody who is trying to get into grad school to get a recommendation letter from his brother who is a postdoc?
  • #2,104

Real analysis is kinda the staple upper division math class, its absolutely necessary for grad school even if you focus in another area like set theory or algebra. Most of the programs I've seen expect you to have had analysis and topology/axiomatic geometry
  • #2,105

How much do mathematicians get paid and in what way. Is it a fairly politics-free occuption
  • #2,106

Les2.0 said:
Is it a fairly politics-free occuption
Every place where money is involved there's politics.
  • #2,107

Hey mathwonk,

I just had a question for you... Three pronged actually: First I am in medical school right now and have found that the more time I spend in the biological science the more I miss math! Anyway it has been quite a few years since I took Calculus in college and was trying to get back into it. I'm thinking of going through Apostol's slowly and really making sure I remember everything, what do you think?

Secondly, what would you suggest in terms of where to go after I get through Calculus? Linear Algebra? Does Apostol's Vol. II cover all the linear Algebra I would need? Just general advice would be great.

Finally, I was wondering if you know anyone personally who has come back to a math/physics career later in life and made significant contributions. For financial reasons at this point I need to see medicine through to the finish. (Loans!) I'm planning on going for a specialty with the most physics/math in it, but was just curious if I decided to go back to to get my PhD later in life if I would be laughed out of most departments.

Thanks a lot!
  • #2,108

Following Dr. Smith's advice to "read the masters, rather than their students", when I got to the sections on Lebesgue integration in my analysis book, before looking at them I decided to take a look at H.L. Lebesgue's original writings on the subject. Although I can read French, English would be more comfortable. Does anyone know if his "Intégrale, longueur, aire" has been translated?
  • #2,109

I just had my supervisor advise me to use Atiyah Macdonald's Introduction To Commutative Algebra for a first course (with a bit of Artin on the side). Can anyone tell me at what level the book is actually meant for? I had a look on Amazon and the first few pages seem like it's accessible (ie, had no problem understanding it). But I'm a bit intimidated by the fact that some of the chapters are 5 pages long. o_O
  • #2,110

For a first course on what? On algebra or on commutative algebra? And if the latter, have you studied rings and modules before?
  • #2,111

A first course in algebra with some prior knowledge of groups and applied linear algebra. Obviously, I'll do some preliminary work on rings and modules with Artin. But I just wanted to know what kind of student the book is actually written for so that I can prepare myself.
  • #2,112

Well if it's for a first course on algebra, I doubt the material in Atiyah & Macdonald will have any relevance to what will be studied in the course! A first course on algebra usually talks about group while Atiyah & Macdonald is about commutative rings.
  • #2,113

I should have made it clear - it's not a first course... it's more like a first proper encounter. I'm actually doing a supervised reading course. Hence having a supervisor.
  • #2,114

I am not sure why you are not looking at something like Hungerford, Lang, Jacobson, or something like that, but if your advisor thinks Atiyah-Macdonald is appropriate then it probably is. Although it's really weird from your description because that's such an awkward choice for a first PROPER encounter with algebra. More like a course in commutative algebra that is. Actually, it WILL be a course in commutative algebra. But if you find it accessible - well let's see I have a copy here.

Hm I guess it's possible to learn from it things about rings and modules, but...

Maybe your advisor has a secret plan? :rolleyes: Atiyah-Macdonald followed by Hartshorne is always mind-blowing, after all.
  • #2,115


Is that a good thing? What is this Hartshorne you speak of?

His specialty is in algebraic geometry if that helps...
  • #2,116

There we go. Commutative Algebra - Algebraic Geometry (Hartshorne) is the classic way to get into the subject.

He wants to teach you his specialty!
  • #2,117

How come you have a reading course for a first course in algebra?

wouldn't you normally have just as part of coursework?
  • #2,118

I don't see anything wrong with starting with commutative algebra from the get go. I think it could make sense to talk about fields first. I mean geez these are the things that say an a lot of undergraduates work with if they study engineering and physics. I could see a course where you start like this fields -> matrices, vector spaces -> rings -> algebras and modules and then bam you are at the Cayley Hamilton theorem which is in Atiyah & Macdonald.
  • #2,119

I'm special. =P

Well, my uni doesn't have a very strong pure maths programme per se since very few people are actually interested in pure maths so it's all pretty easy. However, they do allow and encourage the capable and ambitious ones to do advanced studies.
  • #2,120

That reminds me of my sorry state at uni.
  • #2,121

This is much like my school. There are only a handful of dedicated math students and even fewer students who want to go on to be mathematicians (probably less than 5? At least 2-3) so standard classes in upper level math beyond algebra and analysis are virtually non-existent(we have number theory, Discrete math, a graph theory course and PDE as well as a number of other classes but these don't run every year and sometimes not at all). However, since there are only a few strong math students, we have full reign over the professors who usually are happy to do an independent study/directed readings course.

