Show deg of minimal poly = dimension of V

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  • Thread starter catsarebad
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In summary, if $V = C_x$ for some $x\in V$, then the degree of the minimal polynomial $u_L$ obtained from linear operator $L: V\to V$ on a finite dimensional vector space is equal to the dimension of $V$. This can be shown by considering the smallest degree $m$ for which the set $\{x,Lx,\dots,L^mx\}$ is linearly dependent, and then showing that this set is also linearly independent. This implies that the degree of $u_L$ is equal to $m$, which is also equal to the dimension of $V$.
  • #1
if V = C_x for some x belongs to V then show

deg(u_L) = dim(V)


L: V -> V linear operator on finite dimensional vector space

C_x = span {x, L(x), L^2(x),....}

u_L = minimal polynomial

my thought:

since C_x = V, it spans V. if it spans v, then degree of minimal poly that we somehow obtain from L should be dim(V). i dunno.

i can't figure out how to connect C_x and L with minimal poly.
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  • #2
If $C_x = V$ for some $x$ (such an $x$ is clearly non-zero), then consider the smallest $m$ for which:

$\{x,Lx,\dots,L^mx\}$ is linearly dependent.

By the definition of linearly dependent, this means we have $c_0,c_1\dots,c_m$ not all 0 with:

$c_0x + c_1Lx +\cdots + c_mL^mx = 0$.

By the minimality of $m$, $c_m \neq 0$.

Thus $L$ satisfies the polynomial (since $x$ is non-zero):

$p(x) = c_0 + c_1x + \cdots + c_mx^m$

Therefore (since $p(L) = 0$) we conclude that $\mu_L|p$.

But if $L^mx$ is a linear combination of $\{x,Lx,...,L^{m-1}x\}$ then any higher power of $L$ is likewise a linear combination of these (you may want to supply an inductive proof of this..up to you).

Thus $V$ = span($C_x$) = span($\{x,Lx,...,L^{m-1}x\}$).

and we have $m = $ dim$(V)$.

The above shows that deg($\mu_L$) $\leq$ dim($V$).

Now argue that $\{x,Lx,...,L^{m-1}x\}$ is linearly independent, to show that:

deg($\mu_L$) $> m - 1$.

FAQ: Show deg of minimal poly = dimension of V

What does "Show deg of minimal poly = dimension of V" mean?

This statement is referring to the relationship between the degree of the minimal polynomial of a linear transformation and the dimension of its associated vector space. It is a mathematical concept that is frequently used in linear algebra and is used to determine the properties of a linear transformation.

Why is it important to show that the degree of the minimal polynomial is equal to the dimension of the associated vector space?

This relationship is significant because it provides insights into the properties of the linear transformation. It can help determine if the transformation is diagonalizable, the size of the Jordan blocks, and the geometric multiplicity of the eigenvalues.

How can one show that the degree of the minimal polynomial is equal to the dimension of the associated vector space?

This relationship can be shown by constructing the minimal polynomial of the linear transformation and using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. The theorem states that the minimal polynomial divides the characteristic polynomial, and since the degree of the characteristic polynomial is equal to the dimension of the vector space, the minimal polynomial must also be of the same degree.

What implications does this relationship have on the diagonalizability of a linear transformation?

If the degree of the minimal polynomial is equal to the dimension of the vector space, then the linear transformation is diagonalizable. This means that it can be represented by a diagonal matrix, making it easier to analyze and compute with.

Are there any exceptions to this relationship?

Yes, there are some exceptions to this relationship. For example, if a linear transformation has a minimal polynomial of degree 1, then it may not be diagonalizable even if the dimension of the vector space is also 1. It is essential to consider other factors such as the geometric and algebraic multiplicities of the eigenvalues to determine the diagonalizability of a linear transformation.
