Should We Nuke Countries or Promote Global Peace and Sustainability?

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We are all individuals, and we each have our own wants and needs. In summary, the conversation discusses various ideas for creating a better world, including using alternative energy sources, promoting peace and coexistence among religions, and implementing a "free economy" where basic necessities are available to all. However, the conversation also acknowledges the complexities and challenges involved in implementing these ideas.
  • #1
should any country be nuked?

1.why cud we not help countries who want use nuclear,solar,wind and other energy source and stop dpending on oil? this will influence the oil price & cut profits which are objects of greed. Insted of even tingking of NUKING Som Coun3s

2.why cud we not consiously avoid fulfiling Darwin's "survival of the fittest" and insted bcom "survival of all good people of d Earth" and leave population balancing 2 Nature.

3.why cud we not make a common global religion where different religions grow not to hate each kind but co exist in peace. Since All religion believes that LIFE should be allowed to live and be taken away.

4.why can't we generate lots of peaceful persons and make violent or perverse behavior just a concept on history books.
5.Why can't we use & share our knowledge&technology to create a better world for free. I mean can we "design global progams and actions" to prevent hunger,hate, pain,violence & destruction for all human beings.

i believe in FREE economy where the best things in life are and should be free. The air, water,sunshine,,fruits, knowledge,books,ideas, science, technology peace and love. We can do this coz we are on top of the food chain.
I don't want to wait for Jesus to come back and clean us from our mess,Why do we watch Armaggeddon to even happen when we can work to make our own Paradise while we are alive.
We can start with objectives that can be created from the list above.Solutions can be exchage and refined by the good people of this site and others as well. Let's try.
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  • #2
"why cud we not help countries who want use nuclear,solar,wind and other energy source and stop dpending on oil?"

A quick look at international news and you can see how "we" helped other countries get what "we" want them to have.

"why cud we not consiously avoid fulfiling Darwin's "survival of the fittest" and insted bcom 'survival of all good people of d Earth'"

For the same reason *you* don't hand over all your worldy possessions to the first homeless person you come across. You want to keep what you have, and other people want to take it away. This sets up a "survival of self" situation.

"why cud we not make a common global religion where different religions grow not to hate each kind but co exist in peace."

Sure. You start. Your first task is to accept without judgement other peoples' beliefs. Note that these other people believe you are a heathen.

"i believe in FREE economy where the best things in life are and should be free. The air, water,sunshine,,fruits, knowledge,books,ideas, science, technology peace and love. We can do this coz we are on top of the food chain."

Actually, *you* can do this because you are at the top of the "economy chain" - you're in one of the richest countries in the world. If you lived in second-world squalor, you would feel differently.

I'm not trying to slap you down, but these issues are complicated.

The first rule is that you cannot get other people to come around to your way of thinking. If that were the right thing to do, our parents (who always know what's best for us) would never be defied by us.
  • #3

I believe in using evidence and logical reasoning to solve problems. In this case, the issue of whether a country should be nuked cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. It is a complex issue that involves political, economic, and ethical considerations.

Firstly, I agree that instead of resorting to violence and destruction, we should work towards finding alternative sources of energy that are sustainable and do not harm the environment. As you mentioned, this would also reduce our dependence on oil and the greed that comes with it.

Secondly, I do not believe in the concept of "survival of the fittest." It is important for us to work towards a world where everyone has equal opportunities and access to resources. This can be achieved through international cooperation and aid, rather than nuking a country.

Thirdly, I do not think it is feasible to have a common global religion. Religion is a personal belief and imposing it on others would only create more conflict. Instead, we should promote tolerance and understanding among different religions.

Fourthly, I agree that education and promoting peaceful behavior can help reduce violence and conflict. However, it is important to address the root causes of violence, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities.

Lastly, I believe that knowledge and technology should be shared for the betterment of humanity. However, it should not be forced upon others. We should work towards creating a fair and just society where everyone has access to basic necessities and opportunities.

In conclusion, I believe that instead of thinking about nuking a country, we should focus on finding peaceful and sustainable solutions to global problems. It is important for us to work together as a global community and promote love, tolerance, and understanding among all nations.

Related to Should We Nuke Countries or Promote Global Peace and Sustainability?

1. What is the meaning of "share love with one another"?

The phrase "share love with one another" means to spread love and kindness towards others, regardless of differences or similarities.

2. Why is it important to share love with one another?

Sharing love with one another creates a sense of unity and compassion within a community, leading to positive relationships and a more harmonious society.

3. How can I share love with one another?

You can share love with one another by performing acts of kindness, showing empathy and understanding, and practicing forgiveness and acceptance towards others.

4. What are the benefits of sharing love with one another?

Sharing love with one another can improve mental health, increase happiness and fulfillment, and create a sense of belonging and connection with others.

5. Are there any challenges in sharing love with one another?

Yes, sharing love with one another can be challenging at times, especially when dealing with difficult situations or individuals. It requires patience, understanding, and selflessness, but the rewards are worth it in the end.

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