I'm looking at Atiyah-Mcdonald and it looks like if follows directly from the Dummit and Foote material in chapter 9; it reviews ideals, maximal ideals, prime ideals nilpotent stuff, algebraic closure. I'm not sure how penetrable the material is without any background, however. It seems kind of odd to go right into a book which seems to presuppose a good deal of knowledge, however it will surely be manageable with the help of a professor.

What do you guys think of Eisenbud's book on commutative algebra?
  • #2,122

Matsumura I like better. But you need to look at both, Eisenbud's book shows that he is very interested in computation. Matsumura is more abstract.
  • #2,123

Well, I'm preparing myself with a few chapters from Artin. I'm hoping that'll make things easier to swallow.

Oh, and I'm confused... is homology a part of algebraic topology? Or is it it's own area? Would Munkres be a good place to learn algebraic topology or would a more specialised book be better?
  • #2,124

Homological algebra and homology (from algebraic topology) are similar.

For algebraic topology, I used Spanier but perhaps nowadays Bredon is much more reasonable choice. I never liked Munkres that much, too expensive.
  • #2,125

What about Massey?

Hmmm... I think I'll do algebraic topology in the second semester... best not to take on too much at one go.
  • #2,126

I have never read that book, so I am not sure. But Hatcher seems popular, just to give you another choice.
  • #2,127

what happened to mathwonk?
  • #2,128

I just realized today that I spent my whole undergraduate years thinking I was going into the topological field.

I'm doing my Master's in Number Theory.
  • #2,129

Don't you find number theory problems are either quite simple, or devilishly difficult? I wouldn't know, I haven't done too much number theory, but that's how it seems.

How did you go from topology to number theory. Did the subject matter of topology lead you to number theory?
I'm still an undergrad, and I thought I was going into algebra, until I took a fun analysis course (my first analysis course was not a fun experience...), and a horrid algebra course. These things depend so much on the text used for me.
  • #2,130

Problems in Number Theory can go from easy to mediocre to hard. Just like anything else.

I went from interests in topology to number theory simply because I didn't think I could do it. Then luckily for me the number theorists at my school asked me to work with him on my Master's. So, I took the offer.

Um... now I just work hard everyday. I'm working harder than I ever had before. With regards to course work.
  • #2,131

Mathwonk, I already asked this in another section but I'm interested in your answer particuliarly. Have you ever looked at Apostol's Mathematical Analysis? If so, have you looked at both the 1st and 2nd edition? Do you think the 1st is inferior to the 2nd and not worth getting?
Last edited:
  • #2,132

Mathwonk hasn't been here in more than a month.
  • #2,133

Werg22 said:
Mathwonk, I already asked this in another section but I'm interested in your answer particuliarly. Have you ever looked at Apostol's Mathematical Analysis? If so, have you looked at both the 1st and 2nd edition? Do you think the 1st is inferior to the 2nd and not worth getting?

2nd edition. It will correct errors from the 1st edition.

Why even ask such a question? Just buy it if you want to learn Analysis.

Second, Apostol isn't the only one either. If you are nervous about the quality, buy something else.

The best books are those that explore the subject and provide the perfect questions. I used to think Spivak was good, but now that I think about it, I don't think it is. I think it is good only if supplied by another textbook to give that nice, even easy exploration or by a really good professor that puts the time into his lectures.

I've never seen an Apostol textbook except his Number Theory book (same guy?), and looks like any other to me.

Note: I judged it, not by its cover, but its table of contents and preface. (Essentially a summary of what to expect.)
  • #2,134

JasonRox said:
I just realized today that I spent my whole undergraduate years thinking I was going into the topological field.

I'm doing my Master's in Number Theory.

What area in number theory?
  • #2,135

How difficult would you(anyone who has completed some substantial part of the book) consider the problems in Atiyah MacDonald's Commutative Algebra? How long should it take to do say, one chapters worth of exercises?

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